Reply To: I’m leaving this site now because of a recent decision by mods (or one mod?)

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum I’m leaving this site now because of a recent decision by mods (or one mod?) Reply To: I’m leaving this site now because of a recent decision by mods (or one mod?)


@ Ingwe – January 24, 2021 at 21:47

Clark, I understand that you used to be a moderator.

Correct. Clark used to be moderator, but he resigned over four years ago.

Your post makes my point and explains why you’re no longer s moderator.

The comment does support the issue you raised to some extent, but you’re wrong to infer that it explains why Clark is no longer a moderator. It was his choice to resign, just as it was N_’s choice to leave.

Ingwe, you evidently appreciate some of the key dilemmas of moderating a discussion forum, and I hope we can continue this conversation in due course. In the meantime, Clark’s reply @11:03 accurately represents the position of the moderation team.