Reply To: Elections Aftermath: Was our 2019 Vote & the EU Referendum Rigged? #TORYRIG2019

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Elections Aftermath: Was our 2019 Vote & the EU Referendum Rigged? #TORYRIG2019 Reply To: Elections Aftermath: Was our 2019 Vote & the EU Referendum Rigged? #TORYRIG2019

Kim Sanders-Fisher

As a failed, crushed, demonized, ostracised formed Whistleblower I am absolutely sickened that the Labour Party would choose to reward a group of faux outrage charlatans intent on fabricating complaints to deliberately defame the really decent anti-racist, anti-austerity, anti-war, pro democracy, pro environment, pro Palestinian, pro migrant, thoroughly peace loving, humanitarian who is Jeremy Corbyn. When I lost everything, I was on the verge of suicide, but many do not survive. I will be writing to my Labour MP to voice my rage over this grotesque injustice and I would encourage others to do the same.

I feel passionate about this so I was more than happy to contribute to a Crowdfunding appeal made on behalf of Jeremy’s defence Fund. It was set up yesterday and 24hours ago, it had surpassed £55,000 now it has more than doubled that to over 100,000 and still climbing. We really need these fake Whistleblowers exposed in Court and prosecuted for perjury to stop others trying this get lucky scam in future. Real Whistleblowers face a life devastating experience. The GOFUNDME Website is awaiting your visit. This is not just about Jeremy it is about allowing those who speak up for the oppressed Palestinian people to voice legitimate concern without being targeted,