Nafissatou Diallo and Anna Ardin – Why Opposite BBC Policies? 284

The BBC repeatedly named Nafissatou Diallo, the alleged rape victim of Dominique Strauss Kahn, while the criminal investigation into the alleged rape was still in progress. Yet they have a policy that Anna Ardin, the accuser of Julian Assange, must not be named – or investigated.

Why the contradiction?

Nafissatou Diallo and Anna Ardin had both gone public and given statements to the media in support of their allegations.

From the New York Times, 25 August 2010:

Anna Ardin, 31, has told the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet that the complaints were “not orchestrated by the Pentagon” but prompted by “a man who has a twisted attitude toward women and a problem taking no for an answer.”

There was no legal barrier to my mentioniong Anna Ardin last night; the case is no longer sub judice in the UK and there is no expectation of any legal proceedings here. Those are precisely the grounds on which the BBC mentioned Diallo very often. I did not see Oliver Kamm, Charles Crawford, Harry Cole, Charles Murray or any of the other far right commenters trolling about my “disgrace” last night, make a single protest at the naming of Diallo on scores of occasions by the BBC. Why their sudden new-found concern in the case of Assange?

Why the difference? Why is Ardin protected from scrutiny in the entire British mainstream media when Diallo was not, in precisely the same legal circumstances? Has Ardin been D-noticed in the UK when she is reported widely everywhere else in the world?

Anybody who still believes that the Assange allegations are a genuine criminal proceeding following due process, should think very hard indeed.

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284 thoughts on “Nafissatou Diallo and Anna Ardin – Why Opposite BBC Policies?

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  • Michael

    Fedup: sorry, but you make me sad to be a man. Have a guess why the woman get the final say on contraception? here’s a hint: men walk away after sex and they can’t get pregnant. Women can. the risks involved for them are very different and if a man can’t accept that, he shouldn’t be having sex. I’m not even going to get started on the rest of your diatribe.

    VivaEcuador: honestly, I don’t know. In theory, the US can send an extradition request to any government in the world wherever Assange happens to be. Is Sweden more likely to comply than Ecuador? Certainly. More likely than the UK? Doubtful. Is the Swedish justice system great – and here I talk specifically about the judicial review of an extradition decision, NOT the rape trial? Of course not. Is it worse than the British and other Western European systems would be in this context? No. If the government decides to extradite Assange for this political offense, will the judiciary overrule them? I don’t know, I’d hope so. Will Strasbourg allow it? No. Is Sweden able to ignore Strasbourg? Perhaps, but much less likely than Britain fro
    past experience.

    As you can see, there is no guarantee in Sweden
    But there wouldn’t be any in Ecuador either. Suppose Ecuador elects a right-wing pro-US govt in 2 years?

    All I’m saying is: Assange will face a US extradition risk for the rest of his life, wherever he is. He’s smart enough to have figured that out when starting the disclosures.

    What we can’t give him is a get-out-of-jail-free card for any crime he may have committed or may yet commit, just because being in custody might make it easier to extradite him. Before the law, everone is equal, and heroes in one domain shouldn’t get privileges in other domains.

  • Lindi


    @CE 6.43pm
    ‘It’s not up to the accused to decide if they’re being set up.’


    I can’t believe you said that; I really think it indicates that you are exercising absolutely no imagination in this! That you aren’t really letting any of the information ‘speak’ to you at all.

    If you are really seeking the truth and not a specious debate, you must put yourself in the place of any such ‘accused’ – ie one who considers themselves to be being fitted up – and imagine then abnegating all responsibility for your own safety – a thing which, plainly, you would be barking mad to do.

  • Fedup

    Every woman has a right to protect herself from disease and infection.

    What kind of right is that for women only? Do men have not an equal right to protect themselves from disease?

    Why you assume that only men are afflicted with infectious sexual diseases?

    “Instruction” is for the school kids and lame of brain, and nowhere does it imply equality of any sorts. Therefore It is every man’s right to reserve the right to tell the bossy bitch; move over Beethoven and don’t waste my time.

    This is fucking prissy bitches power playing and not women, these kind of identity politics are only good for those kind of tossers and not us normal run of the mill we the people.

  • Fedup

    if a man can’t accept that, he shouldn’t be having sex

    Yeahp sure, now that the intercourse directorate has issued its edict, who can argue with that?

    The miserable negative view of men that you paint, evidently us men are extras that world can do without:

    guess why the woman get the final say on contraception? here’s a hint: men walk away after sex and they can’t get pregnant

    You have been watching too many Jeremy Kyle shows.

    How about in atoning for their sins every man ought to have a couple of pumpkins shoved up his butt?

    Why do you assume all the ills of world are due to men? Are you some kind of puny, bullied, man hater too?

  • thatcrab

    Fedup seems kind of well meaning sometimes but immature and protaginistic at others. I think he is a borderline troll and not typical of this blogs commentors.

    Michael, your argument of Assanges plausible guilt seems based on your personal idea of what would be an unlikely FBI attack.
    I base it on the statements which prosecutors and the claimaints have released to the News.
    Are you up to speed with the Australian Broadcasting Corporations documentary on these matters?

  • arsalan

    Has anyone noticed the Zionist Neocons go on attack mode? These people who only have anything to say when it comes to defending Israel or attacking its enemies?
    The have even come out with his a “Anti-Semite” slogan. They say it against anyone Israel hates.
    And you know all these Zionist Nazis, who are so concerned about the two ladies who admittedly engaged in consensual sex with assange, weren’t just silent about Dominique Strauss-Kahn, but they screamed his innocence and accused his accusers of being anti-Semites.

    Michael you are a racist Nazi, we can all see it.

  • arsalan

    Craig said: “So many trolls, but not one has answered why they made no outcry at the BBC naming of Diallo while the investigation was still ongoing, and what is the difference.”

    I answer because “strauss kahn” Is a Zionist Jew under the protection of Israel and the Neocons which makes him above the law.

    His victim was a Black African Muslim making her beneath the protection of the law.

    Assange revealed information from Zionists sources confirming what we had known already. But the Zionists Newocons denied and stated were lies designed to defame the Zionists/Neocons and their foot soldiers. This made him a target, and all accusations how ever incredible as credible.

    In short what I am saying is the BBC is the British governments mouth piece. The British government does what they are told to by America and the American government does what they are told to by Aipac. Aipac does what they are told to by Israel. And Israel does what they are told to by Satan himself.

  • Clark

    Arsalan? I haven’t seen you here for ages. Michael doesn’t seem to deserve to be called a “racist Nazi”. Are you sure you’ve been eating enough fish?

  • Anon (blue)

    Arsalan said:

    Michael you are a racist Nazi, we can all see it.

    No we all can’t. Some here seem to be acting like agent provocateurs.

  • Fedup

    Fedup seems kind of well meaning sometimes but immature and protaginistic at others. I think he is a borderline troll

    Come again?

    Patronising yet full of crap. The last time you started pissing around with me, you wound up taking cover behind the Mod. now give over with your statistical analysis.

    To find the agents of greater circle jerk filling the thread with “identity” politics, that is played up to cover up the empire running rampant with no regards for any and all international agreements or conventions, is the obscenity that evidently we are behoved to tolerate.

    The obscenity of a legitimate nations sovereign territory is under the threat of invasion by our police force under the threatened orders of our foreign secretary in the way of arresting a guy whom disobeyed the orders of wearing a condom when he was laying the roadies of the fame in some other piss pot foreign land.

    Then you fucking have the temerity of calling me a troll?

  • CE

    “Your right…Fuck off”.

    I presume you mean you’re?

    I’ve only been here a day but your sole contributions seem to be swearing and hurling insults at people?

    Seems like a reasonable place is there mods in here?

  • guano

    Sunday Moonday Tiwsday Wodensday Thorsday Frigsday all good pagan names still in use today.

    Rape and pillage – that’s what Vikings do isn’t it? And their women folk would be very disappointed if they didn’t do.

    Assange is professional spy working for Israel, so there’s plenty of s**t, good old Norse word, on the faces of the US and UK and very little on his paymasters. So that should make the US and UK happy with him. Yah?

    Why haa the BBC gone all gooey, high-principled and Christian all of a sudden? These freemasons and friends of Israel want publicity. It keeps their paymasters happy.

    Just the BBC doesn’t want to be seen as the one doing the free advertising.

  • Anon (blue)

    Guano said;

    Assange is professional spy working for Israel,

    I’m wondering if you’ll be telling us Mordechai Vanunu is next?

  • Fedup

    Fedup, is that a political argument?

    That was not my line of argument, although its elegant simplicity, and succinct semantics makes me wish I had written it.

    The main facts before us are:

    The obscenity of a legitimate nations sovereign territory is under the threat of invasion by our police force under the threatened orders of our foreign secretary in the way of arresting a guy whom disobeyed the orders of wearing a condom when he was laying the roadies of the fame in some other piss pot foreign land.

    Time and again Craig himself a dissident and an expert witness has gone on record spelling out the favourite tactics of the current neocon Junta in charge of the former democracies that we reside in, dealing with any dissident or whistle blower is through pinning trumped up charges of sexual misconduct.

    We are commenting on this same dissident’s blog, and he is not a fucking million miles away, yet we find the thread filled with complete and utter shite by none expert tossers whom have a feeling in their water that the official line is the true and honest reflection of the actualities and the expert witness, the dissident, the whistle blower has got it wrong.

    Now that if the fucking obscenity that somehow is going missing, amidst the intercourse directorates edicts, and some man hating harridan stating and restating absolute bunkum as the merits of the case that we have somehow missed and overlooked.

  • Ben Franklin

    Just wondering about the putative ‘gray’ areas re; Israel.

    Why is there a vast uninhabited wasteland between the two positions ‘anti-Semite’ and slavish Zionist?

  • arsalan


    Yep been busy. I had a bit yesterday. Sea bream I think? Not sure, I didn’t order it. I ordered the lamb ribs but I nicked a bit of that sea bream from someone else’s plate.

    Getting back to the point. Whether people like Assange or hate him. I find it despicable that they would use fake concerns about rape victims attacking him. If they have a problem with him, they should target their problems with what he does, uncover stuff zionist/neocons don’t want uncovered. I think they are using these so called rape allegations because they know they can’t attack him for uncovering Zionist Lies.

    If Rape was really what they were concerned about, don’t you think we would have heard a peep out of them for other rape allegations? credible ones?
    And a Black Muslim maid being attacked by a rich zionist with a very long history of attacking women is very much credible. Did we hear a peep out of Michael about that?

    So I don’t buy it. I don’t buy that Michael and others have any concern for rape victims. I don’t buy they think the allegations are credible. Seriously, come on take a look at what he is being accused of. Had consensual sex and the condom ripped?
    These people are just Zionists sitting in front of their computers trolling boards like this one, and cutting and pasting what they are told to do.

    If you are concerned about rapes. Be concerned about all the women from all over the world who are kidnapped and sold to brothels in Israel.

  • Fedup

    Fedup, don’t answer my question, just please keep it civil and on topic.

    too late I have been consistently on topic as for civility I extend that facet only to those whom are deserving of a civilised discourse.

  • thatcrab

    fedup: “Then you fucking have the temerity of calling me a troll?”
    That you recognise some of the problems in the world doesnt make it right for you to moan and curse and throw diva fits on activist and news boards. You should bite your lip fedup, a new nick might help get you out of your “fuck it then im cursing everything” mode. Its often just offensive noise. No use to anyone including your fed up self.

    Hey CE do stop back, take a look, have a say when other things are happening too.

  • arsalan

    Anon (blue)

    They tried that with a mate of mine. You know Yusuf Khattab, formally Joseph Cohn? When he converted to Islam the Israeli Army and police kept raiding his house and smashing him up in front of his wife and kids.
    So he moved to a Palestinian Area. And then a Zionist organisation posted something on the internet pretending to be a Muslim organisation stating he was a Israeli spy. But the idiots, used there own Zionist website as the host for that. lol
    I guess they were too stingy to folk out and pay for a website for that.

  • Clark

    Ben Franklin, could it be to leave plenty of space for hand-to-hand combat? Or maybe they nuked each other and left the area uninhabitable.

    Polarisation. Who needs to learn the techniques of divide and rule when so many engage in it spontaneously?

  • Cryptonym

    I think a better comparision would be with Monica Lewinsky, who correct me if I’m wrong engaged in a consensual sexual act with Bill Clinton, short of intercourse. Then cried foul afterwards. There are similarities in her star-struck nature towards him personally and his position, with some degree of entrapment/setup, then an orchestrated media, political and legal campaign, impeachment etc. swung into loud action, to the exclusion of all else.

    We do need anonymous means for whistleblowers from all spheres but particularly state security and military organisations to let rip; oversight is now even more important as the private sector encroach on this secret world from which now supreme crimes routinely arise.
    Mainstream media are unwilling and incapable of meeting the need for such transparency.

    Esler’s prim indignation was a golden TV moment, a milestone on the road to the BBC’s end.

  • Anon (blue)

    OT: But it is still A Silly Way To Boil Water

    Record radiation in fish off Japan nuclear plant August 21, 2012

    Fishermen have been allowed to catch some fish and shellfish in areas more than 50 kms from the plant since June. A pair of greenlings have shown the highest level of radioactive caesium detected in fish and shellfish caught in waters off the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant, its operator said Tuesday.

    A pair of greenlings have shown the highest level of radioactive caesium detected in fish and shellfish caught in waters off Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant, its operator said Tuesday.

    The fishes, captured 20 kilometres (12.5 miles) off the plant on August 1, registered 25,800 becquerels of caesium per kilo, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) said — 258 times the level the government deems safe for consumption.

    More at link.

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