Reply To: What’s with the propaganda photos showing people being vaccinated in churches?

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum What’s with the propaganda photos showing people being vaccinated in churches? Reply To: What’s with the propaganda photos showing people being vaccinated in churches?


Clark, Glenn, SA – Try noticing stuff. Don’t you have any interest in the world around you?
You have all really excelled yourselves here.

A special thank you to SA for the reference to lizards, a meme in the true sense of that word that was popularised by a former Green party spokesman. Is that your stock reference, or do you sometimes choose Elvis? Incidentally SA I wonder if you know anything about the use of numerology in politics, such as in Myanmar for example (there’s a big example going on right now) or Pakistan or for that matter in South America. “That’s all nothing,” I can hear you respond. You need to get out of your village maybe. No wait, maybe don’t, because people from outside your village are all weirdos. I haven’t noticed any use of numerology in relation to the pandemic but I hope I will notice it if it happens right in front of my face. At least I won’t put my fingers in my ears and blow raspberries.

As my third para shows, I know exactly where you guys are coming from.

Hopefully one day you will all be very embarrassed about being so cocky about not noticing stuff. Good luck.

Clark – are you bored while you wait for a rerun of the meteorite that “extinguished” the dinosaurs, which wouldn’t have anything to do with anything the Jehovah’s Witnesses have ever said but would be caused by too many of your neighbours using too many kilowatt hours on their washing machines, but most importantly by too many proletarians exhaling carbon dioxide?

Frankly none of you are making a good impression now that increasing amounts of sh*t really have hit the fan.