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Latest News Forums Discussion Forum I’m leaving this site now because of a recent decision by mods (or one mod?) Reply To: I’m leaving this site now because of a recent decision by mods (or one mod?)


Platty, perhaps I should have written, more charitably, “Oh dear, yet another one taken in by the conspiracy theory”. Now; that evidence.

There can’t be much wrong with PCR tests, and “of or with covid-19” must be a spurious non-issue, or the measured infection rate could not predict the recorded death rate. But it does; the death rate rises and falls following the measured infection rate, lagging by about two weeks.

Here is an archived snapshot of the covid figures for the UK:

Under the second graph down, “Daily New Cases in the United Kingdom”, tick the box for “7 day moving average”, which smooths out the effect of weekends upon collection of statistics. Do likewise for the fifth graph down, “Daily New Deaths in the United Kingdom”.

Look at the shapes of the smoothed curves from September 2020 to January 24th 2021. Note how the peaks in infection precede the peaks in deaths by about two weeks. Note that they rise, fall and rise again, but the pattern of infections predicting deaths remains consistent. Note that the same applies for the shapes of the spring 2020 peaks, even though the size of the infection peak is smaller – but then we know that there was a major shortage of test kits back in spring.

If you or Malcolm Kendrick can tell me how this pattern could occur unless test results and recorded causes of death are substantially accurate, do tell.