Subscriptions with card not Paypal

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  • #51029 Reply
    Steve Andrews

      Can you not sort the donation page so that people can pay with a credit or debit card without having to use Paypal ?

      #51353 Reply
      Alastair Fleck

        I agree with this post. It is not the first time I have asked Craig why this payment method cannot be accommodated.

        #51602 Reply

          I concur, I’d like to give Craig my former Labour membership dues (now that Corbyns out and Starmers in) but I’m not happy using Paypal. A monthly standing order perhaps? I understand there might be security issues around that but it would be great if it there was some alternative.

          #51603 Reply

            Ooops – I clearly can’t read as there are in fact standing order details right underneath every blog post! Thanks Craig and keep up the good work!

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