Reply To: I’m leaving this site now because of a recent decision by mods (or one mod?)

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum I’m leaving this site now because of a recent decision by mods (or one mod?) Reply To: I’m leaving this site now because of a recent decision by mods (or one mod?)


Platty, yes, you seem to me like a conspiracy theorist. Here are some phrases of yours upon which my opinion is based:

“Is scepticism of the official government line / advice not allowed?”

– “If no questioning and debate regarding opposing opinion to the government’s line is allowed here then for goodness sake please state so.”

and this is how conspiracy theorists always see things; a clear-cut two sided conflict between what they call “the official narrative (in the MSM)” and themselves. But I immediately offered you an alternative:

“Platty, would you please start by acknowledging the difference between the scientific consensus and the government line? Because they are not the same thing, and frequently are at odds.”

which you ignored. Instead, you resorted to whining about bias, ticking another conspiracy theorist box. I regard this as drivel; it has nothing to do with a discussion of covid measures based upon evidence and reason, it’s just insinuation of a Grand Conspiracy to suppress “The Truth” by means of persecution.

If you want to act like a conspiracy theorist, that’s your own choice, but it means that you’ll have nothing interesting to say about the pandemic or how we can protect ourselves from it, and indeed from your replies it seems that you haven’t.