Reply To: Tone and subtext of SARSCov2 propaganda in Britain

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Tone and subtext of SARSCov2 propaganda in Britain Reply To: Tone and subtext of SARSCov2 propaganda in Britain


There’s an incongruity that pops up repeatedly. Compare:

“Paul Schreyer: Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era?

“You’re deeply afraid of arguments and information which risk changing your mind.”

I’m forever arguing for sweeping changes to the structure of society, whereas conspiracy theorists are forever warning of a “New World Order”, yet insisting that it’s me that’s incapable of change.

Isn’t some kind of new order desperately needed in the world? Is this some kind of conservative cognitive dissonance; that things clearly need to change, but that change is precisely what conservatism opposes? So every large scale problem has to be a hoax or fabricated, and all that’s needed is to expose the hoaxers so that everything else can stay the same…