Reply To: Vaccine contaminants and safety

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Vaccine contaminants and safety Reply To: Vaccine contaminants and safety

Paul Barbara

Off-Guardian – ‘The Seven-Step Path from Pandemic to Totalitarianism

The following comment, which appears on the above link, is extremely important. I have read or seen on video the info about the PCR test being no test at all for Covid 19, and that the originator never intended for it to be a test for viral infection. Yet this is the ‘test’ the PTB are pushing, to show just how many of us are or have been ‘infected’,when it shows no such thing.

The fact is that there is NO test that is specific for COVID19. In fact the man who won a Nobel Prize for developing the PCR technique, which is presently being used for testing for COVID19 says that it was NEVER MEANT to be used for any diagnostic test. The test is just identifying segments of RNA that can com from any corona virus, of which there are dozens and are very common. (ie. the common cold). We are being played people.
120ReplyApr 25, 2020 11:54 AM’

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