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The Presence of Evil July 25, 2024: - I have frequently explained that when I sat in the International Court of Justice and heard Israel's lawyers tell lie after lie to justify or excuse the Gaza genocide, I could feel I was palpably in the presence of evil. At least in the Hague you could also feel and indeed observe that most people in the courtroom - including the majority of the judges - were repulsed by the evil. Yesterday that same evil, and the same lies, was manifested in the US Congress by Netanyahu, to an audience which glorified, reflected and amplified that evil. Let us not…
Who is Running America? July 22, 2024: - There is an argument to continue the convention of referring to the President of the United States as the most powerful man in the world. The dollar has not quite yet been replaced as the world's international reserve currency and Bretton Woods still, creaking and cracking, holds. China is now the manufacturer of the world and its brands are no longer laughable worldwide. The United States has just sustained massive damage to its soft power from its support for Gaza genocide. But China still plays the long game, relying on trade, investment and loans to increase its economic reach. It…
Existence vs Expansion July 20, 2024: - In its reaction to the International Court of Justice's crystal clear ruling on occupied Palestine, the Labour government has disgracefully attempted to ignore the ruling and to continue the Tory policy of total support for Israel. The UK statement says that: The Foreign Secretary was clear on his visit to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories earlier this week that the UK is strongly opposed to the expansion of illegal settlements and rising settler violence. But of course it is not the expansion of Israel's illegal settlements that is at issue. It is their existence. New Labour's position is that…
Scotland’s Rampant Corruption July 19, 2024: - Under Sturgeon, Scotland was in thrall of an incredible degree of rampant corruption that included government, civil service, police, prosecutors and judiciary. Listen to this simply stunning speech in Parliament yesterday by David Davis MP and you will understand precisely why I spent four months in jail, almost all in solitary confinement. It is time for a public inquiry, led by judges from outside Scotland. ------------------------------------------------ Forgive me for pointing out that my ability to provide this coverage is entirely dependent on your kind voluntary subscriptions which keep this blog going. This post is free for anybody to reproduce or…
A Shocking Paucity of Ambition July 18, 2024: - An old man in a comic opera uniform was dragged by carthorses in a gilded carriage through the streets of London, then bedecked in diamonds and more gold, all to very little purpose. That we truly have a uniparty could not be better proven than by a new captain taking over the ship of state, and not moving the tiller one inch, instead merely making minute adjustments to the trim of the sails. Take the centrepiece Great British Energy company, to be sited in Scotland as a butcher's apron branded beacon of unionism. GBE will invest in renewable energy with…
The Muslim Vote July 17, 2024: - With Gaza genocide as the galvanising issue, in seats where Muslims are over 30% of the electorate, Labour's vote share plunged from 65% in 2019 to 36% at the 2024 general election. In Blackburn, where I stood, Labour's vote share dived incredibly, from 65% to 27%. This in a general election where Labour won a huge majority. The strategy to stand anti-Gaza genocide candidates and show Starmer that Labour cannot, as in the past, take the support of Muslim voters for granted, was therefore a success. Four anti-genocide Independent MPs were elected, taking seats from Labour. However, if you look…
Assassination and Trump’s Mentality July 15, 2024: - Six months ago I said to a well-known public figure that the US intelligence agencies had destroyed Trump's first Presidency and that, in a second chance, he would have to uproot their entire leadership or simply let them continue to run the country and concentrate on making money for himself. My contact replied that they had recently been told by Tucker Carlson that Trump was very aware of the danger that the intelligence services would have him assassinated. Trump was therefore likely to go for the second option. The last sentence was the musing of my contact, not of Tucker…
The Election Where Nothing Changed July 12, 2024: - What exactly has changed as a result of that election, other than a different team of snouts in the trough? Starmer's first act as Prime Minister of the UK was to attend a NATO warmonger fest and promise unlimited resources to keep the terrible and unwinnable war in the Ukraine going. In addition he is pledging to increase UK "Defence" spending to 2.5% of GDP, or over £18 billion a year extra - a massive bonanza for the arms industry. Let us be absolutely plain that this is not "defence". There is no country which has any plan or even…
Scotland and Me July 7, 2024: - I left Scotland during this election campaign simply because I thought I could do more good campaigning explicitly for Gaza in a seat where Starmer could be punished for his genocidal zionism. Scottish independence and the freedom of my own country remains the cause closest to my heart. But although Scotland suffers the drain on its resources of every kind that it has suffered every day of the pestilent Union, Scotland's little children are not currently being blown into pieces. I am therefore justified in my prioritisation of Palestine at the moment. I formed an alliance for Palestine with my…
The Rejection of Starmerism July 5, 2024: - Millions fewer people turned out to make Keir Starmer Prime Minister than turned out to attempt the same for Jeremy Corbyn. That is the most important fact of this election, and the one the mainstream media works hardest to hide. TOTAL LABOUR VOTE Corbyn 2017: 12,877.918 Corbyn 2019: 10,269,213 Starmer 2024: 9,634,399 I don't think any Prime Minister has ever come to power with less popular enthusiasm than Keir Starmer. Here in Blackburn we had an astonishing result. I was working on projections which had the Labour vote falling from 29,000 to 15,000 which seemed amazing enough. Although on the…
Closing Blackburn Rally With Roger Waters July 3, 2024: - Yesterday was unforgettable. We have campaigned with open hearts and honed minds, against the slough of corruption which is politics under modern capitalism. Free Palestine and free us all!
The Happiest of Days June 25, 2024: - I cannot tell you how happy I am at Julian's release. It is 4.00am and I haven't been to bed yet. I have spoken to John Shipton but everyone else is on a plane en route to Australia. The guilty plea is of course coerced in the extreme and nobody should take it seriously. It gives a chance to claim hollow victory to the odious Biden regime, at the cost of a terrible precedent in law classifying journalism in espionage. But the precedent is only in a court of first instance so is not binding. I should be plain I…
What Really Happens in Blackburn June 24, 2024: - When I stood in Blackburn against foreign secretary Jack Straw in 2005 as an anti-Iraq war candidate, Jack Straw's campaign manager was Ibrahim Master. He is now the campaign manager of "Independent" candidate, vote-splitter Adnan Hussain. This is him on the right campaigning with Adnan. When I attended a meeting with Adnan until 2.30am three nights ago to try to resolve the vote split that could let Labour back in, Ibrahim Master was in the meeting as Adnan's second, and did much of the talking. Jack Straw was the Foreign Secretary personally responsible for the war in Iraq and the…
The Leaving of Blackburn? June 20, 2024: - With a very heavy heart I have agreed to the toss of a coin to decide whether I or local independent candidate Adnan Hussain should stand in BLackburn. I feel I am letting down all those who helped and crowdfunded me, and all our local supporters. The amazing support is swelling every day. But the last minute decision by Blackburn's independent group of councillors to run a candidate against me, gives the real danger that Genocide Labour will win. As I was unable to agree in a late night meeting with their young candidate yesterday who should step down, I…
Craig Murray in Lahore: Interview With Moeen Azhar, Media City Lahore June 19, 2024: - This wide ranging interview took place in Lahore in May this year while on a tour from Lahore to Chittral. I also met with the PTI leadership and with Imran's legal team. I also got to umpire some cricket matches, including at the wonderful Lahore Gymkhana, venue of Pakistan's first ever Test Match, and at Langlands, Chittral in the Hindu Kush which may be the world's highest cricket pitch.
Public Meeting On Gaza Genocide With Chris Hedges and Richard Medhurst Blackburn 13 June 2024 June 16, 2024: - This was a fabulous meeting to a packed hall. There were moments in both Chris and Richard's speeches where you could have heard a pin drop and breath was held. Craig Murray, Richard Medhurst and Chris Hedges talk to a packed hall in Blackburn about Palestine@CraigMurrayOrg @richimedhurst @ChrisLynnHedges— Gordon Dimmack (@GordonDimmack) June 15, 2024 [ The speeches begin at the following points: 0:00 Introduction, by Craig Murray 01:42 Chris Hedges 25:04 Richard Medhurst 46:07 Craig Murray Chris Hedges has also posted a discussion between all three speakers which took place after the main event. ]
Ten Facts About Craig Murray – Numbers 3, 4 & 5 June 15, 2024: - The election campaign is so frenetic that I haven't had time to put these out daily, even though they have been going out on other social media. So here we have ten facts about Craig Murray numbers three, four and five
Craig Murray’s Extraordinary Election Campaign June 13, 2024: - This is pretty candid with Crispin Flintoff of Not the Andrew Marr Show
Ten Facts About Craig Murray Part 2 June 12, 2024: - In the second instalment of 10 facts about Craig Murray, I talk about tuition fees.

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