A Real Hero 67

Please listen to a truly great military hero, Bradley Manning. He has been kept in abusive solitary confinement for a very long time now. He is plainly unbowed and undiminished.

There is another great hero out there too – the whistleblower who leaked the audio recording. Freedom fighters pop up everywhere – that is the great joy of being human.

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67 thoughts on “A Real Hero

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  • LastBlueBell

    @Clark, 1.13pm

    Hear Hear

    It is hard to articulate the respect and humility I am beginning to feel in regard to Bradley Manning.

    For what he did, the clear and logical reasons he gives to why he did it, in full knowledge of the risks and potential consequences, and not the least, the dignity he expresses in the face of what he has gone through these last 2 years.

  • guano


    With you 100%. BTW I haven’t forgotten that you replied to my comments about Assange in a previous thread, but I still didn’t agree with you about Assange’s real motives for publishing what he has. Whether or not his condom was half off or half on or his motives for publishing half-sincere or half-political manipulation – I don’t get the same sense of justice from wikileaks as I get from what Bradley Manning has done and I don’t get the same feeling of injustice by what the authorities have done to JA as to BM.

    I believe Aangirfan when he suggests that Obama and Assange are part of the new world order brainwashing system, able to speak from two hearts at the same time.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    Clark @ 1:13

    I am much encouraged by the principles and practices of some young people, like Manning and Aaron Scwarz.

    I was beginning to think the only true moral structure of character was being reducted to the purest form of narcissim.

    Maybe such character is not recognized by the majority, and this is part of the reason why there is not a greater public outcry for Manning’s pardon.

    Obama is first a political animal, and heavily regards his polling numbers. He would take a stand if he were forced to by the masses.

  • Michael Culver

    I suppose that it is a “good” thing that there is one genuine hero to emerge from the last 10 years of genocide and torture.Bradley Manning should get the Nobel Peace prize but doubtless the Usual Sadistic Assassins will lock him up for as long as it takes to destroy him .

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    “Via Ryan Grim and Ryan Reilly at Huffington Post, Aaron Swartz’s lawyers have asked the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility to review the conduct of AUSA Stephen Heymann. In their letter to OPR, available here, they allege Heymann withheld evidence and improperly sought to coerce Swartz into a plea deal.”


    More bullshit from our legal servants……

  • guano

    Aangirfan has to be taken with lots of salt, especially when he talks about Islam.
    Maybe Aangirfan will pick up your hint and post again on the subject. December 2010 is not long ago in blogging time. Craig’s main piece about NATO colluding with Uzbekistan over Afganistan dates from April 1st 2010

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)


    “Prosecutors have signaled they intend to call a Navy Seal who participated in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in an apparent move to establish that some of the material that Manning leaked wound up in the al-Qaida leader’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.”

    “Aiding the enemy” is still their focus. SInce their concern over the leaked statement (Ellsberg) is due to ‘their concern that Manning would have a fair trial, I wonder if Ellsberg might be getting a visit.

    I believe they have to prove that Manning intended to ‘aid’ Bin Laden. That’s a horse of a completely different color.

  • Lindi


    As a resource –

    Audios, Transcripts, Videos and Links to some key responses on this in this post on Wise Up Action http://wp.me/p1rtyw-1dA with some context on Brad and ten years on from the start of War on Iraq etc.

  • Mary

    Mary has, on thr “cotton corrruption” thread, just informed us all that

    “The ADL support the new Pope”.

    Didn’t take her long to weave the event of the election of a new Pontiff into one of her standing obsessions, did it. 🙂

    So why did you think you would repeat it here? Thanks anyway for spreading it wider. This is is the link.

    Another interesting link too from Jonathan Cook on Medialens about Hiss the disgraced Israeli chief pathologist who has been sacked by the Israeli government.

    Israel: Chief pathologist tapped to replace disgraced Hiss
    Posted by The Editors on March 14, 2013, 4:18 pm

    Jonathan Cook writes via Facebook:

    Remember the row a few years back about the Swedish newspaper that printed the “blood libel” about body parts from Palestinian corpses being harvested by Israel. That controversy managed to overlook entirely the fact that Israel’s long-time chief pathologist, Yehuda Hiss, the man who carried out all post-mortems in Israel for two decades, had a proven history of organ theft.

    I tried to write about this aspect of the story at the time but found no newspaper, including the Guardian, would touch it. You can see the original article, from 2009, here:


    Now, it emerges, the authorities have sacked Hiss, more than a decade after he was first discovered to have harvested body parts from at least 125 bodies. In fact, the affair only came to light because the organ theft was carried out on Israeli soldiers, in violation of the wishes of the families, including religious families who believe every blood cell of their loved one must be buried.

    What we don’t know but can guess with a degree of certainty is that, if Hiss was so ready to abuse the bodies of Jewish soldiers, he was undoubtedly doing the same to the bodies of Palestinians brought to his laboratory. The difference was that the Palestinian families, unlike the Jewish families, had no ability to hold Hiss accountable.

    (Hiss carried out the organ theft, it seems, for what he considered noble reasons: a severe shortage of body parts in Israel meant there were not enough for medical students to practise on.)

    The other disturbing aspect to this story is that, although Hiss was first found to have stolen body parts in 2000 (and carried on doing so, by all accounts), he continued as chief pathologist until his recent dismissal.

    So not so much a blood libel as a wake-up call Israel has chosen to ignore for many years.


  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    ary writes (quoting me) :

    “Mary has, on thr “cotton corrruption” thread, just informed us all that

    “The ADL support the new Pope”.

    Didn’t take her long to weave the event of the election of a new Pontiff into one of her standing obsessions, did it. 🙂

    So why did you think you would repeat it here?”

    Answer : to demonstrate again that you are unable to resist venting your anti-Jewish and anti-Israel world-view at every possible opportunity.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    I think you are, Mary, and so would any fair-minded reader who’s followed your contributions over time.

    It is one thing to post about what the Israeli government is up to in Palestine and quite another to continually regale us with posts like, for example, “the ADL approves of the new Pope” which have nothing to do with Israel/Palestine.

    You’ll be telling us that some of your best friends are Jews next.


    La vita è bella, life is good! (combat hatred and bigotry)

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    “and so would any fair-minded reader who’s followed your contributions over time.”

    Count me out, Hab. Your contributions are becoming more tedious with each entry.

  • nevermind

    Thanks Mary for this reminder of what fascism can do to people and how these psychological scars hurt and those wronged lash out at those they murdered, divided and denigrated, just as was done to them they do to others.

    Havenocock is desperate to deny that Zionists have turned into fascists practising Apartheid against those who live in Palestine. The history revisionist pushing himself on us is merely is living up to his ideals and Ben Gurion, a member of a prescribed terror group, was responsible for hanging British soldiers from barbed wire and being blown out of Hotel windows, so the history revisionists goal here is wasted, whatever platitudes and cross game play he can come up with.

    He can’t deny that Yitzak Shamir and Ben Gurion, after failing to smooth talk the Nazi’s into letting them be Hitlers ‘eyes and ears of the third Reich in Palestine, implementing the Nazi’s goals’, and we can see what these were by looking at the Gaza Concentration camp today, started a murderous campaign, in Europe as well as between 1945 and 1948, committing heinous crimes and genocide against Palestines inhabitants, residents who owned land for hundreds of years, the indigenous population.

    That was a war crime and the UN is complicit in cover up, ignorance and sheer racism.

    You are a fascist apologist and islamophobe to boot, havenocock, however nice you might want to be to people.


  • Clark

    Habbabkuk has posted a comment designed to be offensive to Jews, when in personal conversation with an Israeli – and was also simultaneously sock-puppeting:


    I have never seen anything anti-Jewish from Mary. Just a couple of days ago, I saw praise from Mary for a Jewish group who advocate for justice for the Palestinians.

    Habbabkuk again proves to be hypocritical. It will say anything so long as it increases tension and conflict.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    ” ‘It’ will say anything so long as it increases tension and conflict.”

    Calling Hab ‘it’ is pretty final, Clark. I agree. He/it has used up all the available oxygen for patience.

  • Clark

    Don’t take any comment from Habbabkuk at face value, be it pro or anti Zionism, Islam, or whatever. Habbabkuk displays no honesty. Whatever Habbabkuk says, it is either trying to promote a fight, or it is trying to recruit you as its ally. Any opinion it expresses are merely means unto those ends.

  • Jives


    Cut your losses here.

    You are now a sinister bullying/psychological boor on this blog.

    You’re far too dark and stalkish Habbabkuk,

    Please,in the interests of basic decency,leave here.

    You are a very dark,sinister and twisted entity here Habbakuk.

  • Clark

    Ben Franklin, after a night’s sleep, and reflection upon my own imperfections, I feel that I should qualify my remarks about Habbabkuk. “Habbabkuk” is a mask, and as such deserves no gender. On the next thread, I described Habbabkuk as “vile”, but the person behind Habbabkuk probably isn’t vile; that’s just how they behave here. If /when “Habbabkuk” starts revealing the human personality behind it, I shall start treating it as human. Until then it would be foolish to do so.

  • Villager

    Clark, you need carry no sense of regret. None of us here claim to be saints, but Habbakuk does.

    He is in fact just a barking dog, of whichever gender it matters not.

    Point is he’s a hungry dog and we should all simply starve him. This has been said before by you and many others but it requires consistency. Starve him, as Mary said, leave the RyVita on the shelf, and he’ll stop crapping all over this blog.

    Its awfully simple.

  • technicolour

    “The examples that always spring to my mind are the vast sums spent by Labour govts. in the 1970s on motorcycle workers cooperatives and on car factories in the Midlands and the shipyards on the Clyde (also workers cooperatives in part, I think), but I’m sure there must be more recent examples as well.” – is it the fact that all these have since closed/been sold off that you’re objecting to?

  • doug scorgie

    Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)
    14 Mar, 2013 – 8:57 pm

    To Mary:

    “Answer : to demonstrate again that you are unable to resist venting your anti-Jewish and anti-Israel world-view at every possible opportunity.”


    You now accuse Mary of being anti-Jewish i.e. anti-Semitic for her criticism of the Israel government and its policies. Such accusations are typical of Zionists and their supporters, like yourself.

    I know you don’t like it but one can be anti-Israel, anti-Zionist anti-Jewish-settler without being racist against Jews.

  • doug scorgie

    Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)
    14 Mar, 2013 – 11:08 pm

    To Mary:

    “It is one thing to post about what the Israeli government is up to in Palestine and quite another to continually regale us with posts like, for example, “the ADL approves of the new Pope” which have nothing to do with Israel/Palestine.”

    The ADL, as I’m sure you know really, is everything to do with Zionism so you can’t seriously say that the organisation has “nothing to do with Israel/Palestine.”

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    “The ADL, as I’m sure you know really, is everything to do with Zionism so you can’t seriously say that the organisation has “nothing to do with Israel/Palestine.”

    @ Scourge :

    Let me explain – listen carefully and concentrate.

    We were told by Mary that the ADL has expressed support for the new Pontiff.

    If that is somehow relevant to the Israeli/Palestian conflict, please explain why and how.

    If it is not, then please explain why it was posted.

    Thank you.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    @ Tchicolour :

    “The examples that always spring to my mind are the vast sums spent by Labour govts. in the 1970s on motorcycle workers cooperatives and on car factories in the Midlands and the shipyards on the Clyde (also workers cooperatives in part, I think), but I’m sure there must be more recent examples as well.” – is it the fact that all these have since closed/been sold off that you’re objecting to?

    Not objecting to anything. The thought behind some of the other posts was that the money spent on the Falklands referendum and on supporting the inhabitants of the Falklands was/is a waste of money (and could be better spent to worthier purpose). I was merely pointing to examples of very large sums of money spent on other projects which – unlike the Falklands – demonstrably failed in their objectives).

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