Reply To: New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines Reply To: New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines

michael norton

I agree with what you just wrote. My point was that the unpleasantness between the U.K. and France only kicked off, after the 2016 Referendum to Leave won. So Macron is pissed off that we have left the E.U., he is making himself as horrible and stupid as possible, so that he retain the French Presidency. He thinks if he becomes a double President, his next job will be to lead the E.U. onto the Sunny Uplands. But what is not being grasped is the undemocratic attitude of the E.U. Elite, they do not think the British should have been given the choice to walk away.
We will never, ever rejoin the E.U. I have my doubts how long the E.U. will last, I would guess, no more than thirty years.