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The last Magnox reactor in UK was decommissioned in 2015 and the only remaining Magnox reactor in use is in North Korea.
The UK gov produces a report on energy in brief. On page 33 of that .pdf there is a pie chart “renewable energy sources 2019” which relates only to electricity generation. Solar PV (photovoltaeic?), solar thermal and solar geothermal represent 5% of the sources. Bioenergy, ie. Gas from waste and landfill burning, biofuels are 66% of all renewables sources. Solar accounted for 0.6% of total UK energy supply (not just electricity) in 2019, nuclear 7% from page 15 chart.

“In 2019 12.3% of final energy consumption was from renewable sources; this is up from 11.2% in 2018.”

The remaining 88.7% comes from fossil fuels.
Electricity generation fared better with renewables representing 37.1%.

I got a little confused reading this report at first. Electricity production is only part of the energy supply chain so the proportion of electricity production from renewables is much higher than their proportion of total energy supply.

My point is Solar is less than 0.6% of the UK’s total energy supply, wind is 2.9% and “bioenergy” (ie burning stuff) is 7.3%.