Reply To: New report released: WTC 7 was not destroyed by fire on 9/11/2001

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum New report released: WTC 7 was not destroyed by fire on 9/11/2001 Reply To: New report released: WTC 7 was not destroyed by fire on 9/11/2001


Any structural failure across the entire cross-section of the tower would cause the section above to begin descending, initiating progressive collapse. It doesn’t matter what causes the structural failure. If it occurred very high in the tower, the section above might be light enough that the structure beneath could arrest its descent. If it occurred low enough, the section beneath would suffer complete accelerating progressive collapse, but the top section might also topple; this partially happened to WTC2.

Christianity teaches that all should emulate Jesus. I think there’s great value in that, and I think the story of Jesus is profound, powerful and highly political – a man gave up all pursuit of wealth to become a travelling healer and a teacher of peace and comradeship. He taught that relationship with the divine is personal rather than the preserve of a privileged class, whom he called out as corrupt and hypocritical. He travelled to the capital city where he engaged in civil disobedience, overturning the tables in the temple and dispelling the traders. He foresaw his own end, and thus transformed the traditional ritual of his culture. He was betrayed to the authorities who put him on trial, but they could find no crime. But a rabble had been roused against him and so he was tortured to death in public.

An early chapter in The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov fictionalises a meeting between Pontius Pilate and Jesus. I found it electrifying. But I do not call Jesus ‘Christ’ and I will not call myself a Christian, because I am not superstitious, I reject resurrection, and because Christ means ‘saviour’ and I don’t believe that anything or anyone was saved. On the contrary; since 9/11, it has seemed that all is lost, and the first thing lost was rationality, which I struggle to restore.