The people of Blackburn scored a vital victory today against the forces of fascism as “Tommy Robinson”‘s overweight racist disciples were met with an overwhelming show of solidarity in the street, of which I was proud with my friends to be a part.
The fascists like to attack defenceless targets. Faced with the prospect of real resistance, they ran away.
Poor little Tommy is not happy in his Spanish hideaway, where he lives his life as an immigrant.
Blackburn should be a model of how to face down the fascists.
Yesterday I received a phone call from a police Inspector asking me to delete my tweet calling for people to assemble to prevent the far-right demonstration called for Blackburn today and tweeted out by “Tommy Robinson”, the well-known immigrant to Spain with the false name.
She also asked me not to come to Blackburn myself, and said that members of the community had contacted her and said I was an outsider coming to Blackburn to make trouble.
I am therefore on a train to Blackburn, a place where a number of people have been telling me to leave for weeks, but I genuinely can’t walk down the street without being warmly greeted by name by random locals.
Although our conversation was perfectly friendly and I have no complaints about the police Inspector, who seemed to accept that her telling me not to come was unlikely to work, I do rather object to the police telling me what to do.
There are a number of interesting questions raised by this. There is a wave of anti-immigrant far-right violence spreading across the North of England – Sunderland, Southport, Hartlepool and elsewhere – and recently London saw the largest fascist demonstration for many years.
The horrific murders of the poor little girls in Southport at a dance class have been seized on by the far right to foment anti-immigrant violence. This is such a well-established pattern now across the country that it is impossible to deny.
And yet the police inspector who phoned me did deny it. She told me to be aware that three little girls had died and this was about commemorating them. I replied it was not about that at all; it was about stirring up racial hatred against a community who had no connection at all to the murder.
Blackburn’s newly elected independent MP, Adnan Hussain, has also issued a call to people not to gather to oppose any far-right demonstration today. I believe this is mistaken. The wave of fascist violence across the country has gathered momentum precisely because it breeds copycat activity. Fascism has to be confronted and stopped.
That is not just a matter of explaining that poverty and deprivation is not caused by immigration but by an economic system designed to produce massive inequality of wealth. Fascism has also to be nipped in the bud by denying them control of the street. That is what we achieved with the Anti-Nazi League 40-odd years ago.
If you do not confront fascism and defeat it, it will grow.
How does this stand with my strong commitment to free speech?
In On Liberty, the great John Stuart Mill argued that to state that corn merchants are thieves and profiteers who starve the poor was perfectly valid. But to shout the same thing to a howling mob outside a corn merchant’s house was not valid freedom of speech.
It is not just the words, it is their context. This is a crucial insight (and it also carries a pro-freedom of speech weight against the sledgehammer of hate speech legislation which denies the importance of context and seeks to condemn simple forms of speech).
And I have no doubt at all that as for the likes of “Tommy Robinson” to be encouraging anti-immigrant speech in the highly ethnically diverse town of Blackburn, in the context of widespread anti-immigrant violence, this fits perfectly with Mill’s exception to free speech in the case of the mob and the corn merchant.
I hope all goes quietly and my journey is quite unnecessary. There are multiple far-right demonstrations today and perhaps this will not be one of those that gets nasty. But I shall be there ready to profess my truth and my opposition to fascism if called for.
Allowing fascists to speak and sitting mute ourselves – or being prevented from speaking by the police – is completely the wrong prescription.
I very much hope I don’t get arrested because I have to dash back to speak at the Free Palestine Film Festival this evening, Genesis Cinema, Mile End Road, London. Yesterday’s opening night was great and I will blog about it when life is less fraught. There may still be tickets for tonight – phone the cinema to check.
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The only guaranteed outcome from all this is that Labour are going to impose even more restrictions on our freedom.
Just enforcing the law would be a start, instead of letting racist lynch mobs rampage with total freedom.
(Or “protesters”, as the BBC and Sky insist on calling them).
Two points Xavi on your comment – one I’d imagine that police forces in England, Wales and NI are in just as a bad a state (man/women power wise) as they are in Scotland – ergo it will be that it more difficult to apprehend and lock up the perpetrators of thuggish crimes at these riots – even more so now that the courts and prisons are bursting at the seams.
Secondly – I have my suspicions – that the police have been told to tread a bit more lightly from certain quarters – due to the section of society that these riots are aimed against.
So, the ‘law’ advised Mr Murray to stay away, he didn’t. I guess you include him in your ‘racist lynch mob’ comment ? You should, unless you are implying the police should operate a two tier policing system.
The trouble with real freedoms is that it has to apply to everyone equally, not just your preferred gang of thugs.
Hmm. I have accused Stevie Boy of indulging in conspiracy theory a few times. Now he makes a reference to “two tier policing”, just as the fascist thugs do.
I stand accused, ha, ha.
I used the term ‘two tier policing’ first, so I claim copyright.
Seriously though, for years the police have been operating different rules for different groups. For example: Asian grooming gangs, BLM, extinction rebellion. By any stretch of the imagination that’s two tier policing, as I believe Mr Murray himself has pointed out at various times.
Although, I have very little time for ‘our boys in blue’, they are in a lose-lose position with these disturbances. People have the right to protest but people parachuting into hotspots, when the have been advised not to, are as guilty as all the rest. Leftie do-gooders, fascist thugs = troublemakers. IMO.
SB: “Leftie do-gooders, fascist thugs = troublemakers. IMO.”
Yeah.yeah. Anti-fascists just the same as fascists. Brilliant deduction, so decisively proved by that rigorous assertion, so thoroughly clever.
I’d let your keyboard cool down for a bit, SB. You’re making a right cnut of yourself.
Stevie Boy, in spring 2019 nearly 300 Extinction Rebellion activists were arrested, and that autumn, around a thousand. Hundreds of Insulate Britain and Just Stop Oil activists have been arrested, including my girlfriend, twice. I myself was arrested and charged last November just for looking like a climate protestor; I had to observe the Remembrance Sunday silence in a holding cell, though the charges were dropped two hours later. My friend Trudi Warner (Google her) was arrested and endured legal proceedings for months, just for holding up a sign. This “two tier policing” is a myth; mere far right propaganda.
Maybe the difference you think you are seeing is the effect of environmental activists’ commitment to non-violence; the arrests take place peaceably in a spirit of self-sacrifice to an urgent cause, and most are not televised, probably because there are no burning police vans in the background.
It’s all part of the whole – all of these right wingers and the centrists technocrats in charge of The West continually bow to the US.
The whole (indeed the aim) of the US and its alleged Allies (fearful allies at that – of the US – not Muslims) is to ensure that the others will do as they are told.
The rise of the BRICs and the influence of that group of countries is causing fear and worry amongst the Western leaders and the rich people they represent. It is a genuine economic and political threat – a global threat.
It’s hard to let go of an Empire that only lasted for around 40 years before coming off the Gold Standard and using the dollar as a battering ram.
Putin called Western leaders ‘hysterical’; he’s right, but there is method in their madness. Short of War to stop the rise of the BRICS the West has to play what look to us childish geo-political and stupid games. The Samson Option applies just as much to some of these lunatics as it does to the lunatics in Israel.
So – short of war requires different methods and race is one of them – patriotism is another, but the main one is to con people into thinking that the reason their jobs have gone and their incomes are shrinking is due to foreigners and not the fault of the government that they have lived under for all these years. For the right Punching Down (even against white people) is much easier that taking on the US and their mates and the rich in general.
The Europeans and the in the US never move to the left it is always to the right. It is literally a Master and Servant mentality – ‘we need the rich to create jobs’ – as if humans were incapable of running things themselves despite already doing that anyway) and then you have the Foremen (they are usually mostly men).
This where the Pyramid of the Paid has existed for many years. In the pyramid the rich pay the politicians to influence a paid media who influence an underpaid populace and this is Farage’s and Robinson’s role just in the race/immigration sector. There are more paid sectors, from Venezuela to Gaza etc. etc.
That is how it seems to stand. It will carry on but it can’t last as the rise of the BRICS is carrying on.
The only way to stop it is literally by War and if these capitalists are wise then they must know that being in charge of a scorched earth and a near dead planet (as far as humanity is concerned) is not going to be a good return on their investments and their health. As – in death you can’t take your money with you.
Idiots like Trump – Bannon and maybe Farage might believe there are banks in heaven but I certainly don’t subscribe to Heaven or the banks they think might be there. Doesn’t mean that these Clowns won’t do it though – I’m afraid because Hysterical leaders do stupid things.
“…Adnan Hussain, has also issued a call to people not to gather to oppose any far-right demonstration today.”
How predictable that at the first opportunity he shows himself an establishment stooge.
It isn’t working, is it, folks? I mean, the leftist assumption that history has ended and the evolved, sophisticated, university-educated middle class will take if from here. The thickos in the schemes and estates around Britain, the indigenous underclass held in such distain for decades for no other reason than because they continued to exist, they haven’t just haven’t just faded into history like the ideology says they should have. They’re still out there and refusing to go gently into that good night. This isn’t going to stop, and the rotten, diseased Labour Party won’t be able to solve it because they hate their own people with every atom of their bodies.
The ‘end of history’ has nothing to do with ‘leftists.’ It was a neo-liberal hosanna to events following the destruction of the USSR and became the driving ideology of globalists. It was, and remains, the political voice of western capitalism. In extreme cases countries have been invaded to accelerate the process (inevitable as seen by globalists) of ‘liberal democracy.’ The Guardian newspaper has mirrored these events over time: it transformed from being a voice for what was once understood by the term ‘liberal democracy’ into a megaphone for warmongering whether that be in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya or of course Ukraine. Yet it still considers itself a spokesperson for freedom and democracy – whilst offering muted criticism of the Gaza genocide!
The labouring classes (as they were once known) have nowhere to advance under this system, short of military service or the black market. So the temptation to join a mob on the streets offers some sense of agency to some. The government is clearly unnerved by these protests but it could be worse in their eyes: a right wing rabble can do considerable damage; but better that than an organised movement of the left which threatens the very basis of your political hegemony.
…see – hear…
Absolutely. And did we have no WMDs – that is war-making on the scale of automatic world-destruction – it would be the best way to prepare a war to have some new action which from time to time is necessary to keep the rabble in line.
It would be interesting to know if there is in fact some study answering the question whether or not the end of deliberate world wars after the advent of the atomic age on the one hand gave unsurmountable powers to the elite yet at the same time forced them into creating new, more diffcult ways to divert the working-class from toppling power. May be there is a direct line between WMDs and the rise of entertainment, PR-class and the entire bullshitting-industry and everything that came with it “culturally” and economically?
p.s. Recently will moon mentioned the society of spectacle again. Perhaps Debord missed this geopolitical dimension?
Good thinking. But the economic background was one of a decreasing working week (see for example spectator football as a way of controlling newly freed-up Saturday afternoons in industrial communities) and of course there was Fordism or what those who genuflect before a famous bursar of King’s College, Cambridge, call “Keynesianism”. Much as I buy into some of the autonomist attitude, this wasn’t forced on capital by the working class. What’s next is a cull on a world scale. I don’t see them curtailing all entertainment, banning those wretched devices called smartphones, and painting everything grey or in “utility” colours. Things are far too psycho for that, and getting more so – there’s ever tighter totalitarian control, and at the same time there’s ever more singing about individuality – except if you can have a serious conversation with people in ones and twos. (Things like being in debt and living in precarious accommodation, or getting lied to by quacks, feel pretty much the same whoever you are.) Then as Frank Zappa rightly said, when the illusion of freedom is no longer functional they’ll remove it.
“when the illusion of freedom is no longer functional they’ll remove it.”
That would be the very up-to-date election campaign slogan in all of Europe if telling the truth were “a thing” (at least in a twisted D.Tump sort of way.)
Actually if I were working the GOPs catch-phrase-factory for Nov. I´d use that.
re: quotations
“to be a good patriot, one must be the enemy of the rest of mankind”
One reason I never understood how anyone could seriously be “a patriot”.
The quote goes on:
“To be a good patriot is to wish that one’s city may be enriched by trade, and be powerful by arms. It is clear that one country cannot gain without another loses, and that it cannot conquer without making misery. Such then is the human state that to wish for one’s country’s greatness is to wish harm to one’s neighbours. He who should wish that his fatherland might never be greater, smaller, richer, poorer, would be the citizen of the world.”
“Philosophical Dictionary”
p. 232
The only thing the left can organise is the paralysis of society. The left organised the Soviet Union for seventy years and all it achieved was a country that collapsed under the weight of its own inertia. The “end of history” narrative may be an aspect of Whig history, but it was not a creation of Francis Fukuyama. Marx and Engels both believed in historical inevitability and it’s absolutely a feature of the leftist mindset. It’s also poisonous doctrine, because when things happen the leftists didn’t anticipate happening — like massive numbers of “lumpenproletariat” refusing to buy into the rainbow dreams of the left — they start reaching for the blasphemy — sorry, the “hate speech” — laws. The atavistic reaction of the left is always force, repression and labelling, and in their sick minds that’s not wrong because if you’re going against narrative, you’re a “reactionary” and a danger to “the people.” The fact that, to the left, “the people” are figures in a pointillist landscape, without faces and distinctive only as a mass, and that their actions cannot be predicted by some Isaac Asimov-style theory of history, never seems to penetrate
Congratulations! You’ve won the “Wolfie Smith Medal”, awarded for the most cliche-riddled online rant of the year. The prize is a long lie down in a darkened room (medication provided).
To be fair though, further up this thread you did post six contributions which didn’t contain the word “left”. That must have taken a herculean effort of will on your part, but you’re back on top form now, that’s the spirit!
the Right don’t care about working class people or communities. they haven’t been campaigning against 14 years of cuts, running the foodbanks, they’ve been nowhere when people are sanctioned or skint.
btw what the Soviet Union achieved was saving the world from permanent fascist darkness, something you clearly will never forgive it for.
“It isn’t working, is it, folks? I mean, the leftist assumption that history has ended and the evolved, sophisticated, university-educated middle class will take if from here. ”
The assumption certainly isn’t working but what makes it a ‘leftist’ assumption?
The Marxist vision of the end point of history was absorbed by much of the political left. But it was only that: a vision, no more substantial than John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine.’ Fukuyama’s declaration was attempting to define a point in history which had all but actually arrived. His misreading of the destruction of the USSR (actually triggered by a nomenklatura class long since lost to marxism) was lapped up by capitalists across the globe since it removed the major counterweight to absolute rule of capital over labour.
“The indigenous underclass” The indigenous people of the British Isles to a first approximation are the Welsh. Literally everybody else in an immigrant, and your racist dog-whistle is tedious. Leave the Welsh out of it.
Keith’s EnglishZionism and BlueKip are both funded and staffed by Zionists and their idealogical sympathisers.
The Bigotry is coming from the Top down, not the bottom up.
“Thicko” is the level of your discourse, “End of History” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/End_of_history
After the killing of Haniyeh apparently Qatari Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani, on TWITTER, 31 July 2024, wrote
“How can mediation succeed when one party assassinates the negotiator on the other side?”
That should be enough to understand what that party thinks about those mediations.
This of course you only do if you think you are untouchable and crazy.
A lot of people think the killing of Haniyeh was a big mistake. For example David Hearst of Middle East Eye, an excellent commentator.
A lot of people think the killing of anyone is a mistake, or just plain evil.
Hearst with Hedges:
“Israel’s Mask Is Slipping w/ David Hearst | The Chris Hedges Report”
68 min.
These appearances by groups of fascist thugs are orchestrated by the state in my opinion.
What Yaxley-Lennon is doing is unclear.
I won’t be surprised if state+media position the Palestinian flag or calling genocide “genocide” as emblematic of immigration, Islam, and non-whites in this country.
I also thought this statement was interesting from the former chief prosecutor who is now prime minister:
“The police will be making arrests. Individuals will be held on remand, charges will follow and convictions will follow.”
Remanding people in custody without charge? That’s called internment. And this is unlikely to be a slip of the tongue from Keir Starmer KC who built his career in criminal law on the prosecution side.
Another point is do not think for one moment that those who control opinion aren’t skilled at stirring up copycatting, any more than the secret state guys and gals who control extremist political groups can’t handle the logistics of sending assets from A to B.
All the evidence is that the state wants race riots.
Remanding people in custody without charge? That’s called internment.
No, it’s not.
Just the completely normal process of that is pompously called the justice system.
“Pentonville is
++ designed to hold 500 men but currently has about 1,200++.
++ only a hundred or so of its inmates have been found guilty of a criminal offence ++.
The rest are on remand,
++ imprisoned for up to 14 months before standing trial – where a large number end up acquitted ++.
It is hard to think of an environment less promising as a place for troubled young men to turn their lives around.
The Sun
Sun man Harry Goodwin reveals what he saw inside The Ville
Harry Goodwin
Published: 9:45, 21 Jul 2024Updated: 9:45, 21 Jul 2024
THE Sun has gone on a rare tour of a notorious UK prison recently branded “inhumane” – but it wasn’t what you would expect.
A cutting-edge “jail of the future” has been built against the odds inside HMP Pentonville in north London.
“Remanding people in custody without charge? That’s called internment. ”
That’s not the important part. The police have been able to hold people in remand without charge for centuries. That is what the law of Habeas Corpus is (was?) about. The important part is this: “The police will be making arrests. Individuals will be held on remand, charges will follow and convictions will follow.” Until very recently, under UK law, you were innocent until proved guilty. Therefore you could be arrested, held on remand and charged, but no-one could know if convictions would follow until you were tried and found guilty. Saying that “convictions WILL follow” presupposes guilt on the part of the arrestees. Guilty until proved innocent, so much easier for the powers that be.
Starmer could send in HM Forces, the army, but no need, he has set up the fascist right wing on one side of the road and the Stop War, Free Palestine on the other side of the road – down the middle they have the police drafted in from other parts of the UK so none of the locals recognise them. They won’t arrest anyone, or very few anyway; the 400 arrested is a lie. You can see that the police are set up as buffers to stand in between the two factions with shields and just push them apart. Except in Northern Ireland of course, where the local yoons are well practiced with petrol bombs, so in NI the police need more than shields and batons; they are in armoured vehicles/landrovers designed to protect against the petrol bombs.
“That is not just a matter of explaining that poverty and deprivation is not caused by immigration but by an economic system designed to produce massive inequality of wealth.”
…thanking you yet again, sir….and again you earn our support
But don’t leave it there. One thing that’s needed is trade unions that make a big effort to recruit immigrants, to break for example the hierarchy of labour organised on an ethnic basis in the building trades.
The IWW in its heyday wouldn’t have stood for these divisions for one second. They would have been down in Dover and in cafes and in community places where recent immigrants hang out, whether in London or in Bradford, and it would have been a matter of “Welcome, brother! Nobody stabs each other in the back here. We all look out for each other. Good to see you. Here’s your union card.”
If trade unions weren’t run by leaders with tongues so brown, this would have happened ages ago. It would have been considered the OBVIOUS left-wing position.
It’s both a rotten economic system & packing millions more people into the country, for ideological reasons. When we’ve had stagflation for more than a decade.
Blair got away with it due to credit & debt fueled “economic growth”.
The current regime can’t fix anything, so they’ll defame on *any* show of non-systemic dissent as fascist or Putin’s proxies.
But isn’t it the case that inequality of wealth is not just a case of the gap between rich and poor it is the gap between those who have to fight for every penny and benefit they get from the state and those who maybe get handed handsome rewards from the state without restriction.
Eg. Bibby Stockholm: £200 per head per day including board, lodging, medical care and transport.
Immigration is a cankerous sore. It’s not their fault, it’s the government that has created this issue and is now using it to repress the indigenous population even more. That’s fact, not fascism.
SB: “Immigration is a cankerous sore. ”
You obviously know nothing about immigration.. We’re all migrants. Not just in the UK, but worldwide. We’re a migratory species – the civilisations that permit no migration die out.
Prosperous nations welcome migration, as proof that they’re successful, because they encourage new ideas, thinking and products. Only frightened people following failed far-right governments are terrified of migrants.
People leave failing countries, prosperous nations welcome them. I’d rather see enterprising migrants, keen to work and making their way halfway across the world against the odds, than ignorant beer-bellied thugs chanting hateful slogans, and looking for heads to kick in (but only while they’re in large gangs, of course).
Do you actually think your ancestors never migrated, SB? Or did history only start the moment your lot got here?
“I’d rather see enterprising migrants, keen to work and making their way halfway across the world against the odds, than ignorant beer-bellied thugs chanting hateful slogans, and looking for heads to kick in (but only while they’re in large gangs, of course).”
That is of course, one reason why people hate immigrants: if there were not keen immigrants to employ, then employers would be forced to employ the more unemployable of the natives. It is the eternal quest of those who offer poor value for money for protection against competition from those who would offer better. See also tariffs, barriers to entry, “regulation”.
Sounds very much like you are proposing ethnic cleansing to support capitalism. I also wonder what all these great jobs are that immigrants could do? The only jobs I see that the majority of immigrant types do are of the exploitative type. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to improve jobs, rather than regressing to third-world sweat shops?
Well said glenn_nl
Yet another point: the whingeing by the authorities that they haven’t been able to control what happens on “social media” is absolute crap.
Sickos at MI5 are probably having a right old laugh, as they send in their thugs to burn immigrant hostels and look forward to a slap-up meal later in the evening, courtesy of the Community Security Trust and a couple of army-veteran Help for Heroes types.
Think I’m mistaken? Well look at this flag they’ve told some of their boys to bring – an English St George’s flag with four A-in-a-circle anarchist symbols, held by a guy in a “V for Vendetta” Guy Fawkes mask:
Edit: he’s not the only one. See also the guy in the wifebeater vest who looks like he may have forgotten his socks and is holding what appears to be a red rose. (A Lancastrian regionalist?) He’s wearing a V mask too. He’s just got it slid back on his head.
The big question to ask is simple: WHO ARE THESE MEN?
This is so clearly not fascism that I struggle to believe you are in contact with reality.
Fascism is exactly what it is. Fascism is based on the concept of superiority of one national identity over another. It has no respect for working class people despite the best efforts, well funded by corporate entities, of Farage and Robinson. So attacking those weaker than you is integral to Fascism as we are watching in Gaza and now in the UK outside asylum seekers.
Proper Fascism is the means of getting the ‘Lumpen Proletariat’ (the left-behinders of Hitler’s Days) and the art of getting them to attack the working – Working Class and their Institutions.
The capitalists may not like being under a Fascist government but it’s better to be a poorer capitalist under fascism as opposed to not being a capitalist at all – under Socialism/Communism. Ironically it involves a lot of State intervention – mainly military but other parts of the State too.
It’s Class War not conducted by the Middle and Upper Classes physically, but the left behind of the Working Class. In Germany after severe reparations.
There is always an economic reason for the rise of the right. The modern world is no different.
Oh, I thought that “the concept of superiority of one national identity over another” was the basis of Naziism? Was I mistaken, or has fascist simply become another weasel insult to throw around with gay abandon. Also, as far as the police are concerned, I noted how they sprang into action when the 5000 to 100000 young British girls were groomed by immigrant gangs in Rotherham.
You need to note that ‘Nazis’ were called National Socialists. The reason why ‘Socialist’ was used in the title was to include the workers into Nazism who failed to win in the Revolution in Germany post 1919. The dis-appointed in ‘Socialism’ workers.
Fascism is not necessarily just about racism. It is one of the fascist tools of the capitalists in the keeping of power toolbox.
The latest right outburst is just one of the tools being used. There are many others.
I can’t agree with your figures about grooming gangs. Where have you got those ‘facts’ from?
There is a debate about whether Israel is a Fascist State? I would bow to Norman Finkelstein on that and not the editor of the Sun for example.
The ICJ says that a ‘plausible genocide’ is occurring in Gaza. I again would bow to the legal experts and not the editor of The Daily Mail. The Mail a well-known – well-documented past supporter of the Nazis and The Blackshirts in the UK.
You can look all this up in your local library. Unless it has been burnt down recently?
Oh yes – Nazi Book Burning – that’s another Fascist activity.
Well, “the fascists” might use the opportunity to stir the pot, but if there wasn’t a pot to be stirred, they couldn’t do it. The point is that these attacks and murders are happening again and again in one European country after another. I’ve noticed that George Galloway too seems to think the only problem is “the fascists”. At least on this point, George and Craig seem to be in agreement with Sir Keir.
Working-class Europeans haven’t had the opportunity and the luck to experience the best of Africans or Pakistanis or Moroccans in their own countries, but know only about them as immigrants in Europe, too often as young lawless males who seem to see Europe as some sort of hunting ground.
Just as a side-note, it produces a strange and unpleasant feeling to read the same phrase used to describe “Poor little Tommy” and the “poor little girls”.
Tommy Robinson is bankrolled by Israel, his EDL co-founder is Israeli intelligence, his legal advisor is a senior figure on the Board of Deputies .. so of course the British media is trying to paint this as Russian agitation!
I think you are on to something here, U Watt.
Timing fascinates me. It is only a matter of days since Keir Starmer announced that the UK will not join the US and Germany to dismiss the ICJ warrants against Netanyahu. Then there has been talk of an unpublicised intention for the UK to limit or cease supply of weapons to Israel. Throughout, Starmer has advocated the Palestinians’ entitlement to their own state which Tel Aviv has ruled out unconditionally.
In response, we saw claims that the pro-Zionist lobby would respond and do something similar to Starmer as they did to Corbyn to undermine his authority and bring him to heel, or crush him.
Well here we are. They have.
I doubt it’s Starmer they have a problem with. He’s bought and down with the genocide 100%, materially aiding it and framing it as Israel defending itself. As regards supporting a Palestinian state, Lammy told Parliament last week that Britain would only support one if Israel says that’s okay.
No, I think the Israelis’ target is the British Muslim population itself, backbone of the huge Gaza protests in England. Robinson made that clear himself on Saturday when he issued a statement saying,
“Why are people angry? I’ll tell you why they’re angry – Cos’ Hamas were allowed to overtake London. Over take our capital city. Every week flying ISIS flags, Hamas flags. Calling for Jihad.”
I think the target is indeed the massive anti-genocide rallies which have been a prominent feature in the UK, unlike other European countries. Braverman tried to get them banned but failed. The Zionists tried to organise counter demos but they were derisory in numbers. So this more direct, violent approach inflates their influence and makes the Labour government nervous about deviating from the script.
The police response has been low key despite Keir Starmer wrapping himself in a Union Jack at every opportunity over the last few years. I think his ‘bending the knee’ has not been forgotten by police chiefs. But putting the army on the streets is a massive gamble which he will surely avoid short of murderous anarchy: the army top brass and the squaddies might well side with the rioters.
For a very intelligent man you have a very simplistic view of the world at times. Anyone who has questioned immigration levels this last twenty years or so (since Blair) has been routinely and almost immediately smeared as a racist a fascist and such like. Craig I have to say has done the same, the most recent example being the asylum seeker article some months back.
So you all killed that dialogue off a long time ago and left the space for the EDL and arseholes like Robinson… Now it is riots and all the folk who were smeared and silenced by the left will be cheering them on, or joining in. Reap what you sow.
There are enormous societal backlashes which are seismic in scale brewing here. This black and white story you are painting is just bollocks. (Please don’t reply I have no interest in it.)
Fascism –
1. The doctrines, methods or movements of the Fascisti.
2. A system of government characterised by a rigid one party dictatorship, forcible suppression of opposition, private economic enterprise under centralised government control, belligerent nationalism, racism and militarism etc.
— Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language, 1970
As Labour are sometimes referred to as Red Conservatives, I guess we’ve go a one party state ; forcible oppression of opposition . bye bye Corbyn; Business and Government have fused [[ see Covid ]; and the last bit the wholehearted support of Israel. Fascism seems the religion of the Western governments.
What’s unfolding, in many places across the world, is the beginning of the end of civilization. All this strife is occurring against the backdrop of an ever increasing Energy Cost of Energy (ECoE). I.e., as the easy, high-quality deposits (of FF, minerals, ores) get used up first, the remaining ones are (naturally) harder to access and extract, and of lower quality – thus requiring more energy (i.e., more diesel-powered machines) to drill, break rocks, refine, move stuff etc.
That leaves less energy available for economic growth. As the economy is entirely dependent on energy, this leaves ‘civilization’ in a bit of a pickle…
This process will continue until the energy needed to extract the resource in question exceeds (or equals) the energy available from it, at which point further mining/drilling/whatever becomes unviable.
The masses experience this as the ‘cost of living crisis’, while remaining ignorant of the cause.
Watching things deteriorate year on year – but not knowing why – makes them angry and frustrated. Under these conditions, it doesn’t take much for unrest to develop, and for malicious actors to harness this inchoate anger and blame scapegoats such as immigrants/Muslims/etc. (Whether the Israelis were behind this flare-up is moot – the underlying stagnation and resentment had to be there for it to ‘work’.)
No politician or ‘news’ outlet, even if they understand it (doubtful), will mention the root cause, i.e. the rising ECoE.
Due to the ‘success’ of humans, there are now far too many people (8,200,000,000), and they’re all getting under each other’s feet, crammed into
concrete prisonscities, as they are. With dwindling resources etc., that’s a recipe for disaster.Was it wise to pursue infinite economic growth on a finite planet?
But.. but… Progress!… Technology!… Human ingenuity?… Er, no. From the start, it was all due to energy.
Physics is having the final say, and it’s saying “Game Over”.
James, I entirely agree, except in your post I would replace the quote-marked word ‘civilisation’ with not quote marked “industrialism and consumerism”, with an explanation that the latter along with “economic growth” are locked in by the debt-based financial system, which must always offer greater ‘returns’ to incentivise ‘investment’. Ultimately, it is the laws of money that are killing this world, yet money has value only in the minds of humans; money is a deadly mass delusion.
– “Physics is having the final say, and it’s saying “Game Over.”
Indeed, but humanity could choose to play a different game, a more cooperative, less competitive one. Nature is rich and deep, and ultimately has far more satisfaction to offer than all the toys produced by industrialism.
Clark, I put ‘civilization’ in quote marks, as the word implies some idea of advancement or improvement. When something is said to be ‘civilized’, that’s taken to mean ‘refined’, ‘cultured’, ‘enlightened’ etc. – but, to me, it is not anything good.
‘Civilization’ is from civis, citizen, an inhabitant of a city. I’m sure you know that, as well as industrialism and consumerism, cities themselves are unsustainable.
Cities grow continuously, necessarily consuming land and natural resources, to produce waste and pollution.
They must take what they need from the outside (i.e., some less-damaged part of Nature) and offload their waste to the outside (i.e., some less-damaged part of Nature). All the time, Nature carries the ever increasing burden.
Hopefully at some point humanity will indeed play a different, less competitive game, without the evil of money – but only after the current one has finished.
The bozo Elon Musk the other day said that civil war in the UK was inevitable, talk about creaing a self-fulfilling prophecy, guy is a reckless megalomaniac!
Another bozo is of course Starmer, that said:
Sir Keir Starmer makes ‘guarantee’ for ‘thugs’ and announces ’emergency security’ for mosques
Addressing those who “feel targeted because of the colour of your skin or your faith”, the prime minister says the “violent mob do not represent this country”.
But when Israel actually destroy some 1000 places of worship in Gaza he keep silent.
1,000 mosques destroyed in Israeli onslaught on Gaza, local authorities say
Speaking of Musk/X, that let Robinson’s account on X be left untouched while Robinson and his thugs spread agigation and hatred:
Video of right-wingers burn asylum hotel:
Why is the cops standing there doing nothing while the mob lit the hotel up?? Where is Tommy Robinson’s rant on “two tier” BS now huh?
That is what I do not get with these pathetic white “nationalists” in europe claiming to represent their nation: so first they whine about oh so many muslims, arabs living in europe but then they support Israel and specifically support Israel’s war and ethnic cleansing of arabs, muslims that generate arab, muslims refugees coming to europe!? I mean how stupid could you get?? Pure boneheads that do not realize that Israel or israelis could not care less about europe but use these “nationalists” for their own end.
The moronic Robinson even said he would “fight for Israel” in a war.
Besides the UK-based Israel lobby groups backing Tommy Robinson and the EDL, US-based Zionist billionaires Robert Shillman and Nina Rosenwald have promoted him as a hero
Look at what Amerikka does to Venezuela all the time – tries to overthrow their government, hits them with cruel sanctions to immiserate the people, undermines the currency and institutions. Then they wonder why masses are trying to leave the place, and screech in horror about migrants arriving in the US.
It’s much the same throughout Latin America – destroy all institutions with even a whiff of socialism about them, destroying governments to the point they become anarchist states. Then wonder why people don’t want to live there anymore.
“1,000 mosques destroyed in Israeli onslaught on Gaza, local authorities say”
Not to mention a fair number of churches and probably the odd synagogue or two, but still not a peep out of Sir Three Wise Monkeys.
This ‘mob’ is obviously well prepared in advance. They have similar clothes, all black, amounting to a uniform. Their transport and accommodation is arranged so that they can turn up in different places as a flash mob. Maybe they have received training in how to conduct themselves in a riot. By whom and why?
Braverman, Farage et al. from the US Republicans?
All the Tories’ and Farage’s inflammatory talking points were amplified in the last few years by Starmer and Yvette Cooper, now PM and Home Secretary. In a serious country journalists would be asking those two about their own responsibility for the anti-immigrant and Islamophobic attacks. Instead we have Ed Balls today softballing his own wife, the Home Secretary, on Good Morning Britain. That is what passes for political journalism and holding the powerful to account in this country.
The media is still using the death of three young girls as the reason for these riots, equally it was mentioned by the police that told Craig not to turn up in Blackburn.
Nobody mentions the invitations to march by the Zionist chief influencer Yaxley-Leñnon from his Spanish/Israeli hide out, as this might not fit into their simplistic agenda.
Daily we hear of more Palestinians dying from rockets, hunger, dehydrated or torture by IDF soldiers with carte blanche encouragements from their fraudsters in power.
America is fuelling the madness further by projecting their naval power and threatening to intervene if Iran or Lebanon defends itself from the terrorists in Tel Aviv.
Why is our MsM not asking for the arrest and extradition of Yaxley-Lennon from Spain? His name and tweets are behind much of the escalation that is diverting our attention from all other issues.
And his Zionist paymasters are the same that have paid monies to Labour’s frontbench and cabinet.
Recalling Parliament? Oh NO, that would mean they have to do something they don’t like doing, working, representing constituents, rather than going to weddings or bothering about what’s going on in their constituencies.
FREE PALESTINE FROM ALL WHO SETTLED ON STOLEN LAND, ASSETS, ARCHIVES and more. They have homes to go to in the US, Eastern Europe, Russia and elsewhere; Palestinians have nothing, get bombed and annihilated.
Agreed. I don’t consume much media, but probably the association is already being stoked in punters’ minds between immigrants in hostels, those who support them, and those who condemn the genocide of the Palestinians. In the “minds” of Brexit-supporting consumers of material spread by the Sun, Express, Telegraph, and BBC, it’s all about “the P***s” and race traitor whites who are soft on them.
“If you keep going on about Gaza, you’re asking for it” <- That kind of thing.
What's the state planning in the way of repression? Under the banner of countering what they are uniformly calling "far-right" violence (and never fascist, racist, xenophobic, or Islamophobic violence), they are likely to introduce measures imminently. We are talking about Cobra here. We may well find it isn't only the muscled-up "Help for Heroes" fascist torch-carrying c***s – or even mainly them – who get hit.
@Johnny C: “By whom and why?”
…who don’t have the independence do this behind the CST’s backs. Who do you think?
I wouldn’t have said that violence was the answer, nor that Mills’ analogy fits “perfectly” here (since if I read it correctly, it would imply that Yaxley-Lennon’s skinhead thugs are the howling mob and Muslims are the corn merchants) but I wasn’t there. Good on you Mr. Murray.
Very interesting discussion with the PI. I hope you ask for a recording of that phone call (or made your own at the time).
The first thing you have to know about Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is that he once arrived at JFK airport in New York and slipped out of the way of the immigration officers, entering the US illegally.
I am not making a silly point about immigration. I am saying he is not a freelance independent actor. Not very many people have the connections to slip into countries through major airports. Airports have cameras everywhere and security and armed police.
The second thing is the job he got with the Quilliam Foundation.
The connection with Malcolm “Lord” Pearson is also on the list. Pearson’s is the world’s largest “educational” publisher. That’s one f*** of a bunch of government contracts.
In relation to the EDL people talk about football gangs. The truth is that the most powerful ones are deeply enmeshed in the gangland world in which the football sector and individual clubs operate. They really don’t give a toss what team gets the ball in the back of the net how many times and in what competitions. Anyone who’s naive about this should imagine it was the music sector or horseracing.
Back in 2011 the riots in England were called by the state too IMO, and were most likely to do with Olympic contracts.
The current violence goes much further and the aim is to shift the envelope. And the field of operation is much bigger than just Britain.
The reported right wing race rioting against immigration is a reflection of a deeply disturbed England.
England was always a right leaning country. By force it secured an empire, plundered that Empire for all it was worth giving it’s elite and indeed it’s masses a belief in their absolute superiority.
But the Empire is gone and now the economy slides down the economic scale. And with the downward slide goes the glue that holds societies together. Jobs, prosperity, health care, social care, and fairness. The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer as living standards slump.
And someone is to blame. Unfortunately when someone is to blame it is not them who actually get the blame when the lumpen masses swing into action and target certain sections of a community.
Blacks, Asians, Jews or in the past Irish are all excellent targets for the thug end of political discontent. It is sadly human nature that is now all to apparent in countries like right wing England.
And let us make no mistake that hatred could quite as easily be transferred against the Jock’s who many many English despise like they despised the Irish. They have, and still do, have history in that regard.
And so, a declining and increasingly impoverished England, ever more economically divided, is now finding the mechanisms to tear itself apart.
Neo liberalism lives and Starmer has declared a harsh clamp down by authorities. It might hide the symptoms for a bit as a stop gap but will it cure the issue. Well of course it won’t the march to the thuggish right is here and it won’t go away.
In the 1920s Germany was economically impoverished. The people downtrodden. The country’s standing in the gutter. Against that a man and a party arose that brutally scapegoated sections of the community whilst restoring faith in what was promoted to be the master race.
Fascism is real. Hatred of minority scape goats is real. Corporate elite manipulators are real.
Ladies and gentlemen I give you England – with these riots a bellweather of what is to come.
And no one, absolutely no one, should misunderstand when the top military genererals say the UK will be at war in a few years.
And that is exactly why Starmer has announced an additional £10bn to £15bn a year funding for the military whilst pensioner heating allowances get ditched.
Many British soldiers think the wars they fought (and lost) in Afghanistan and Iraq will soon be fought in Britain itself, in places like Bradford. They are itching to go in. They think it’s the same enemy.
Don’t believe me? Hang out on the army’s main web forum for a while and check whether I’m exaggerating or getting it wrong. It’s called the Army Rumour Service and its website is at arrse.co.uk
Willie. Yes it is always based on economics.
Dr Zhivago: “Happy people don’t go to War”
Happyish people don’t riot. Someone’s dis-appointed them and it wasn’t me or you. It wasn’t the immigrants who have never been in charge of anything.
So that leaves the rich – the politicians and the media.
Forgot to add re: Fascism – also to destroy the Working Class’s Political Institutions.
One last point: there are some huge state contracts involved in housing asylum seekers, and some very tasty individuals involved.
Heard of Nicholas van Hoogstraten? Compare the following:
1. Leeds. Police and social services spark street violence after capturing two or more Roma children.
2. Brighton: 76 refugee children “go missing” from a “hotel” owned by Hoogstraten.
Awww….how the rulers care SO MUCH about children, eh?
Repeat: 76 CHILDREN have GONE MISSING from ONE BUILDING…and it’s a story for burying away on page 17.
The ostensible promoters of these riots – Tommy Robinson, Farage, etc – are stooges in the pay of shadowy forces: billionaires, big corporations, the armaments industry and quasi-fascist states, including Israel and the US. The rioters are gullible people who attack Muslims and immigrants because they are told these are their enemies. They do this because when you have nothing violence and destruction is fun. Their paltry rewards are the spoils of looting: a new pair of size 8 trainers, a bar of strong-smelling Lush soap. The true objects of all this are (1) to counter and drown out pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel protest, and (2) to provide a superficially popular justification for the introduction of authoritarian laws that eliminate any need to respect human rights, asylum procedures, due process and international law. The sacred cow is Israel, the emblem of capitalist domination over the third world and the impoverished classes, including the class from which the rioters are recruited. There is little question that Starmer and his administration and the traditional media will lend their weight in support of this malign project.
You’ve hit the nail squarely in the head with that insightful comment, but worth also emphasising the need on the part of the Establishment to divert the blame for the ever-worsening (and to remain forever resolutely unaddressed) consequences of decades of austerity away from themselves, instead to be placed firmly on the Other, in a cynical strategy that’s straight out of the tried and tested “let’s you and him fight”, imperialistic, divide-and-rule playbook.
All the press, TV and government ministers are worried and concerned about extreme right wing movements especially as they target Arabs and Muslims in Britain.
But the same people seem to have no concern with regards to extremely racist right wing government, of what they describe as our allies in the apartheid state. Am I missing something?
SA, you’re not missing anything, you’ve correctly identified the government and commercial ‘news’ media’s deliberately selective blindness – they are demonising the misled impoverished thugs while protecting those who mislead, manipulate and impoverish them.
Noticed an odd mention of the Rwandan government cracking down on music from sites of worship. Ended up at this social anthropologist who seems to have written a lot about it. Don’t know if it may be relevant to this family or incident (via a developmentally disordered kid with also a martial arts culture) but anyway:
Noise and Silence in Rwanda’s Postgenocide Religious Soundscape
“I argue that these conflicts around sound hint at wider divides in Rwandan society and a worrying new convergence between religious and ethnic identity”
Pentecostal sounds and silences in Rwanda
by Andrea GrantJune 4, 2019
“In Rwanda the rise of the new Pentecostal churches after the genocide has been accompanied in recent years by a government crackdown on “noise pollution” in Kigali and the widespread closure of thousands of (mostly Pentecostal) churches across the country.
What makes Pentecostal “noise” so dangerous in this context? Why is this so, especially when vision has become central to the country’s development, in particular through the government’s Vision 2020 plan that aims to transform Rwanda into a Singapore-style, middle-income economy by the year 2020? Why might certain sounds disrupt this “vision”? To the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), noise—due perhaps to its association with unruliness, troublemaking, distraction, and disorder—seems to be antithetical to the country’s post-genocide future, which it has mapped out to the most intimate detail.”
Ecumenism in Question: Rwanda’s Contentious Post-Genocide Religious Landscape
“the well-known American evangelist Rick Warren, who, with the blessing of President Paul Kagame, had christened Rwanda the world’s first ‘purpose-driven’ nation in 2005.
Alongside former British prime minister Tony Blair and Starbucks chief executive officer Howard Schultz, Warren has become one of Kagame’s most vocal western supporters. While critics decry Kagame’s human rights abuses, a clique of powerful friends help to position the president as ‘the global elite’s favorite strongman’, claiming that he has brought peace and stability to a troubled region
Although [Catholic] Mihigo, as we saw, was eventually sentenced to 10 years in prison for planning to kill Kagame and overthrow the government, many believe that these charges were trumped up, and ‘Igisobanuro cy’urupfu‘ was the real reason he was imprisoned. The song has since been banned in Rwanda.”
“The liberalization of the media in 2002, coupled with advances in recording technology, created new possibilities for Pentecostals to become individual “gospel stars,” as opposed to choir members, in ways that they had been unable to before, prompting debates about the nature of the postgenocide Pentecostal voice itself. These debates are considered alongside Pentecostal radio, and within a wider context in which the Rwandan government has become increasingly concerned with policing “noise pollution.”
“Grant foregrounds the possibilities of agency available to young people, their ability to make ‘noise’, even when it may lead to devastating consequences.”
I’m so proud of you Craig. We can always depend on you to do what’s needed. Please let us know how you got on…
Have they found any Russian connection yet?
Of course, Yuri, and it was predictable. We already discussed it on the first page of comments. Not funny and generally quite pathetic.
I wish they wouldn’t be lazy and work on something more impressive, like Anthony Ammirati’s fail
YouTube maintains decency, while Russian social networks publish uncensored video
This is a task for real professionals, to find a Russian connection here! 🙂
Thanks. Unfortunately, the trick works every time because by the time the fake is exposed it’s too late and the public doesn’t care any more.
“Have they found any Russian connection yet?”
Is the Pope a Catholic?
Do bears shit in the woods?
Does a rocking-horse have a wooden dick?
Of course they have. As the old saying goes: It wouldn’t be a show without Putin, sorry, Punch.
I can give you the Russian connection: Conservative Friends of Russia.
All governments hate peaceful demonstrations, it’s very powerful and impossible to deal with.
Solution, release the thugs, turn demo violent and clampdown, jobs a goodun
Has anyone in the media, mainstream or otherwise, interviewed a “far right” rioter yet?
Any analysis of who they are yet?
Oh and who’s been handing out free holidays in Dubai – tattoos no problem – down Millwall way? [*]
* I made that bit up. But would it surprise anyone?
Swarbrick did on LBC and the caller was a right thick plank. He believed that 95% of Black and Asian minority ethnic people are the problem, that they have no discipline, no order and no respect. When it was pointed out that he and his skinhead White trash mates were prime, racist examples of what he just described, he still wouldn’t budge. Complete nutter.
this is a very weak and disappointing comment from you that does not live up to your normal standard.
Making disparaging and dehumanizing comments like “fascists”, “the likes” is not going to address any of the real problems that the population is suffering from.
Attack arguments, not people.
And be very careful about calling for more repression, one day they will most certainly come for you.
They already have come for Craig. Try to keep up.
Plymouth seems to be the focus this evening of UK orchestrated riotous behaviour. Starmer was called out for appeasing racism 4 weeks ago with his Bangladesh comments and is now reaping the whirlwind. Hell mend him. He’ll be pleading for Corbynistas and lefties to confront his own frankenstein on the streets soon.
Starmer is panicking if his language is anything to go by. Today he referred to some bureaucratic police oversight unit as an ‘army.’ He’s starting to look like Kurt von Schleicher in 1932. The man who paved the way to fascism.
Fascists trying to kill you by burning down the building you live in, because they hate you because you’re from abroad, you’re poor, and you have a different culture from theirs – and therefore they don’t want you in this country, and they’d rather you be dead or deported (they don’t offer the third option that Bezalel Smotrich offers the Arabs in Palestine, namely subjugation) – this *IS* a real problem that the population is suffering from, meaning those who are directly under attack right now and those who stand with them. Goodness knows what you mean by “real problems” and “the population”. These fascist attacks are as real a problem as real can be. Arson attacks against occupied refugee accommodation are not a small matter at all. I’m stating the obvious, but if this continues people are going to get killed.
They absolutely are fascists. If you don’t like being labelled one, DON’T BE ONE.
Violence won’t address the issues that have impoverished UK society (and none of those issues are caused by immigrants, BAME, or religions that aren’t “Christianity”).
Take a look in the mirror you poor thing.
Oh and asylum seekers and refugees aren’t the cause of those issues either.
Try rampant vulture capitalism and fascism.
“We will have a standing army of specialist officers, public duty officers, so we will have enough officers to deal with this where we need them,” said Genocide Keir after the Cobra meeting.
Did the military commanders tell him now isn’t the right time to send in the real army to, er, defend Muslims and non-white people in Britain from organised, pro-Brexit, violent, Sendembackist mobs?
I don’t know the answer to that. Could be yes, could be no. But one thing is clear, though: Genocide Keir didn’t use the word “army” by accident.
Of course other things are clear too. Such as foxes not being the best guards for chicken houses. And Sendembackists not being on the same page as those of us who oppose the genocide of the Palestinians. Which is likely to become strikingly clear to most of the country soon, possibly in the next few days.
Reminder: Genocidal Labour won an election recently with about a third of the votes, gaining two-thirds of the seats in the Commons because the “right wing” vote was split between the Tories and a rabid Sendembackist outfit.
Yes, I picked up on that as did you. The phrase ‘standing army’ is a clear indication of where we are headed under Starmer. Note the form of words used by Starmer’s official spokesman today: ‘There are no plans to bring in the army, SO FAR AS I AM AWARE.’
Initially I gave this Labour administration 18 months; but it may be Starmer needs a coalition with Davey pronto, which will amount of SFA. After that he is hawking his government around to either the Conservative rump; or when that fails, it is time to call in Farage to save UK capitalism.
WTF is a ‘public duty officer’ ?
I think the German term was ‘Gauleiter.’