Iraq Inquiry Cover-Up 17

Still in Ghana, and the “Broadband” connection here can’t handle the live feed of the Iraq Inquiry, so I am following through the Guardian blog.

This struck me strongly:

11.09am: Lyne asks if the window the weapons inspectors were given to operate in was “so small it was not a window at at all”.

Meyer says he discussed this in a memo to London. He says he has not been abel to find it. It’s about the fourth time he has said that the inquiry has not been able to produce a document that he knows existed. So much for Chilcot being able to see everything!

It is of course possible that documents are being kept from Chilcot. It is however much more likely that Chilcot and his “independent” team of known Iraq War supporters are colluding in suppressing the documents.

I have to say that I rather like Christopher Meyer. I don’t put him forward as a candidate for sainthood, but he is the second witness (after Bill Patey) who is in fact a nice person. His evidence appears pretty candid and a damning confirmation that Blair was set on war for years before it was admitted, and that the whole WMD “issue” was a pretext.

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17 thoughts on “Iraq Inquiry Cover-Up

  • MS

    However much they try to suppress,there’s been pretty damning evidence coming out already – if this is just the beginning,it will reveal more than previously thought!

    But what exactly is the objective of this inquiry,if not apportion blame or hold people to account??

  • ingo

    The objective is to give absolution to those coming through the door and opening their mouth.

    Blair shopuld not be called, there is no need for him to appear, because there’s already enough evidence pointing to his lies, so should he get immunity by being called up to testify, whatever that means in whitewash committee as such.

  • Jives

    Getting alot of media focus on that ball-crushingly tight Blair photo op with Bush at Crawford April 2002…

    The war was a done deal even then-regardless of those pesky things like facts…


  • AyeWeCan


    You are right to be vigilant and sceptical, but so far the hearings have been pretty revealing. The truth, if not the absolute truth, is slowly emerging. I also think the public can interpret what a “mising document” means.

    And you are are also right on Meyer – another not too bad ex diplomat!

  • Jives

    The main impression i get from this inquiry is just how helpless the UK career diplomats/civil servants were against The NeoCon juggernaut for war/vengeance.

    These diplomats/civil servants knew the very real folly of this path yet were completely powerless to resist the NeoCon madness..


  • writerman

    I think Blair isn’t ‘merely’ an international warcriminal of the first order, I’d also contend he’s arguably guilty of High Treason as well, though, to be fair, he didn’t act alone in the conspiracy to invade and occupy Iraq.

    Surely his ‘success’ at selling the invasion points to an almost total breakdown of parliamentary democracy as well? How on earth was it possible for one man; granted, a vain, conceited, shallow, shyster lawyer, with a lying, silver tongue,to drag an entire nation, and it’s institutions, into war with such ease?

    The answer seems to be, that under Blair, the role of the PM, was effectively transformed into a kind of dictatorship, or absolute monarchy, where Blair’s actions and power were based on ‘trust’, trust that he was a good king and not a rogue and knave in the service, literally, of a foreign power.

    Parliament, after all, voted, ‘democractically’ for the war. How was it possible for one man, Blair, to get his way and a majority for war? Doesn’t this episode point to degeneration and decay of parliamentary democracy on a truly massive and frightening scale, and this didn’t just happen overnight, did it. It’s part of process of decay of democratic institutions that’s been underway, and accelerating, for a long time. The question is, is it reversable and, if not, where are we heading as a society?

    I believe Thatcher, who started the process of massive concentration of political power in the executive branch of government, in her person as ‘monarch’, began the rot; Blair continued the process and put the final nail in the coffin of ‘democracy’ and literally sold the country to the American empire and turned it into a pathetic vassal state paying ‘tribute’ in the blood of soldiers in their imperial wars of conquest designed to gain strategic control of vital raw materials and potential markets.

    In reality, the UK has become a kind of whore, a Greek rentboy, ready to bend over and be shafted, when the new Rome snaps its bloody and bejeweled fingers, what a fate.

  • mary

    The UK on 26/11/2009

    Drones are coming to an airspace over you. (

    Two Afghan students attacked in Canterbury, the seat of the head of the Church of England. (

    Melanie Phillips is on Question Time tonight. Not John Pilger or anyone else with a heart and mind who could speak out against the injustices but this shrill supporter of the terror state. She will be joined by a comedian Marcus Brigstocke, a friend of Blair, Lord Falconer, David Davis and Nicola Sturgeon.

    The Queen is having a jolly holiday in the Bermudan sun and P Philip is given a pair of red shorts.

    A homeless man goes to sleep in a rubbish bin and is crushed to death (

    Just some observations on the surreality in the day’s happenings and some contrasts.

  • Daniel Simpson

    If Meyer’s basically admitting that he was lying all along, wouldn’t it be more candid for him to say as much? I appreciate that’s asking a lot, but still… Damning confirmations aren’t to be discouraged, I agree, but this long after the fact we might as well wait for the paperwork.

  • John D. Monkey

    Don’t mince your words, writerman, tell us what you really think…

    – not that I disagree.

    But it didn’t start with Thatcher, she merely accelerated an existing nasty trend. Unfortunately it started with Lend Lease and the Marshall Plan (prop. W. Churchill).

  • Ruth

    Perhaps it’s always been the same but now because of the internet we have much better understanding and knowledge of what’s really going on.

    Under Eliabeth 1 weren’t we nicking gold off the Spanish? Now we nick liquid gold among other things. I just wonder how much Iraqi oil has been secretly siphoned off carefully guarded by the UK’s mercenary army.

    And interestingly, the Privy Councillors ‘used to be’involved in many areas, including military affairs, economics, and matters of national interest. So does the power of the Privy Council still remain in tact? Did Blair in fact get instructions from the Council to wage war? Does the Privy Council control the mercenary army in Iraq? I suspect so.

  • LeeJ

    Am I missing something? Meyer emphasised in his comments to the inquiry that the Bush administration “inherited” regime change in Iraq from the Clinton presidency.Now I’ve always known that the Republicans and Democrats are the same beast but for our man in the US to suggest seriously – and not be challenged! – that one administration must continue with the policies of the previous one is taking the piss.

  • anticant

    We have been a satellite of the American empire ever since World War Two, when first under the pretext of the Cold War, and then of needing ‘full spectrum dominance’ to fulfil their self-appointed role of world policemen, the Yanks established hundreds of military bases and eavesdropping sites around the globe.

    I suspect that their hold over the UK because of their military installations and listening posts at Menwith etc. has been absolute for many years now. If we deviated from their policy goals, they would threaten to withdraw intelligence co-operation – or worse. The “special relationship” is that of a fawning poodle to its master.

  • Ingo

    I believe Mr. Meyer, who I agree, is honestly answering questions, used the term ‘ poodle’ish ‘ yesterday, as an adequate description outlining our relationship with the US, as he felt it at the time.

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