Reply To: Climate, the science, politics, economics and anything else

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Climate, the science, politics, economics and anything else Reply To: Climate, the science, politics, economics and anything else

michael norton

Clark, we in this country are doing plenty to shift. We have been tilting towards Renewables for sometime.
The Scottish Hydroectricity schemes have been running for more than eighty years.

“Laggan dam and hydroelectric system in 1934”

Yes, I know they were constructed, mostly to run the Aluminium smelting plant but technology often comes in to existence, before it full usefulness is understood.
Solar was first deployed on spaceships but was very expensive, it probably, at first was not thought to be deployable to poor people.
Windturbines were invented before anybody much had thought of Global Warming.
In fact, electricity generation of almost all types, were thought of and introduced before the days of Global Warming.

The Industrial Revolution was started with people power, with animal power and with water power, later Coal was used.
In the U.K. we have mostly moved on from Coal, just one more mine to open in the North West for top quality steel production.
We still want a Royal Navy, they need provenance of the steel, boiling up scrap[ using electricity is not provenance but I can see for making washing machines, boiling up scrap using electricity is very suitable.

Railroading people, bullying people, telling them they are too stupid to know their own minds, will just put them more firmly against you