Reply To: 9/11 Building 7 UAF engineering report continued.

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum 9/11 Building 7 UAF engineering report continued. Reply To: 9/11 Building 7 UAF engineering report continued.


Having said all that, yes, I’d forgotten that Silverstein Properties had WTC7 before leasing the rest of the WTC complex, but you’re right about that and I remembered when you mentioned it. I think it makes no difference; property maintenance is routine, and the prices probably don’t look big if the context is examined.

Beware confirmation bias; any mundane event can look suspicious if you’ve already decided upon the verdict. We must never start from the verdict and work backwards; that’s how the witch trials executed thousands of innocent women, and what landed Lucia de Berk in prison for years. This is why I keep banging on about Chandler’s stuff; it’s seductively simple but totally wrong and misleading. It wrongly makes people so sure that explosives are required to satisfy Newton’s laws that they turn the rest of their thinking back to front.