Speaking Date Availability 581

I am available again for Yes meetings on 15, 16 and 17 September. Invitations welcome through the contact button above. Happy to go anywhere I can do good. My St Andrews speech a week ago has now had 75,000 views on Youtube.

It is symptomatic of the way this campaign has gone that I can find nothing online from the No camp which has had one fifth as many views, with the solitary exception of the PatronisngBTWoman video, which has massive views from people making fun of it.

Miliband was in Blantyre yesterday where his every bodily function was breathlessly reported by Severin Carrell in the Guardian – but even the Guardian could not pretend his audience in the “Labour stronghold” amounted to more than “dozens”. I am told it was under fifty. Better Together support on the ground has simply evaporated. What they rely on is that the massive output of mainstream media and the authority of the Westminster parties will have sufficient impact on their key demographics – pensioners, and housewives in a 1950’s sense – to shore up a residual no vote of the easily scared. My challenge to people to identify any Better Together gathering of more than 300 has been met with resounding silence.

Television has been wall to wall Miliband lately, and the BBC in Scotland seem to have simply abandoned their obligation to give equal broadcast time and treatment to both sides. Presumably many of the New Labour hacks who control Pacific Quay realise that their behaviour has made a Yes win a career threatening situation for them, so at this stage they see nothing to lose.

If independence is achieved it will be down to a popular movement and not to any politician. Indeed, if one person has to be singled out, I would say the Rev Stuart Campbell has made the most decisive individual contribution in the campaign. If Social media has beaten the mainstream media, the central rock around which millions of flowers have bloomed has been the Wings over Scotland website. This has a significantly larger daily readership than any newspaper in Scotland. The Wee Blue Book I found everywhere, including copies already available in pretty well every pub I entered, as I toured the East Coast. Over 400,000 downloads of the PDF have been made and 250,000 copies centrally printed, as well as a number of private initiatives which had already obtained professional printings from the PDF. Conservatively, there are over half a million hard copies out there, as well as all the reads online. In a population of 5.2 million, that is a major impact.

When we close down BBC Scotland and create a new citizen based, cheaper and more arts-oriented organisation in its place, let’s put Stuart Campbell in charge. Some state-funded drama and arts output seems to me commendable. State funding of pap entertainment is not needed – the private sector can do that perfectly well. State funding of “journalism” which investigates nothing and never challenges the establishment must be stopped.

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581 thoughts on “Speaking Date Availability

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  • Rehmat

    On September 1, 2014, South African-born British Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis addressed a crowd of 1000 Jews gathered in front of the Royal Court of Justice in London.

    “Antisemitism is poisonous not only for Jews, but for all humanity. Whilst we are fortunate to live in a country where the fight against antisemitism is being led by our government, we have a collective responsibility to ensure that there will be zero tolerance of antisemitism in our society. The commitment and drive in this regard shown by grassroots activists across our community is to be commended,” Mirvis said before the event.


  • Mary

    Link to Hardtalk.


    ‘Petro Poroshenko – President of Ukraine
    Duration: 30 minutes

    In an exclusive interview, Stephen Sackur speaks to president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, who has been in Britain to attend a summit of NATO leaders. There is a consensus view that the crisis in eastern Ukraine represents the most serious threat to Europe’s security and stability since the fall of the Berlin Wall – Ukraine and Russia are just a few steps away from all-out war, but right now there are hopes of a ceasefire. So, is there a path back from the brink?’

  • Mary

    They murder and they lie too.

    Truthout | Report 6 September 2014

    Israel’s Video Justifying Destruction of Gaza Hospital Was From 2009
    By Gareth Porter

    The video clip showing apparent firing from an annex to the hospital was actually shot during Israel’s 2008-09 “Operation Cast Lead,” and the audio clip accompanying it was from an incident unrelated to Al Wafa.



    Something odd is happening with Jane Corbin’s piece on the Gaza massacre. She lies too. Remember Death in the Med?

    Originally the episode of Panorama entitled “War of the Tunnels” was going to be shown on Monday 1st September. On the night it was replaced by an episode on the Rotherham child abuse scandal.

    “War of the Tunnels” was rescheduled for tomorrow, Monday 8th. Now that too has been changed to “Putin’s Gamble”. The “War of the Tunnels” has been pushed further back to Monday 15th September, 8.30 – 9.00 pm, BBC 1.

    Perhaps they are doing a rewrite if the lies proved to be too outrageous this time.

    The title is of course loaded.

  • Fool

    Vronsky, I agree that this blog is a great place to come and learn things and your link to the Numbers Game and the reality of how polls are used to tell is what to think and how to vote in accord with the majority of the heard ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rhyg5WA47qA ) is worth watching.

    Politicians, hypnotists and advertisers know that people are sheep and like to follow one another. Its not entirely dishonourable to be a sheep, birds are the same -flock together. We need short cuts and can’t a;ways be expected to think for ourselves, but it helps to try and be aware of when we are being manipulated.

    There is now a robo sheep dog http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/agriculture/farming/11056514/One-man-and-his-droid-could-robots-replace-sheep-dogs.html It follows two brilliantly simple principles: 1) to collect the sheep when they’re dispersed and 2) drive them forward when they are assembled.

    Robo Rover: Mutate the V to a B and Rover becomes: Rob(b)er the Poll Dog

  • To collect the sheep when they're dispersed and drive them forward when they are assembled.

    Are we allowed to change our names? anyway…

    Seymour Hersh article:http://www.lrb.co.uk/v36/n08/seymour-m-hersh/the-red-line-and-the-rat-line

    I read this curious essay published in the London Review of Books having having seen it mentioned on a video linked to above about Libya & its worth reading. It doesn’t count the 15,000 but makes you think about Libya & Syria.

    Al Millner everytime you query the 15,000 you seem to be forgetting that you are not supposed to be talking about Libya and when you do it simply leads readers to wonder and start to make their own enquiries about what happened in Libya, why we went in and whether it was worth it. You are not supposed to be talking about Libya because nothing positive comes out of that – it is accepted that this fool knows v little but it would appear to have been a somewhat negative period in our recent history and that is why it has become a non event. I congratulate Craig for raising awareness of the issue. Every time you query it was 15,000 killed in the bombing then you bring the issue back to the table: what happened and why?


  • Resident Dissident


    “Its’ Scottish not Scotch.”

    I’m afraid not – that is a bit like the French insisting that we call them Les Francais. The original English word for you was Scotch – I’m quite happy for the Scottish to call themselves whatever they want. Of course if the Scottish separate and unleash English nationalism and then allow the Tories to play their divide and conquer games the English socialists might wish to use some rather less complimentary terms for our Scottish brethren.

  • Resident Dissident

    Meanwhile the more observant will notice that Putin is now breaking the ceasefire by using his troops and hardware to shell Mariupol. As with Crimea Putin’s lie that there are no Russian troops in the Ukraine is also being revealed as such as the funerals start to be held in Russia.

  • Resident Dissident

    Putin chooses a form of sanctions that will disproportionately hit the less well off in Russia


    Where is the ban on him and his friends spending their ill gotten gains on the luxuries of life on which they depend e.g. the Ferraris and Lamborghinis?

  • Dreoilin

    “Good grief, is Macky a woman?”

    I believe so.

    “I think of a pack of noble huskies, or then a pack of dangerous, ravenous wolves sweeping across the tundra terrorising all before them.”

    Was thinking more of a pack of hounds. Chasing the designated hare. Yipping like crazy.

    “We can note two things there and draw one conclusion:

    1/. The “answer” in not an answer but merely an over-long piece of empty bluster.”

    Yes, Ben writes a lot of convoluted (occasionally incoherent) empty bluster.

    “2/. No one is asking Ben to “prove a negative”. We were asking Ben for his reaction to the Holocaust denying comments posted by Republicofscotland and others (posts now deleted by Craig.)”


    “3/. The conclusion is that Ben is unwilling to share his opinion of those comments, which must lead most reasonable people to infer that he does not disapprove of them.”

    It would certainly appear so.


    Ben says, “A simple request to Craig for IP addresses should show the country of origin.”

    Not any more. Lots of apps out there to disguise an IP. Like “Hide my IP” or “Anonymizer”. With a click or two I could make it look like I was coming from the USA or the UK, although I’m in Ireland. But I have no reason to hide my location.

  • Dreoilin

    “And another Habbabkuk medal for anyone who can tell us where Herbie and the Celtic Poetaster (aka Sophia Kibo Noh) have “disappeared” to.”

    Perhaps they’re only on holiday.

  • Mary

    I have frequently noticed in the Register of Interests the funding of travel to Israel for British Friends of Israel MPs by the Australia Israel Cultural Exchange. One such recently was Guto Bebb, who insulted a constituent thus:

    MP advises man not to ‘publicly comment’ on issues if he has mental health problems


    Anyway, I have an Australian friend of like mind and she has done some research for me.

    ‘Hi Mary

    Thanks for this.

    Australia is extremely pro-Zionist, they are enslaved to Israel in my view. The news reporting is even more pro-Israel here than in the UK:


    There has just been a film festival staged by AICE


    I note that Gutto Bebb was funded to attend this (below) at the instigation of Albert Dadon who also founded the AICE:


    Dadon is well connected:

    “In 2001 Dadon was Chairman of the United Israel Appeal in Victoria. He founded in 2002 and then Chaired the Australian Israel Cultural Exchange, an organization launched through a Joint Declaration between the Australian and Israeli Governments. A Joint Declaration announcing and supporting the establishment of AICE by Alexander Downer MP, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Binyamin Netanyahu MK, Israeli Minister for Foreign Affairs, took place simultaneously in Parliament House, Canberra and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem. It was the first time that such a Joint Declaration has been made between the two countries. Dadon also publishes a quarterly magazine for AICE titled Rhapsody. Since its inception, AICE has bankrolled and curated visits to Israel by delegations of Australian and British politicians and journalists.”


    No surprises there!!!

    Strange that both Canada and Australia, colonial outposts, have a Zionist based political infrastructure.

  • Resident Dissident

    “Strange that both Canada and Australia, colonial outposts, have a Zionist based political infrastructure.”

    I suppose you see all democracies as being “Zionist based political infrastructure” if only as a way of demonising what you hate. Perhaps rather than attacking those political structures that you dislike you could let us all know what you are aiming towards with real examples of those whicjh have come nearest to your objectives? I somehow doubt that you are either capable or want to be so honest – but in the name of truth and justice please git it a try.

  • Resident Dissident

    “To collect the sheep when they’re dispersed and drive them forward when they are assembled”

    Your handle really just expresses you contempt for ordinary people – which is of course why you cannot understand the real motivations which underlaid the “Arab Spring” and instead had to assign them to some western plot to remove the despots that you supported for many many years.

  • Mary

    A lot of verbal diarrhoea is coming over the bandwidth this morning not one bit of it constructive or informative.

    Solo so I assume the chief is not back from Gdansk?

  • Gilded cage

    So its all going to be about guilders on the 18th then? There are those who would rather swing in the cage for another 300 years rather than reveal whats underneath the kilt, as they swing free from a branch high up on a Scots Pine. Personally I think its going to be a landslide, the canny Scots are just lulling the pollsters and MI5 to prevent any shenanigans after the vote.Its almost a certainty the Labour Party will be taking the country to war after 2015, bibi is chomping at the bit to become the next dayan, millipede jnr will revert to form just naturally.

  • Resident Dissident

    “A lot of verbal diarrhoea is coming over the bandwidth this morning not one bit of it constructive or informative.”

    Yes Mary – I note that you have not taken up my challenge of telling us what type of political structure you are looking for. Of course one of the defining features of trolls is that they are very good about telling us what they are against while at the same time being able to suggest what they favour.

  • Just saying

    I tried Google translation service to fathom above ResDis trolls yiddish but it gave up !

  • Mary

    I note the Gillard connection via her beau to Dadon’s outfit in the links above.

    I have always thought it odd that Canada and Australia are Zionist strongholds – you know, the old image of square jaws and utter fairness. Plus ANZAC’s brave contributions. Although the Z entity is not colonialist (Gilad Atzmon – colonies keep the native people and do not exterminate them) the colonialist mentality probably underpins the ‘mindset’ in Canada and Australia.

    An unteruntermenschen in the Holy Land can be dismissed as easily as the North American Indian and the native peoples in Australia.

    Even New Zealand has been subverted by the power of the Zionist lobby in the same way.
    Why does New Zealand Prime Minister John Key appear on this zionist web site? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQxsn2F6Pms

    Only man is vile.

  • Resident Dissident

    “not” missing before “being” in the last post.

    I think Just Saying can be added to the “troll” list as well.

  • Resident Dissident

    “An unteruntermenschen”

    You really should stay away from “northerntruthsayer” and similar sites.

  • Dreoilin

    “Solo so I assume the chief is not back from Gdansk?”

    Charles Crawford landed 13 hours ago, Mary. If that’s what you’re “hinting” at. (Your “hints” are like boulders.) Why don’t you come right out and say what you mean?

  • Mary

    I have just watched the video again. 77,000 + views. Wow! and the comments are lovely. I know who my darling is and it’s not Alistair.

  • Dreoilin

    “I know who my darling is”

    Yes, and so does everyone else who visits here. It’s obsessive – and embarrassing.

  • Resident Dissident

    “the chief is not back from Gdansk”

    Ah Glorious Gdansk – a little dagger to our troll’s heart?

  • Dreoilin

    On the other hand, Mary, when Craig was being roundly criticised on Squonk, by Ben and Macky among others, you didn’t put up much of a defence, did you. (I suppose you had nothing handy to cut and paste.)

  • Mary

    The Scottish Referendum: Decision on a Knife-edge

    by Lesley Docksey / September 6th, 2014

    The debate over which way to vote in the Scottish Referendum is hotting up. The polls say that the gap between those voting to stay in the United Kingdom is now only a few points ahead of those planning to vote for independence.

    With many still undecided, there has been a tidal wave of people registering to vote, particularly among the young. The norm for UK electoral turnout is poor. Fewer and fewer people bother to vote in local and general elections. Governments can come into power on less than a quarter of the electorate voting for them.

    But in a few days Scotland may going to show us how it should be done – some predict a turnout of 80%.

    The intellectual chasm between the Yes and the No camps is getting wider by the day. Forget the dull and dismissive campaigning from Better Together. What they have to say is truly uninspiring and so led by Westminster that even the Scots among them barely raise their voices with passion about their land.


  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    ““3/. The conclusion is that Ben is unwilling to share his opinion of those comments, which must lead most reasonable people to infer that he does not disapprove of them.””

    And – oh surprise! – Ben is lying low and sayng nuffin’, like a low grade, dime store Brer Rabbit.

    These people is really soooo transparent…..


    To “do a Mary” for once : Ben (California Haze) claims to live in California. The IHR (=Institute for Historical Research, a Nazi and racist organisation) is based in California. Coincidence?

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