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Many words mean different things to different people. I’d be happy to say I’m a socialist when it comes to public services, but alas the word has been very tarnished by the word communism, that is irredeemably linked, fairly or not, with the old Soviet Union, who despite being communist, called themselves socialist, so its a mess.

The problem is when the peasants stop fighting among themselves and recognise the power of the ruling elites, the populist revolt, how do you describe the elite 1%? How do you describe the deep state which rules over us, and clearly exposed by Trump (an anti-racist civic nationalist) and the stolen US election.

I suppose the ‘right’ may call them communists and the ‘left’ calls them fascist, and both would be right, but what name could be used instead to show the ruling elite are the enemy of both left and right? Its difficult as it needs to be something everyone understands, but as soon as you try, the ruling elite, and Clark, will call it anti-Semitic!