Reply To: The 2020 US presidential election – Trump says he’s spoken with God

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum The 2020 US presidential election – Trump says he’s spoken with God Reply To: The 2020 US presidential election – Trump says he’s spoken with God


    Someone probably did a job on David Icke to put a stop to his career as a politician after the Greens scored 15% in the EU elections in Britain in 1989. He could easily have been the party’s first MP.

    Later a similar job was done on former MI5 officer David Shayler.

    With QAnon, the man to watch is Dan Scavino, the Director of Social Media at the White House. Clever tweet.

    Back in 2016 there were commentators who scoffed at the second-rateness of the Trump campaign. Supposedly it was run on a shoestring out of Trump Tower. This time, far too much attention is being paid to a small number of congressional candidates who have “embraced” QAnon, shocking as this might seem to journalists who don’t live in the flyover states. QAnon is likely to be a psyop run from the White House or at least that has a desk (Scavino’s) at the White House.

    Got to wonder whether Scavino has Archbishop Vigano on speed dial.