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Probability Theory
I used to estimate the probabilities as follows:-
P=0.7 for SM
P=0.15 for the SAH party
P=0.15 for other options
Now ‘other options’ seems to be on the up, I would estimate the probabilities as follows:-
P=0.7 for SM
P=0.1 for the SAH party
P=0.2 for other options
So a p-value is an estimate of the likelihood that certain data is consistent with a hypothesis being true or not being true.
Assuming you mean these are hypotheses that these parties were the primary target? A p-value of 0.05 represents a 5% chance of not being true (= 95% likelihood that it could be true) depending how you state the null hypothesis.
What data was calculated? because this expression requires a mathematical treatment of data, usually using a statistical package e.g. Minitab
None, I believe and assume because there isn’t any data that we know about so you are guesstimating and then expressing your gut guesses as you would if you could calculate with hard data.
I understand the frustration that we don’t have (even basic) data but I think this representation is not very valid to say the least.
Finalement! La même empreinte, le même modus operandi, le même DNA, la même signature, le même film.
“Lynch et son associé Sushovan Hussain, qui est mort après avoir été renversé par une voiture à Londres le jour où le Bayesian a coulé”
Munique 5 Septembre 1972
Nous savons désormais que la cible était Iqbal.
Does any body know what this means.
In the English?
Now, we know that the target was Iqbal.
“Lynch and his associate Sushovan Hussain, who died after being hit by a car in London on the day the Bayesian sank”
Norton, why are you acting stupid?
et WBM aurait pu être le capitaine du voilier…
James Dudley Thompson – Saad al-Hilli
“Now, we know that the target was Iqbal.”
September 9, 2024 at 00:04
Bacchus I wish you would share, how you know this?
However your post has just flashed a signal through my mind.
Two of Iqbal’s husbands died on the same day, as did Iqbal and her “mother” & one of her daughter’s was also shot.
So, Iqbal had the most family killed on the same day, she may well be central to the massacre.
It has occurred to me that Saad al-Hilli may have been acting in a similar way to Iqbal as did James Dudley Thompson.
They could both be “husbands” that were found for Iqbal, giving her a safe nest to rest up in, till she was activated?
This scenario could have merit, perhaps in part but this would logically mean that Iqbal was hidden by the US and then the UK, sleeping in order to perform some function in her previous native environment. I think there are strikes against that specific idea.
i) You don’t normally marry and have kids with your cover colleague
ii) You don’t really need cover in your protected countries; you can just go to work at Langley or Vauxhall Cross.
iii) That function would have involved travelling to another Western Country, not her native environment
Remember also that whoever was the killer was aware or became aware, of how she had been hidden in the US and UK
It could however be that after being hidden many years for good security reasons, an important function came up for which she was eminently useful (and discardable).
Such a function was not so much blending in in the ME but meeting someone in France (who would have known her from her past?)
Brainstorming on this scenario though leads me to another:
Perhaps it was instead a mission of the Al Hillis? A lost relative contact she couldn’t have passed up? Meeting Sueyla also and the whole family was therefore desirable. Was it some kind of bait? a reunion offered with someone from her secret past which got her into the open?
Sometimes it has been stated that Iqbal was a dentist.
If she was a qualified dentist she did not seem to go to work.
Yet a qualified dentist could probably earn more money than an engineer.
Then look at the French side.
Sylvain was apparently supported by his spouse/partner. Nominally he looked after their child, yet he could at the drop of a hat, go off to be involved in other activities.
Same might be claimed for W.B.M. he could go off and get involved in other activities in the U.K. or France.
I can smell coffee.
I feel as though one of my first instincts was correct.
Suhalia was not the genetic mother of Iqbal.
Suhalia may have recruited Iqbal.
And or have been her handler/controller.
Iqbal has been a sleeper, in more than one country.
The story has been that Iqbal was training to be a dentist or perhaps was a dentist but there has not been any proof she worked as a dentist or worked in a dentist surgery or in a hospital in England.
This is a thin cover story, barely good enough to throw at the neighbours in Claygate.
Perhaps Zaid al-Hilli knows the story of Iqbal’s employment, after all, he did live with them for a while.
I suspect Saad was selected as a safe and believable “husband” for Iqbal, to give her some protection and as a cover, he has also acted as her driver.