Coe Better Protected Than Blatter By Corrupt National Authorities 1875

Why are the Metropolitan Police not feeling Tory Lord Sebastian Coe’s collar and trawling his hard drives? I blogged recently about his involvement in awarding the World Athletics Championships without a vote to the hometown of his long term paymasters and sponsors, Nike. Plus the £12 million his promotions company made from VIP hospitality packages for the Olympics, the VIP tickets for which were allocated by the Organising Committee of which he was the £600,000 pa chairman.

Now we have this, from the person Coe works closest with in the IAAF and who he has now promoted to head the President’s office since Coe assumed that title:

« Dear Papa,

Following our discussion earlier I have already had some thoughts and believe that we need to do the following, in the strict confidence and control within a small circle of senior IAAF staff only. This must be very secret.

4. Finally, as soon as possible, and ‘unofficially’ PR campaign to ensure that we avoid international media scandals related to the Moscow Championships especially in the British press, where the worst of the articles is coming from. This will require specialist PR skills (working only with me directly) from London, but I believe that if we consider using CSM we can also benefit from Seb’s political influence in the UK. It is in his personal interest to ensure that the Moscow World Champs is a success and that people do not think that the media of his own country are trying to destroy it. We can work extremely hard in stopping any planed ‘attack’ on Russia from the British press in the coming weeks.

5. Finally, I need to be able to sit down with the Anti-doping department and understand exactly what Russian ‘skeleton’ we have still in the cupboard regarding doping. I think that the time to have unveiled the various athletes was a long time ago and that now we need to be smart. These athletes, of course, should NOT be part of any Russian team for these World Championships and Valentin should be pressurised to make sure this is the case. If the guilty ones are not competing then we might as well wait until the event is over to announce them. Or we announce one or two BUT AT THE SAME TIME as athletes from other countries. Also we can prepare a special dossier on IAAF testing which will show that one of the reasons why these Russian athletes come up positive is that they get tested a lot !!! In the same way, we can make the point that the WADA laboratory is the responsibility of WADA not IAAF and that if WADA decides there really is a problem, we have a plan B to do the tests in Lausanne instead (Gabriel confirmed this to me yesterday).

Papa, as soon as I have an idea of the price of this unofficial PR campaign I will let you know, but I will do everything in my power to protect the IAAF and the President.

All the best Nick »

So what does the Establishment now wish us to believe?

a) As long-term Vice President of the IAAF, Coe had no idea the organisation was massively corrupt and the President was taking huge bribes to cover-up doping scandals.
b) Coe had no idea his close associate and now head of his office Nick Davies was writing to the son of the President proposing that Coe’s company and Coe’s “political influence” be used to keep doping scandals out of the British media.
c) Coe’s meeting, while Vice President of the IAAF, with executives of his sponsor Nike, to discuss awarding the World Athletics Championships to Eugene, had no bearing at all on the decision of the President of IAAF to award the games to Eugene without a vote.

All that is even less convincing than Sepp Blatter’s declarations of innocence. Yet there is an utter difference in the British media’s treatment of Blatter and of “Lord” Coe.

I wonder why?

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1,875 thoughts on “Coe Better Protected Than Blatter By Corrupt National Authorities

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  • Herbie

    To all recent and new readers

    The Habbabkuk above is a rabid Israel supporter, hater of Palestinians, supporter of terrorism and all round liar.

    His friend Anon1 is a racist and bigot.

    Another friend, Alcyone, shares their world view.

    All three have previously been banned from this blog for the most disgusting of hate crimes, including, but not limited to, taking pleasure in the murder of Palestinian children.

  • fedup

    A sumMary of the virulent racist zionist supremacists celebrations’ in a wedding;

    The wedding “guests” celebrating the death of a Palestinian infant

    Note the brandishing knives and the photo of the deceased infant and his family.

    This disgusting spectacle of course weighs very little on the conscience of the keyboard warriors and their acting rabbi assigned to this blog, whose questionable moral compass is manifestly on exhibit for all to see.

  • RobG

    I’ll repeat this link to an Australian news piece that came out of last month’s terror attacks in Paris…

    It runs to 17 minutes or so, and if you don’t want to watch it all I’d strongly advise you to check it out from about 14 minutes 50 seconds. Emma Parkinson, the interviewee, describes how she “met a French boyfriend and danced in an empty Louvre with him”.

    This is complete and utter propaganda bullshit.

    The same bullshit that the trolls on this board (who will all be put on trial) keep pushing forth.

    I will also remind folks of similar bullshit that helped kick off the first war against Iraq…

    The trolls you get on boards like this (who will all be put on trial) are solid proof that we now live in a police state.

    Here’s another one to throw into the mix: The Guardian’s quite open attempt to label anyone who doesn’t follow the official narrative as being somehow mentally ill…

    This one badly backfired on the Guardian (look at the reader’s comments).

  • Tony M

    Anyone for a game of Scottish Unionist Media (SCUM) title merger/closure sweepstakes. Spin the bottle?

    Scotsman (jacking up their prices (again, though at the same time giving copies away) and that of all their local titles, local rag branch offices one after another closing, staff encouraged to work from home.)

    Herald/Evening Times

    Record/Sunday Mail

    Sunday Post/The Broons/Oor Wullie

    Sun (Shines out of Murdoch’s arse)

    Most or all require no more than a gentle push.

    Pick one or more from this list!

  • Macky

    Well it seems that my posting of seasonal X-Mas greeting from the children of Palestine, seriously vexed somebody ! Poor Habbu-Troll’s Boxing Day was so marred that he hasn’t stopped posting here since ! 😀

    Yes, as Herbis has pointed out, one telling different between normal Posters & Trolls, is that normal Posters do leave blogs like this of their own accord, normally in disenchantment or disappointment, but Trolls never leave, even when supposedly permanently banned, like all of the unholy troll Trinity of Habby_Clown, Anon1 & Alcyone have been !

  • Anon1

    Fucking hell, Habbabkuk. You forgot “Aidworker1”!


    Sad to see on the C4 Himalayas documentary that Gilgit has gone full retard Islamist, with ‘Death to Israel’ messages scrawled across the streets. Used to be such a nice place.

  • Anon1

    “His friend Anon1 is a racist and bigot […] taking pleasure in the murder of Palestinian children.”

    Utter bollocks.

  • Anon1


    Look, fellow. A nutter posted his ‘theory’ that a lack of funerals broadcast on live 24hr mainstream media TV meant that the Paris attacks were ‘faked’.

    Now I expect it from him but the surprise has come in the form of the support, or at least indifference, he has received here from the likes of yourself. You were asked straight whether you believe this “lack of funerals” equals a fals-flag, but you sit there dithering on the fence as if all explanations, no matter how barking, have equal credence.

    Sort yourself out.

  • Anon1

    Does anyone want to know how the RoP performed during the Christmas period?

    14 dead in a spate of Christmas attacks against Christians in the Philippines by ISIS-aligned jihadists.

    At least 14 dead on Christmas Day attack in Nigeria after Boko Haram open fire on a village and then torch it whilst chanting “Allahu Akbar”*.

    More reports to come in.

    Boko Haram has killed between 17,000 and 20,000 in Nigeria since 2009, but that is of no interest to the Eminences and Original Trolls, who would far rather focus on Israel.

    *In what sort of religion does one spray automatic gunfire into women and children whilst screaming “God is Great”?

  • RobG

    Anon1, in the strange/sick world that the likes of you and the other trolls inhabit, endless fear and endless war is the norm.

    I think you’ll find that most sane people disagree with your warped view of the world.

    And I’ll say yet again, you and your ilk are all going to be put on trial.

  • Anon1

    Cheers, Rob.

    Off the top of my head, here is a list of RoP countries I no longer consider safe to visit by non-RoPers.

    South Sudan
    Saudi Arabia


    Morrocco will be the next RoP territory to be off-limits. Normally-peaceful Bangladesh is starting to show signs of fanaticism along with others of a similarly less extremist tendency. Those with significant minority RoP populations, such as the Philippines, will follow by district.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita e' bella)


    No, I considered Aidworker’s and Macky’s eligibility for the Egregiousness of Excellences and for the “hangers-on” category quite carefully but decided in the end that they didn’t quite make the grade.

    They received a Beta plus for effort but their final mark was dragged down by a mere gamma minus for achievement.

  • RobG

    Macky, my own opinion is that the trolls are all GCHQ; this being a blog written by Craig Murray.

    The likes of Habba like to throw out hints that they’re MOSSAD, but I would guess that this is because these GCHQ arseholes all get their wages from tax payer’s money, and if the tax payers came to understand what GCHQ actually does, those who work in GCHQ might find themselves facing a lynch mob.

  • Macky

    RobG; “Macky, my own opinion is that the trolls are all GCHQ”

    Surely they are too thick for GCHQ ?! Or maybe it’s a quite convincing act ! 😀

    I suspect that the truth is that they are all just rather dim, small-minded & nasty xenophobes, trying to justify their prejudices by excusing Western international crimes & supporting official Authority. Rather sad pathetic bigoted wankers in others words ! 😀

  • lysias

    If there really has been coverage of the funerals, all that has to be provided is one or more links.

  • Macky

    lysias; “why would they be such fanatical supporters of Israel?”

    Because they are white supremacists & cultural supremacists, with a loathing of all foreigners, and all religons in general, but especially Islam, so as Muslims are perceived to be enemies of Israel, therefore they support Israel by default; plus since they have to support official Authority, they have to follow suit & defend Israel; watch Habbu-Clown closely, he hardly knows anything about Israel & so has to keep digging up info in attempt to bluff away his ignorance.

  • Tony M

    Anglo-Zionist-backed funded, ‘ISIS-aligned’ armed trained ‘Islamist’ terrorists are nasty.

    We know already. Glad some more are waking up. Keep posting their crimes.

    I did think at one time though that the moderator(s) at one time took a very dim view of the blame for crimes of a few claimed adherents of a given religion or cult, being attributed to all of the other quite innocent, relatively pure co-religionists of the religion the criminals purport to follow. In other words some posts might well be well out of order.

    Responsibility assuredly lies with the regimes of London, Washington, Tel Aviv, Riyadh and Ankara to name a few holes such mass-murdering fiends congregate in. Past and present ‘leaders’. Cameron, Obama, Netanyahu primarily but also Erdogan and the al-Saud clan. Only two of those five: Erdogan and the North Arabian ‘king’ could vaguely, disputably be called Islamic. The CLAP, the Conservative-Labour Party aren’t remotely Islamic AFAIK.

    The wheels of justice grind slow but in time grind fine.

    We’re the jury and they’re ultimately screwed.

    Enjoy while it lasts, we’re coming for you Mr Major, Mr Blair, Mr Brown and Mr Cameron.

    And a host more accused, down to the last vomiting troll, to the ends of the earth.

    We hunt.

  • fred

    “If there really has been coverage of the funerals, all that has to be provided is one or more links.”

    There really has been coverage of the funerals several links have been provided.

    Do try to keep up.

  • N_

    Hi Giyane!

    I was interested to hear your view that the Muslim Brotherhood are bidding to extend freemasonry, and also your view that freemasonry is haram. What’s your take on the the relationship between the MB, tariqat and Sufi networks?

    I’m told Kemal Ataturk was a freemason. Certainly Islamic lodges – or lodges whose members perceive of themselves as Muslims – thrive in Turkey today.

    Sunni Muslims have told me that in their understanding the reason why the Jews stopped being God’s chosen people was principally that they refused to follow Isa (Jesus) and the Sanhedrin passed a death sentence on him for heresy, as boasted about in Jewish religious literature in which the Romans hardly get a look-in where the destruction of Jesus was concerned.

    Jesus (Isa) was of course the most famous Palestinian ever – and obviously also the most famous Palestinian refugee ever.

    Note how “neutral” Wikipedia is in spitting like vipers when they describe “Isa” as “an Arabic name ostensibly corresponding to Jesus in English”. Isa in the Koran is Jesus, known to those who believe he was the Messiah as Jesus Christ. That’s not an opinion; that’s a fact.

  • N_


    I shall not comment on their intellectual or rhetorical “qualities”, nor on their ability to make a point or construct a cogent argument without the help of a number of dubious websites, nor on the spirit in which they reject all attempts to help them see the light – you will have much amusement in reaching your own conclusions on these.

    You’re own rhetorical device here, Hasbarakook, is paraleipsis, which is as cheap as fuck.

  • N_

    “You’re own rhetorical device here, Hasbarakook, is paraleipsis, which is as cheap as fuck.”

    I mean “your”. Typo.

  • giyane

    With 7 dead trolls littering these pages what is the correct funeral procedure for troll disposal please? 1/ Dropped at sea from a USUKIS warplane to join the big Saudi troll who died of kidney disease several years earlier? 2/Melting down into original polymer, chipped and sent back to the mould machine?

    They are probably a product of a prolific, predictive, novel-writing, prose machine with hot sex scene vocabulary removed and random political vocabulary inserted, say 1 in 50 words has political resonance. The machine runs 24/7 and costs GCHQ nothing, apart from an occasional visit from an IT engineer, a security guard and an internet connection.

    No zero hours contracts, no queuing on the M5. Just garbage in , garbage out, recycled and environmentally clean.

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