Vaccine contaminants and safety

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  • #47597 Reply

      I expect I’ll e-mail David Chandler when I get the chance, but in videos Richard Gage seems angry and unpleasant to me, and I think I’d have trouble maintaining the conversation. Chandler, in contrast, seems very calm and rational.

      Regarding maths, nothing more complicated than multiplication and division is required, and even those don’t need to be accurate because most of the margins are huge. The main thing is to have paper for sketching the structure, so you can visualise what happened.

      Thanks for your kind wishes. Do come and visit some of the sites; the atmosphere of calm, peaceful determination is incredible. The activists are all sorts of people, from science academics to Christians to shamans. There’s free food and hot drinks (voluntary contributions), and public performance of music, art and poetry. Love is the theme of the site I’ll be on, behind Downing Street.

      #47601 Reply
      Paul Barbara

        @ Clark October 4, 2019 at 01:04
        I’ve met Richard Gage about four times, and drank in the pub with him. He certainly never seemed angry to me, but he was a bit discomfited when I handed out leaflets at one of his talks which he had not vetted.
        Where exactly ‘behind Downing Street’ will you be? Is it Horse Guards Road?
        By the way, you seem to have overlooked my questions above:
        ‘@ Clark October 2, 2019 at 10:24
        ‘…I don’t rule out explosives, planted (probably post-impact) at the damaged zones..’
        When the building was still full of people??
        And many people, including William Rodriguez (who was given a medal by Bush for saving so many people) reported explosions even PRE-‘impct’.

        #47609 Reply

          “Is it Horse Guards Road?”

          That’s where the groups from my area will be, but any of us could be doing anything elsewhere around Westminster. Iain Orr says he’ll be visiting our camp at some point; I’ll ask him to forward you my mobile number.

          “Richard Gage […] certainly never seemed angry to me”

          Yeah, but you were in agreement with him! I may be wrong; it’s just an impression I gained from some YouTube videos that I’m having trouble finding again. It’s my own emotional problem; I have to take precautions against getting dispirited.

          “When the building was still full of people??”

          Take a look at this:

          That’s from Google’s cache. Sorry I can’t link to directly; they had an appeal for funds and now their server seems to be not responding. I really hope we don’t lose History Commons; it’s a brilliant resource:

          There are absolutely masses of stuff about 9/11 that we either don’t know, or of which there’s tragic under-awareness, eg. there’s that report of a van full of explosives heading for the George Washington Bridge (if I remember correctly), but I’ve never been able to find any follow-up. Lots of people associate it with Urban Moving Systems and the dancing Israelis, but I’ve never been able to confirm that and it seems to be a different incident.

          If it was a different incident, then there were even more entities contributing to the attacks, so looking for THE perpetrators might be a false lead in itself. Grief, there can’t be any shortage of people or groups with reason to resent the US, and such groups might also be manipulated. This is why non-violence is so essential; it is very dangerous to attempt God’s work with the Devil’s tools. The same goes for embellishing the truth to promote its popularity, or overlooking things because they contradict the position we currently favour – it seems harmless or even helpful, but we must beware the echo-chamber, we are all prone to promoting the sensational, and thus spreading distraction from the vital details.

          William Rodriguez acted heroically and was lucky to survive, but I find his earlier testimony more consistent with the big picture.

          #47651 Reply
          Paul Barbara

            @ Clark October 4, 2019 at 12:35
            Yes, I met Iain Orr at Blackburn when I was campaigning for Craig in 2005. I pulled a beautiful ‘double-entemble’ on him (I suspect he will remember!).
            Might as well ask him to forward your email as well.
            That ‘middle eatern’ looking teddy-bear ‘terrorist’ is a complete new one on me, and I have been avidly researching the issue since 2004. Thanks for making me aware of it – talk about ‘Red Herrings’! I can’t respond in length, as I have just come back from the pub after a good session (in both respects), but when I get round to sending the ‘teddy bear’ baloney (not an attack on you – I am really pleased you have informed me of this) round to the rest of the Truthers I am in contact with, they will burst their sides!
            2 AM, I’m pissed and have a virtually all-day Latin America Conference starting at 10 AM. I am going to be late!

            #47688 Reply

              “That ‘middle eatern’ looking teddy-bear ‘terrorist’ is a complete new one on me, and I have been avidly researching the issue since 2004”

              Well this is the trouble. Demolition theory and the like have all but completely drowned out other matters. For instance, have you heard of Richard Blee? Do you know of the series of articles (Sunday Times I think) about Sibel Edmonds’ account of Gladio B operations that were cancelled due to pressure from the CIA?

              What seems to happen is that people see a story, see that it doesn’t support or isn’t concerned with demolition, and so they ignore or discount it. Whether by accident or design, demolition theory has to be one of the most effective red herrings around. As soon as I’d disentangled Chandler’s error my attitude to 9/11 changed. Without wanting to get too conspiralogical about it, healthy scepticism is always warranted; demolition theory could be a second line of defence after the “official story”, and I’m nearly certain it was used that way against Susan Lindauer.
              – – – – – –

              I texted Iain yesterday but I haven’t heard back from him yet. You should have my e-mail address somewhere because he copied both of us in on some of his e-mails, but my ISP deleted all my e-mails about six months ago so I’ve probably lost my copy of yours.

              #47731 Reply
              Paul Barbara

                @ Clark October 5, 2019 at 11:12
                Again you jump to conclusions – I hadn’t ‘dismissed’ the crazy teddy-bear ‘terrorist’ because it wasn’t about demolition, I just never came across it, and it was never brought to my attention, which for such a bizarre and ridiculous narrative is very surprising.
                I wasn’t aware of Blee, but that is not surprising, as there is really nothing strange about the CIA blocking any articles about Gladio.
                I expect to go to a Venezuela talk near Farringdon Underground tomorrow (Monday), in case you’re interested:
                I couldn’t find the email from Iain Orr with your email. I don’t have a mobile.

                #47740 Reply

                  “I couldn’t find the email from Iain Orr with your email. I don’t have a mobile.”

                  Thanks for the info; I haven’t heard back from Iain so I’ll try calling him this evening.

                  The police have already started arresting Extinction Rebellion. They raided the warehouse with the kitchen stuff and spare bedding etc., with a battering ram, no less. Ten arrested on “conspiring to cause a public nuisance”, which sounds about as serious as conspiring to walk on a cycle path. And apparently, we’re a conspiracy!

                  “Again you jump to conclusions…”

                  I didn’t mean that you personally had dismissed it. I meant you’d never heard of it because other hadn’t mentioned it, due to generalised assumptions that have spread throughout the Truth Movement. It’s called “confirmation bias” – our human minds tend to favour evidence that confirms what we and those around us already believe, and it has been demonstrated in numerous psychological experiments.

                  Blee was to do with the CIA’s Alec Station; I know of nothing tying him to Gladio B, but of course, that would be secret anyway. Try a search on “SecrecyKills”. He was an influential character in the background in the CIA; apparently an officer rather than an agent or an asset. His photo keeps cropping up with top CIA department directors and the like, but there’s very little information about him. But I think it was Blee who illegally stopped the reports that the alleged hijackers were in the US, which is why the FBI didn’t know until too late.

                  #47747 Reply
                  Paul Barbara

                    @ Clark October 6, 2019 at 18:33
                    Hope you don’t get yourself arrested.
                    Re Blee, I checked the info you gave me: ‘ Statement on the Delay in Releasing “Who is Rich Blee?”:

                    It also refers to Sibyl Edmonds.
                    For my part, as you probably know, I don’t believe there were any ‘hijackers’, and that the whole thing was an elaborate albeit bumbling attempt to set up a false narrative.

                    Though I’m sure you’re preparing for your Demos in London tonight (are you camping there?), now that you seem to be to accept Barrie Trower as genuine, check this out: (let me know if you can open it OK):

                    As you can see, he gives all the references, and is himself an expert, having been trained in the British Army in the latest microwave warfare techniques.

                    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by modbot.
                    #47750 Reply

                      Paul I am indeed busy, and entering self-imposed ‘radio silence’ now. Hopefully see you in London.

                      #47752 Reply
                      Paul Barbara

                        This is a particularly informative video, and is of course linked in to the Climate Changes:
                        Chemtrail conspiracy theory

                        • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by modbot.
                        #47899 Reply

                          Paul, in case you’re interested in Extinction Rebellion and how its autonomous groups self-organise, Lambeth Council have ‘informally’ offered safe haven in Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens right behind MI6 Headquarters, and the police are not well pleased! Workshops, discussion groups, public talks and more. All welcome. “We need everyone, and everyone is crew”.

                          #47971 Reply
                          Paul Barbara

                            @ Clark October 13, 2019 at 20:22
                            I have only just seen this. I might have a look, if it is still on.

                            #48158 Reply
                            Paul Barbara


                              Unfortunately it is in video format, and the beggining of each line of text is off-screen.
                              This makes it difficult to check out the studies.

                              • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by modbot.
                              #48195 Reply
                              Paul Barbara

                                HPV VACCINE – A DANGEROUS FRAUD

                                Black is white – ‘Perfectly safe’ yet warnings on patient information in medicine packs gives the lie to that statement by the chief Medical Officer of Ireland.

                                • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by modbot.
                                #48650 Reply
                                Paul Barbara

                                  Similar to the use and even mandatory use of vaccines on children and adults, we have the false safety standards of mobile phones.

                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by modbot.
                                  #48661 Reply
                                  Paul Barbara

                                    Allied to the PTB’s harmful and indeed fatal attempts on us in the vaccine field, come the microwave attacks (particularly but not exclusively via 5G).
                                    No one can say they can’t spare a minute and a half to watch a video:
                                    MORE 5G TREE DEATHS IN GATESHEAD‘ (YouTube)

                                    So, ‘not proven’? But certainly should be enough to get anyone seriously worried and checking things out.
                                    If microwaves can do that to a tree, odds are pretty high they can do a number on us, too.

                                    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by modbot.
                                    #48746 Reply
                                    Rhys Jaggar

                                      This is a subject over 20 years since the ‘Wakefield Scandal’ first blew up. It is indubitably the case that open enquiry without prejudice is not possible through the media.

                                      Here are some inconvenient truths:

                                      1. Wakefield et al NEVER claimed in the paper that was retracted that MMR was associated with autism. They claimed the exact opposite. It should be a defrocking event for any doctor to claim otherwise.

                                      The paper concerned reporting that autistic children presented with gastrointestinal disorders, facts which have never been overturned.

                                      2. Autism develops following the development of a state of inflammation on the brain. How that inflammation develops is not unique, either in time or by the triggers causing it. It can occur in utero, it can occur in infancy. Both genetic and environmental cues can increase the likelihood of progression to an autistic state.

                                      As a result, if vaccines were not the predominant trigger for autism but nonetheless were a real trigger in some cases, then statistical analyses of whole populations would not reveal the vaccine trigger. Nobody ever discusses how to analyse data when multiple causes of the same outcome may be present.

                                      3. In both the US and the UK, vaccine manufacturers are immune from class action prosecution due to laws passed by bribed politicians. In the US every vaccine sold contains an effective insurance premium paid into a fund used to resolve cases of adverse reactions to vaccinations. This goes against tenet of capitalism, privatising profits and socialising losses.

                                      4. There is pharmaceutical precedent for rare extremely serious adverse reactions to drugs in very small populations when the vast majority of recipients show no adverse reaction. This is called an IDIOSYNCRATIC DRUG REACTION and led to withdrawal of many drugs from sale despite positive effects for millions of patients. All those studying vaccine stories should brief themselves thoroughly on IDRs and the implications it may for rare adverse reactions to vaccinations.

                                      5. There is only one legal case in the US: Hazlehurst vs The Jackson Clinic. A whistleblower from withn the CDC, who highlighted suppression of data linking increased risk of autism amongst vaccinated black American boys, suggests that government agencies have been complicit in criminal acts of data suppression to protect pharmaceuticals profits at the cost of human health.

                                      6. Neither mercury nor aluminium has positive effects on brain health. Both have been found in vaccine adjuvants at various times over the past 40 years at doses found to be inconsistent with animal health during preclinical research trials.

                                      Billions in ‘risk free profits’ are threatened if vaccine withdrawal occurs.

                                      The solution to find, namely genetic profiling of cohorts unsuited to vaccination and exclusion from programmes pending alternative solutions, has not occurred in nearly 20 years after I raised the issue online.

                                      #48900 Reply
                                      Paul Barbara

                                        @ Rhys Jaggar November 20, 2019 at 11:46

                                        ‘…In the US every vaccine sold contains an effective insurance premium paid into a fund used to resolve cases of adverse reactions to vaccinations.”.

                                        I believe you will find that in the US Autism isn’t covered by the ‘effective insurance premium’, because the ‘Vaccine Court’ will not accept Autism as a possible result of vaccines.

                                        Here is some information I believe is absolutely damning of the US and UK attitude to vaccines:
                                        Japan Leads the Way in Child Health: No Compulsory Vaccines. Banned Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) Vaccine‘:

                                        Japan took the ‘precautionary principle’, and reaped the benefits, whereas we and the Yanks take the ‘we know best’ principal – the figures say how that has panned out.

                                        • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by modbot.
                                        #49063 Reply
                                        Paul Barbara

                                          ‘WHO now openly admitting that vaccines cause more polio than actual wild virus’:
                                          But heck, they’re only Africans, fair game for the NWO ‘population cullists’.
                                          At least consider that those who expose this position of culling humanity may be right; there are plenty of historical precedents.

                                          #49247 Reply

                                            Point 1. – “Wakefield et al NEVER claimed in the paper that was retracted that MMR was associated with autism.”

                                            But (a) he very much does so now, (b) he did call for three separate vaccinations instead of the combined MMR, in both a press conference and a video news release, and (c) he’d been paid £50,000 of legal aid by solicitors preparing a case against MMR.

                                            “The paper concerned reporting that autistic children presented with gastrointestinal disorders”

                                            Well, mostly autism, but the paper concerned only twelve children in total anyway, and they’d all arrived at Wakefield’s practice because that combination was what he was specialising in.

                                            Point 2. “…if vaccines were not the predominant trigger for autism”, then vaccines are not the predominant cause of the rise in autism, either.

                                            Point 3. – “vaccine manufacturers are immune from class action prosecution due to laws passed by bribed politicians”

                                            But in both the US and the UK, it’s the governments that promote the vaccinations, so of course it’s the governments that should pay compensation for adverse effects, which they do.

                                            Point 4. Yes. This defeats the anti-vaxxers’ theory that adverse reactions are completely covered up, and completely demolishes their claim that vaccines do more harm than good.

                                            “Billions in ‘risk free profits’ are threatened if vaccine withdrawal occurs.”

                                            This claim overlooks the profits that could be made by treating the additional illness that would result were there no vaccination.

                                            #49264 Reply

                                              This is a rather complex issue and of course is worthy of examination but not of the kneejerk scaremongering typical of organisations such as Natural News you quote. The problem is a bit more nuanced and this explains it.

                                              Briefly because the oral polio vaccine is a live weakened vaccine, it survives in the body whilst antibodies are made. It can also occasionally be transmitted from someone who was recently vaccinated to someone who is not immune. This problem seems to be common in areas where there is suboptimal vaccination cover. The answer is therefore not less vaccination but more and careful monitoring. My advice is to always look up a bit more behind scaremongering websites because there is a valid problem but the answers they offer will just produce the opposite effect, that eventually more children will get wild virus polio and we will be back to square one.

                                              #49306 Reply

                                                There is evidence to suggest that it’s educated people who are leading this movement.
                                                “As I like to say, educated enough to do a Google search, not quite educated enough to know what the hell they’re Googling.”
                                                This is one of the problems with regards to unscientific thinking.

                                                #49311 Reply
                                                Paul Barbara

                                                  @ SA December 24, 2019 at 15:28
                                                  ‘There is evidence to suggest that it’s educated people who are leading this movement.
                                                  “As I like to say, educated enough to do a Google search, not quite educated enough to know what the hell they’re Googling.”
                                                  That is a ridiculous as a response, as the twerp knows damn well that many of the people who are ranged against his ideas are doctors and nurses.
                                                  Pity you didn’t highlight the exchange immediately following that:
                                                  ‘…What’s driving it?’
                                                  ‘That’s the most important question, and it’s one I can’t answer. There’s a lot of money behind this. Who’s paying for all this? It takes a lot of money to make PACs effective and put up all these anti-vaccine legislators…’
                                                  Again, rather a case of ‘people living in glass houses’. I could assure the poor befuddled (or bribed?) ‘doctor’ that far more money is pushing the mega-vax line than is available to fight it – this is incontrovertible:
                                                  ‘HANDFUL OF OLIGARCHS CONTROL ENTIRE COLLAPSING US HEALTH SYSTEM’:
                                                  Above I gave links to polio being spread by vaccines in Africa; here is a case of whooping cough (there were many) spread in the States among vaccinated kids:
                                                  ‘Children affected by Massachusetts whooping cough outbreak were all vaccinated’:

                                                  #49348 Reply

                                                    Giving links is meaningless you have to have.
                                                    1. The knowledge, not merely by googling.
                                                    2. The analytic ability to look at significance of finding. This includes some knowledge of statistics.
                                                    Quotes from scaremongering websites whether they are written by laymen, ex nurses and discredited ex consultants do not count. If it is questions of faith and conspiracies then I am afraid I can’t help you. Clark is to be admired for his perseverance.

                                                    #49349 Reply

                                                      I don’t know how to break this to you but wikepedia thinks naturalness is a conspiracy/fake news website:
                                                      But also more seriously I have looked into this Whooping cough outbreak and guess what I found behind the fake headlines?
                                                      The outbreak may well have been amongst previously vaccinated individuals and it is now thought that it is because the effects of the vaccines do not last as long as previously thought and that the answer is therefore more vaccination not less. Win win .
                                                      I will leave you to exercise your googling to find this out from a proper scientific source, but if you need help, do come back to me.

                                                      #49354 Reply
                                                      Paul Barbara

                                                        @ SA December 30, 2019 at 06:35
                                                        I don’t know how to break this to you, but Wikipedia is known as a dodgy site. Ever heard of ‘Philip Cross’? I should think so, because he has been discussed on these Blogs many times.
                                                        Wikipedia Fraud EXPOSED: Troll farms and the CIA have hijacked the once open platform

                                                        Jeffrey’s Take: The Philippines approves Golden Rice—A disaster waiting to happen

                                                        ‘One example is in Southern Africa. I spoke to a former Monsanto scientist who was aware that when rats were fed Monsanto’s GM corn, it damaged the rats and Monsanto simply rewrote the study to hide the effects. He was shocked.
                                                        He said he was concerned because the amount of corn that the rats ate, which was probably a maximum of 33% and only for 90 days, was a fraction of what’s eaten as a staple in Southern Africa. What would be the impact of them eating it three times a day every day throughout their lives?
                                                        Well, I spoke to a veterinarian in the US whose client was a farmer in South Africa, and this is reported in the movie Genetic Roulette, and I’ll just say briefly that his farmworkers were suffering from serious symptoms and very frequent deaths when they were eating the genetically engineered corn three times a day that was grown on his property.
                                                        No one put it together, but his animals were suffering until he switched to non-GMO corn at the advice of the veterinarian, and the animal’s health got better and the farmworkers got better. Until he ran out of the corn and both the animals and the farmworkers had to then get corn from the marketplace. Both ended up suffering again until non-GMO corn was secured year-round.
                                                        That’s an anecdotal story, but it’s about the canaries in the coal mine – the few people in the world that were eating more genetically engineered corn than anyone on the planet.
                                                        Here we have the staple of parts of Asia, genetically engineered. Very bad idea. It’s being reviewed now by Bangladesh and at some other point, I’ll share with you how they have lied about the success of the genetically engineered eggplant in Bangladesh, paving the way to approve the genetically engineered golden rice as well.
                                                        It is very unfortunate and I wish that this information could get to the light. Please share this.
                                                        Safe eating.’

                                                        And here is a case where the creator of GMO potatoes now denounces them, although a number of countries have legalised them:
                                                        The Creator of GMO Potatoes Reveals The Dangerous Truth – Exclusive Interview

                                                        I do not agree with a lot of stuff on Natural News, but then again, I do not agree with almost anything on our MSM, with good cause – they lie, spin, ignore and promote wars based on lies.

                                                        • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by modbot.
                                                        #49365 Reply

                                                          First an apology what I wrote about Wikipedia was tongue in cheek as it was followed by “however more seriously”. As a frequenter if these pages I am fully aware of the ‘limitations’ of Wikipedia especially in political or controversial matters. It is good on other areas.
                                                          But I hope I have answered you on whooping cough and you are now convinced.
                                                          As to GM foods I am totally against them not nescessarily only on scientific grounds but on ideological economic and political grounds. The purpose of many HMG foods is to introduce a roundup resistant gene so you can swamp crops with Glyphosate. For me Glyphosate is an abomination. The very idea of using herbicides is crazy. Mono cultures are probably responsible for reductions in insect populations and also through toxicity. To create a monopoly in crops with devastating effects on local tradition farming as seen in India is a criminal catastrophe. And so on. So in this one I am with you.

                                                          #49402 Reply
                                                          Paul Barbara

                                                            @ SA December 30, 2019 at 23:34
                                                            Great, glad you are against GMO’s, mono-cropping and Glyphosate.
                                                            5G (and less G’s) are heavy-weight bad news too.
                                                            But I’m afraid you didn’t convince me about whooping cough; I still go along with what I wrote on 24, 2019 at 15:28.

                                                            #49406 Reply

                                                              Above I gave links to polio being spread by vaccines in Africa; here is a case of whooping cough (there were many) spread in the States among vaccinated kids:
                                                              ‘Children affected by Massachusetts whooping cough outbreak were all vaccinated’:

                                                              Paul that is all you wrote, you just quoted something from newstarget, another pseudoscience website, whereas I offered you an actual scientific explanations why someone who has been previously vaccinated may still acquire the disease because of waning immunity. That does not mean that the vaccine caused the disease.

                                                              • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by modbot.
                                                              #49433 Reply
                                                              Paul Barbara

                                                                @ SA January 1, 2020 at 19:38
                                                                The Mass. whooping cough cases had all been vaccinated, and as for waning immunity, they were only kids, so couldn’t have had their last injection very long before.
                                                                In the case of the African polio, it the article states the cases were caused by the shots, because they were the same strain, not the wild variety.
                                                                You should remember a few points – vaccines are a multi-billion dollar industry, and also many powerful people believe the earth is overpopulated, and think it would be desirable to actually cull many, and sterilize many more. I actually have a quote from a recent American President to his Vice President to that effect, but I’m sure it would get deleted.

                                                                #49461 Reply

                                                                  “You should remember a few points – vaccines are a multi-billion dollar industry, and also many powerful people believe the earth is overpopulated, and think it would be desirable to actually cull many, and sterilize many more. “#

                                                                  For this scaremongering conspiracy theory to hold any traction we need data for the following
                                                                  1. How many thousands of people have actually been killed or sterilised as a result of vaccines? Any proper data, not just say so?
                                                                  2. If there is such data pointing this massive risk who exactly is doing the coverup?

                                                                  Hope you have fun researching and not from pseudoscience websites please.

                                                                  #49525 Reply
                                                                  Paul Barbara

                                                                    @ SA January 4, 2020 at 12:19
                                                                    There is too much going on at present, and I am too busy dealing with current goings on to chase after more articles which you almost certainly would dismiss anyway.
                                                                    Greetings of the season.

                                                                    #49617 Reply

                                                                      I understand. Greetings to you too. Take care.

                                                                      #49817 Reply
                                                                      Paul Barbara

                                                                        I know some of you don’t like this website, and I agree with you in some respects, but it does put some things in a clear, easily assimilated form, like this:
                                                                        ‘BOMBSHELL: WHO Chief Scientist caught on video overtly contradicting public propaganda videos that falsely claim vaccines work “without risks”:
                                                                        The W.H.O. chief scientist contradicts herself in a meeting that was not supposed to be seen by the general public and with what she says for public consumption.

                                                                        #49818 Reply

                                                                          Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, M.D.Chief Scientist, W.H.O., Pediatrician – W.H.O. Global Vaccine Safety Summit, Dec 3, 2019
                                                                          I think we cannot overemphasize the fact that we really don’t have very good safety monitoring systems in many countries and this adds to the miscommunication and the misapprehensions because we’re not able to give clear-cut answers when people ask questions about the deaths that have occurred due to particular vaccine, and this always gets blown up in the media. One should be able to give a very factual account of what exactly has happened and what the cause of deaths are. But in most cases, there’s some obfuscation at that level and therefore, there’s less and less trust then in the system. Putting in place the mechanisms, whether they’re cohort studies or whether they’re Sentinel Surveillance sites, to be able to monitor what’s going on and report back and then for corrective action to be taken because unexpected things could arise after introduction. And one always has to be prepared as we’ve seen, you know, in the history of many drugs you’ve heard about– I mean, learned about adverse events only after the drug’s been licensed and introduced into the population. So I think that risk is always there and the population needs to understand that and feel confident that mechanisms are being put in place to study some of those things.

                                                                          Paul. This quote is not by any means a ‘smoking gun’ as implied. The Dr qualifies what she says by “in many countries” that is because monitoring probably does not take place in some developing countries for a variety of reasons. What she then concludes is quite correct that it can then lead to loss of confidence. I would like you to get me one publication that proves that the risks of vaccines outweigh the advantages, that is the acid test not this tittle tattle of NaturalNews and fake news sensationalist websites.

                                                                          • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by modbot.
                                                                          #49860 Reply
                                                                          Paul Barbara

                                                                            @ SA January 19, 2020 at 11:34
                                                                            Really, SA can’t you do better than that? Her own contradictory words you claim are mere ‘tittle-tattle’?

                                                                            ‘..In a public service announcement produced by the W.H.O., she claims “Vaccines are very safe” and that vaccines can “prevent disease without risks.” But in a leaked W.H.O. vaccine summit video that has now gone public, she frets about vaccine safety, saying, “we really don’t have very good safety monitoring systems” and, “[we] learned about adverse events only after the drug’s been licensed and introduced into the population. So I think that risk is always there…”

                                                                            Do you not comprehend the difference between ‘..“Vaccines are very safe”.. and ‘..vaccines can “prevent disease without risks.”, stated in public, and “we really don’t have very good safety monitoring systems” and ‘“[we] learned about adverse events only after the drug’s been licensed and introduced into the population. So I think that risk is always there…” stated in a private gathering? It really wouldn’t matter if I got the link through Mein Kampf or Das Kapital, unless you are suggesting the videos are faked, the W.H.O. Chief Scientist contradicts herself.
                                                                            You should know how compromised these ‘International’ bodies are by now, with the World Bank, IMF, U.N. ‘Peace-Keeping Forces’ child abuse and people trafficking, O.P.C.W. and I.C.C. being intimidated.

                                                                            • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by modbot.
                                                                            #49868 Reply

                                                                              You do not seem to have the analytical power to distinguish between what was said and what the interpretation of what your fake site says is said. I shall leave that to you to figure out, but if you really are seeking the truth, then please read again the quote that I extracted and try to understand its real meaning, What she is saying is that in specific incidents in some countries the monitoring is poor and therefore it is sometimes not possible to give robust answers because the data has not been corrected properly and this leads to misinterpretations and taking things out of context by some. Nowhere have I mentioned tittle tattle.
                                                                              Over and out on this one I am afraid, Keep off the Corona virus.

                                                                              #49889 Reply
                                                                              Paul Barbara

                                                                                @ SA January 23, 2020 at 15:34

                                                                                ‘..Nowhere have I mentioned tittle tattle…’

                                                                                Then what is the following, from your comment @ January 19, 2020 at 11:34, Scotch Mist?

                                                                                ‘…that is the acid test not this tittle tattle of NaturalNews and fake news sensationalist websites…’

                                                                                • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by modbot.
                                                                                #49895 Reply
                                                                                Paul Barbara

                                                                                  How things are done in the States: ‘Donald Rumsfeld and the Strange History of Aspartame
                                                                                  With this attitude to health or safety testing, across the board, how on earth can anyone in their right minds believe a word the ‘regulatory’ agencies say?
                                                                                  They mirror the US and UK government’s contempt for human life, evident in their never-ending wars of choice around the globe. We saw how they pulled out all the stops to prevent a decent man, Jeremy Corbyn, from taking up his rightful place as Prime Minister of the UK.
                                                                                  The ‘Evildoers’ are very well entrenched in power. And too many people who should know better still wear their rose-tinted glasses, and believe what the MSM and the PTB tell them, be it the ‘safety’ of medicines and vaccinations or of GM foods or of 5G, or that Assad used chemical weapons against ‘his own people’, or anyone else for that matter.
                                                                                  I may seem to be digressing, but all these evil events, technologies and lies are part of the seamless garment of governance.

                                                                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by modbot.
                                                                                  #49896 Reply
                                                                                  Paul Barbara

                                                                                    And it is not just tinfoil hat-sporting loony tunes like me who think like this:
                                                                                    Tulsi Gabbard LIVE – Tulsi Town Hall – Moultonborough, NH

                                                                                    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by modbot.
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