Reply To: Conspiracy Theorists, Why is Westminster Lifting All COVID Restrictions?

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Conspiracy Theorists, Why is Westminster Lifting All COVID Restrictions? Reply To: Conspiracy Theorists, Why is Westminster Lifting All COVID Restrictions?


Clark: I’ve been wondering for some time how the denialists / conspiracy nuts would explain away the keenness of governments – particularly ours – to lift restrictions, when apparently they were ALL in on it to tie us down with restrictions forever.

What happened to the Master Plan, when it was all going so well?

Trouble is, denialists don’t tend to be bound by the truth. So they can always make something up to explain whatever has just happened or has come to light – even if they’re not so great at predicting what _will_ happen. And when they predict something and it _doesn’t_ happen, they conveniently ignore that bit and will never speak of it again.

So denialists can simply claim that this was all a test run, for the Real Thing which will happen at some definite point in the future. Or that there were enough brave people out there who rumbled the plot, so it had to be called off. Or that everyone was waking up to the fact that nobody had really died from Covid! No – it’s all fake, and everyone was finally listening to them and the truth was becoming too obvious.

SA has a couple of good answers above too. But you’ll never, ever hear a conspiracy nut/ denialist admit that, given the evidence we can all see now, they were wrong. Never. Never ever. In fairness – if they did, they wouldn’t be denialists, would they?