Israeli Atrocities in Lebanon 87

Yesterday, not only did Israel fail to evacuate its army from Southern Lebanon as stipulated in the ceasefire agreement, Israel also shot over 130 Lebanese civilians attempting to return home in accordance with the deal, killing 23 and wounding 109 (of whom some are in critical condition).

This included a 12 year old boy wounded in the neck in Kfarkela, standing right next to my local producer Mahmood. I was twenty yards away and on my way to them. Four were killed in Kfarkela and overnight the Israeli army demolished numerous homes there in “punishment”.

Apart from one Lebanese army solider, all of the dead were civilians simply attempting to return to their homes. At least five of the dead were children. All were shot, not bombed.

Israel’s excuse for not withdrawing is that the ceasefire agreement is not fulfilled, in that Hezbollah have not been disarmed south of the Litani river, and that the Lebanese army has not assumed control.

I have spent every waking hour of three days travelling the entire southern border (remember Lebanon is a very small country; the entire country is the area of Yorkshire or Connecticut – the demarcated border region is much smaller still).

I can guarantee the Lebanese army is fully in control of the area. There are army checkpoints at every major crossroads and town entrance and at every track into the hills. What is more to the point, I saw nobody at all except for the Lebanese army carrying weapons.

Hezbollah are a significant political presence still – they are the largest political party in Lebanon – but they are not carrying arms in the ceasefire zone south of the Litani. Furthermore the Lebanese army has indeed occupied and taken over or dismantled Hezbollah’s military positions in this zone. They have confiscated over 50 arms caches.

The only areas of Southern Lebanon not under the control of the Lebanese armed forces are those areas occupied by the Israeli army.

The role of the Lebanese army is extremely dubious, but 100% in Israel’s favour. The Lebanese army is fully under US control. Literally, 50% of the salary of every single Lebanese soldier is directly paid by the US Government.

Yesterday the Lebanese army simply watched the Israeli army massacre Lebanese civilians. If the Lebanese army was protecting anybody yesterday, it was protecting the Israeli Defence Force.

Sill more extraordinary, the new Lebanese Government failed to protest at the Israeli failure to withdraw, and the Trump administration has subsequently announced that Lebanon has agreed to extend the withdrawal deadline until 18 February.

In fact neither Israel nor the USA ever had the slightest intention of IDF withdrawal. Israel has demolished more than 2,000 Lebanese homes during the ceasefire period, about half of them in towns and villages which Israel was unable to reach during the fighting but has occupied during the ceasefire.

I visited the city of Khiam yesterday and was simply stunned by the scale of devastation. Over 1,000 homes have been demolished by Israel in Khiam.

Amongst all the debris, I managed to track down the piano of Dr Julia Ali, which became an internet meme after she posted video of herself playing it in her beautiful home, and then Israeli soldiers mocking it after the home was devastated.

The house is an interesting case study. The Zionist propagandists replied to the internet videos by stating that there was a Hezbollah rocket installation in the garden. I searched extensively and found absolutely no evidence this was anything except a civilian home. There were no signs of anything unusual in the garden.

The house was not bombed – it was part demolished with explosives, shot up and set on fire, after being used as an Israeli barracks. The surviving furniture was ripped up with knives, and the mirrors, chandeliers, piano, porcelain and crystal all smashed.

Women’s clothing was strewn all around, as were dolls. Large obscene drawings and Hebrew graffiti were painted on the walls. In a room used for meals, used paper plates were all upside down on the floor and had been used to smear the food around. The floor was littered with food tins, used plastic cutlery, empty drink bottles and human excrement, again deliberately smeared around.

Throughout the building and garden were scattered numerous ammunition boxes, from small arms to tank rounds. All of it was USA manufactured.

All of the television sets, satellite receivers, music systems and kitchen electricals were ripped out, as was the generator set.

I went to the neighbouring villa, where a lady owner was salvaging from the wreckage with her son in law. Again, all of the electrical equipment and the generator set had been taken. Also disappeared was jewellery, a highly valuable collection of antique rugs, and significant paintings. None of this was among the rubble.

We investigated further in the area and could find no instance of any TVs or valuables, or their remnants, being discovered in the rubble. We also found instances of shops, particularly a designer clothes shop and a phone shop, whose entire content had been looted.

A soldier cannot put a generator set or an antique carpet in his backpack. This industrial scale of looting has to be officially sanctioned by the IDF and involve military transport vehicles, or vehicles requisitioned by the military.

It may not compare to the murder of children, but is itself a war crime. The western MSM, which made a huge noise about Russian looting in Ukraine, has never mentioned this massive Israeli looting.

The Ceasefire Agreement was a disgrace that was bound to lead to this conclusion. The notion that its monitors, France and the United States, are in any sense neutral is laughable. Israel has no intention whatsoever of withdrawing from Southern Lebanon and continues daily destruction of Lebanese homes while constructing at least five fortified military bases.

What I still find astonishing is that new Lebanese President Aoun and Prime Minister Mikati have agreed to extend the Israeli occupation on these obviously false pretexts. Israel has committed over 120 documented violations of the ceasefire. Hezbollah has committed one, in early December, in response to multiple Israeli attacks on civilians.

Hezbollah is in real danger of looking a busted flush. It agreed to disarm in the ceasefire deal, which would leave Israel able to annex Southern Lebanon with no serious opposition on the ground. It does seem that Hezbollah’s war losses and the assassination of its leadership cadre has left it incapable of any significant military response to extended Israeli occupation. Its response to yesterday’s massacre has been only rhetoric.

As of today, Israel appears well set to consolidate its extension of Greater Israel into both Southern Lebanon and Southern Syria, with the active complicity of US backed governments in both Beirut and Damascus.

In the long term, I believe the atrocities of Israel will be rejected by the people of the region and bring about its downfall. But currently it is Netanyahu and Trump who are smiling.


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87 thoughts on “Israeli Atrocities in Lebanon

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  • Franc

    How do I send this article?
    It says above, ” Liked this article? Please share using the links below ”
    This disgusting behaviour by the israelies needs to be broadcast Worldwide.

  • Stevie Boy

    Excellent report. Israel appears untouchable, they can literally do what they want, and their entire western fan club will defend their right to kill and maim, in the name of defence. On this day the PR machine is turned up to maximum and we can expect sickening, fawning statements from the likes of Starmer and the rest of the western political ‘kapos’.
    One, maybe, unintended consequence of Israel’s actions is that a lot of people now will have little or no sympathy for victms of the, so called, holocaust.

    • Stevie Boy

      January 27 marks the day the Red Army liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp
      “The Holocaust was a collective endeavour by thousands of ordinary people utterly consumed by the hatred of difference. That is the hatred we stand against today and it is a collective endeavour for all of us to defeat it.”
      “We must start by remembering the six million [?] Jewish victims and by defending the truth against anyone who would deny it.” [and by destroying anyone who questions what actually happened]
      “But as we remember, we must also act. Because we say ‘never again’ – but where was never again in the genocides of Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur – and where is never again as antisemitism kills Jewish people still?” [What about Palestinians ?]
      “ We will make Holocaust education a truly national endeavour. … We will ensure all schools teach it”
      [Brainwashing on behalf of Israel]

      • Brian Red

        What he’s pushing with the idea that “the Holocaust was a collective endeavour by thousands of ordinary people” is the idea that the Palestinians are collectively responsible for wickedness and must be punished.

        Also it’s worth pointing out that on a purely factual level the mass murder committed by German forces 80-90 years ago was NOT a collective endeavour by thousands of ordinary people.

    • DGP

      STEVIE BOY-Unwise to make the suggestion that sympathy for victims 80 odd yrs ago is conditional. The holocaust was an atrocity of monstrous dimensions and historical gravity.
      It was notable that the BBC public farter, Fiona Bruce talked through her fart hole about the warning to ‘never let it happen again” when such a lot is going on in Gaza and Lebanon. (Not unrelated ) I don’t rate ms Bruce as an honest reporter but she must have noticed events, so we must infer she must be happy to make such a disordered, witless vacuity.

      • Stevie Boy

        Why is that ? People in general, IMO, tend to judge the past based on their current prejudices and events. It may not be rational, or nice, but that’s the way it works. My point is that Israel’s actions are undermining sympathy for Jewish holocaust victims and that’s entirely the fault of Israel.

  • Jack

    Great reporting once again Craig. Yes unfortunately the appeasement by arab leaders just keep getting worse, the other day it was reported how Saudi Arabia is going to invest some $600 billion in some shady deal with Trump – in return Trump will try to force palestinians out of Gaza into the arab world and by that kill off the palestinian statehood for good. But I assume one must be realistic, this is the “new” Middle east: Arab leaders openly bow down to US, Israel letting them get away with everything and the arab population seems to be OK with it. How do the lebanese PM sell in this appeasement to his public?

    The incompetent leadership in Lebanon obviously believe that Israel is only against Hezbollah – like themselves. But Israel hate Hezbollah as much as they hate every other group in Lebanon – that is why Israel feel free to kill and throw the “ceasefire”-agreement straight to the bin.

  • Crispa

    Brave reporting, making sober reading that can only intensify the hypocrisy of the official commemorations of 80th Holocaust Memorial Day.

  • Madison

    Once again, thanks Mr. Murray for being the first to really report live from where it is all happening.
    Namely Southern Lebanon, as I had previously suggested yesterday. Everybody knew the ceasefire wouldn’t end in the conditions previously envisioned, but nobody knew what exactly could happen. Unfortunately, it is too expensive in terms of bloodshed, as if Gaza wasn’t enough.
    It seems that fortunately your GoFund account is doing better since you returned to Beirut. Let’s hope you can soon find the funds to provide us with equally valuable reports from Syria!

  • glenn_nl

    Bravely done, Craig. Please watch yourself there – I’m sure those blood-thirsty psychopaths are watching you.

    Hearing the “Never Again™” crowd falling over themselves condemning one genocide, while they cheer on another, was pretty revolting today. It’s always the anniversary of something for the Israelis to dine out on yet again.

    PS Please post this on Bluesky!

  • Tom74

    Typical of the mainstream British media and political class: They are too corrupt and dishonest to tell us (never mind do anything) about a holocaust this year, so they have been giving top billing all day to a holocaust 50 years ago (and normal political discourse virtually suspended, incredibly). Thanks for some real journalism, Craig.

    • Stevie Boy

      80 years ago Tom. However, was good to see the inbred, German Royals undergoing ritual humiliation doing the goy grovel shedding, crocodile, tears for all the Jewish dead. But no tears for Palestine, nazis must stick together I guess.

      • Brian Red

        Just a reminder that the mass murder in Germany started with the mentally and physically disabled, and children in particular. It did not start with Jews.

        • Gritstone

          DOG FOX FIELD, Les Murray

          These were no leaders, but they were first
          into the dark on Dog Fox Field:

          Anna who rocked her head, and Paul
          who grew big and yet giggled small,

          Irma who looked Chinese, and Hans
          who knew his world as a fox knows a field.

          Hunted with needles, exposed, unfed,
          this time in their thousands they bore sad cuts

          for having gazed, and shuffled, and failed
          to field the lore of prey and hound

          they then had to thump and cry in the vans
          that ran while stopped in Dog Fox Field.

          Our sentries, whose holocaust does not end,
          they show us when we cross into Dog Fox Field.

        • Squeeth

          If you compare the criteria for the murder of disabled newborns, babies, toddlers children, adolescents and adults with the eugenic criteria in the Abortion Acts, you won’t find much difference.

  • frankywiggles

    Thank you for courageously reporting these brutish and depraved atrocities.

    Lebanon’s complicity in its own ruin at US hands seems incresible but it is far from unique. It is only a degree or two more craven than Germany’s.

    The British are on the same trajectory under Starmer and his controllers. A few days ago they exempted children of US soldiers from VAT on private school fees in the UK while children of British troops and children with SEND needs must pay full price.

    Is this cuckery because the Hegemon has decided to take off the gloves, figuring there’s nothing to lose after what the world has seen it do to Gaza and the Germans and Ukrainians? “Everyone’s very aware of what we are now, so we’re not going to bother anymore with niceties or pretence”.

    • Brian Red

      @frankwiggles – British “troops”? Officers, more like.

      Doesn’t the British army already pay the fees for some children to go to boarding school here, while army officer Daddy is stationed in Cyprus or Belize or Oman or wherever? Maybe they only pay the boarding component?

      The guys at the Torygraph don’t give a toss about children with “special needs”, any more than they care about privates who came back traumatised from Afghanistan. It’s the posho army officers not getting enough respect (and subsidy) when they send their offspring to boarding schools that they care about. (Emphasis on boarding.)

      All I can say is it’s good to see a punch-up within the ruling class.

  • Harry Law

    Stunning Images Show Tens Of Thousands Of Gazans Returning To Destroyed Homes On Foot
    No doubt Jerad Kushner and his father in Law Donald Trump will look on in horror and wonder where all his beachfront properties and other real estate deals [in Gaza] will materialize when the Palestinians stay put and reject Trumps overtures for Jordan and Egypt to take them.

    • Brian Red

      If they try to “clean out” Gaza, to use a foul Zionist dehumanising term that’s very similar to how they talked when they expelled everyone from Haifa and is now a term used by the deranged in-law of the Kushners that you mention, it’s p>95% that they will attack on a large scale in the West Bank at the same time.

      Any day now, we could read “Large terror facilities discovered in Jenin, Jericho, and Ramallah”, with Macron and Scholz and Genocide Britboy all saying “Israel has the right to defend itself”.

      Where are their weaknesses?


        Brian Red.

        ‘ Their weakness’ is the fact that nearly all of this devastation has been recorded and will be available in future trials for the perpetrators to admit to.

        May not be my lifetime or yours but, Empires fall and the US one will be no different.

        All about time and changes and all on the record for future use.

        Very inspiring today on the Palestinians march back to Northern Gaza to their land.

        Trump now has a choice:

        Does he let them stay or does he allow Israel ( supplied with more 2k bombs courtesy of the US ) to re-bomb the people out of Gaza once again?

        He has also said he wants to ‘clean up ‘ the whole of Palestine.

        How exactly does he do that without looking worse than Biden and being as he has allegedly re- asserted the idea that the US dog wags the Israeli Tail can he explain to an already appalled world why Israel is getting its bidding done by the US again by clearing Palestine?

        He also has to explain the same to his own people and supposedly grow the US economy.

        The US public are not mad keen on throwing money at other countries instead of throwing it at them.

        Maybe Israel will come under the same pressures ?- we shall see.

        Ironically a lot of WASPS who make up some of his base do not like any Jews – never mind Israeli jews.

        As always we shall see.

        p.s. I disagree with Craig re: Hezbollah.

        Just because Israel and the US have won a few battles – it doesn’t mean they have won the War.

        The Israelis supposedly have sold the idea to their population that Hamas is defeated ergo the Gazans are defeated.

        Yet – here they are bravely walking back to their land in complete contradiction to that lie told to the Israelis.

        The release of the Israeli hostages ( yes the were in the Military despite the denials) in decent nick is another lie blown open.

        So – the effect will be more interesting on the Israelis and Netanyahu is in Court today so, we will see what develops between him and the Israeli people and of course he and Trump.

        Hezbollah have cease fired because they do not want the Lebanese people to be bombed – simple as that for me.

        But as with Iran – cockyness from the US and Israel could force countries into a position where the end up with no choice but to fight back.

        That time is approaching and the overstretch from Israel is becoming more and more apparent.

        The US is not strong enough Militarily to take on Russia/China and cause trouble in The Middle East.

        This is why everything is proxied – particularly war.

        If the US attacks Iran then they will have to become more physically involved
        in these wars.

        The US public does not like dead US Military people returning home in coffins.

        If Trump is responsible for making that happen he will pay a massive political price.

        The question is: is that a price he wants to pay personally?

        • Brian Red

          AFAIAA Trump has only talked about “cleaning out” Gaza, not the whole of Palestine, but the involvement of Jordan suggests there would be mass expulsions from the West Bank too. (But not even Gaza plus West Bank plus Jerusalem constitute the whole of Palestine.)

          I detest the USA but underestimating its strength militarily can be as big an error as overestimating it. It’s possible the USA in Syria demonstrated to both Russia and China some kind of military capability that they didn’t expect, when Assad was brought down so fast and without a battle.

          • Stevie Boy

            It appears that the Israelis are balancing their ‘losses’ in Gaza with ‘wins’ in the west bank. I do believe that 2025 will see the attempted clearing of the West bank and that this is one of the conditions put on Trump by Adelson and her blood money.

  • Stuart

    The cynical hypocricy by western leaders on show today takes some believing. The double standards blatantly on show are breathtaking. Two International courts have declared Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. Deafening silence from Starmer and his stooges. Netanyahu is undergoing corruption proceedings in Israel. Again, more silence from Starmer and the Stooges.
    Your excellent article puts the vast majority of our mainstream media to shame. Add Trump into the equation and follow the money. Most Arab leaders ignore the feelings of their people and collude with the tyrants and the ultra wealthy.
    Eisenhower warned of the ‘Arms Industrial Complex’ in the late ’50’s. Sadly, his warnings have been ignored. Trillions are spent on the arms trade (or, you could say, Trillions are made selling arms). And in the meantime, the world is going to hell in a bucket.
    “Drill Baby Drill” says the latest manifestation of greed and stupity triumphing over sense and intelligence.



      According to Max Blumenthal the ‘ New’ President of the IJC is an ardent Christian Zionist.

      She has two votes: one as President and one as a Member.

      Another Blazing Charioteer to Heaven ( after the Jews renounce their religion of course).

      There’s always a catch somewhere if you want to get into Heaven.


  • Ian

    The IDF and those who command them are beyond a disgusting disgrace of humanity. Vindictive, hideous, cruel, inhuman and moronic, who demonstrate their contempt for all others outside of their precious little US taxpayer funded bubble of their racist atrocity exhibitions. If you ever wondered how evil people can be, how low they can sink, leaving any semblance of common decency or morality behind, they are a case study in the abandonment of any such claim. How can we stand by and witness such wanton desecration, which cheapens and degrades everything we might value? It is a kind of nihilism, built on the certainty of the deliberate removal of any accountability, responsibility or legality. And worst of all, they want to rub all of our noses in their glee at being declared by the US and its ‘allies’ as untouchable. They are intent on demonstrating they can do whatever they like to whomsoever they like, regardless of age, gender, status, nationality or group.
    They want you to be shocked, dismayed and frightened of them, they want to show that in order to get their way, they will destroy everything which sustains human life in the areas they covet – a systematic, deliberate policy of destruction of homes, villages, towns, cities and all of the infrastructure – particularly hospitals, schools, civil institutions and necessary resources of food, water and energy.
    It is pure scorched earth annihilation. And barely a critical word in the West, or even basic reporting of what is going on.
    Thanks to Craig for providing this information, which any worthwhile properly funded news organisation could do, but chooses not to.
    Although i fear for his life, given the value of his reporting, and the deliberate killing of journalists already, those brave enough to report in Gaza particularly.
    The whole thing is nauseating, and very hard to take. Thanks, israel, for your contribution to extinction studies and the demise of our hopes in humanity.

  • Brian Red

    “The Zionist propagandists replied to the internet videos by stating that there was a Hezbollah rocket installation in the garden”

    Well Mandy Rice-Davies did move to “Israel”.

    Just some crude military speculation here… But what if the occupation is *so* geared up for these chevauchée type operations against civilians in urban areas, possibly soon to cover the West Bank and again Gaza, and maybe what they’ll call an n-front war, that they’ll be weaker at home?

    I mean what are their weaknesses? This is what their opponents must ask.

    There are examples of armies that have been overly configured to do a particular job, e.g. French army in WW1, British army in Singapore in WW2.

  • Colin Davis

    And today with no hint of irony Prince Charles and many others at Auschwitz talked of “never again”, and numerous speakers used the occasion to declare their love of and support for Israel.

    • pete

      It is hard to imagine how the ptb have the gall to parrot “never again” while they are doing the same thing to the citizens of Palestine.
      Thank you Craig for this report and shining a light on a piece of the world that the msm would prefer to keep under wraps.

    • Brianfujisan

      True reporting Craig.. Close call though .. Bless the wee shot soul.

      Imagine the West’s Fake Reporters were as brave as You.. But As Glen Says..They Are Watching You..

      And Acording to Caitlin Johnston ..the Evil Bastards Shot a Two year old baby in the head Yesterday .

      Stay safe Craig.

    • Alyson

      Bear in mind, Colin, that Prince Charles has never visited Israel. It is still Palestine to him. And by stating Never again! he is coming as close as he dare to expressing his concern. The horrors of Auschwitz remain horrors. It used to be remembered as 4 million Jews, though, and 2 million Gypsies, other racial minorities, and learning disabled and mentally ill, but they don’t want to remember the other victims. And they use the horror to justify their actions. Charles has no jurisdiction over our elected government’s policy. William and Kate have made several unofficial visits and one official visit, since Kate’s family home is in Jordan. Charles is always diplomatic. Times change and we are caught up in the mess which we powerless ones are trying to address. We ought never to have got involved in bombing Russia without declaring war against them. Russia has been consistent in keeping the conflict strictly within the borders of Ukraine, for the purpose of defending the Russian speaking minority. Biden has dragged us into this awfulness and we have no choice but to trust that Trump will get us out of it.

  • John Graham

    This is exemplary journalism. Very few people would go to these lengths for people in a foreign country. It’s giving an example of an entirely different way of being in the world, which reflects genuine compassion and fairness. Unfortunately I can’t see the example spreading very far with the strength of forces ranged against it. But it’s a superb effort nonetheless.

    If you look through history you’ll see that the best people are always attacked, maligned, isolated, misrepresented, etc. They are always in a small minority – from Socrates right up to the present. Nothing really changes morally as far as I can see. Obviously nothing you’re doing will change the course of events, but if it helps a few people on the ground in Lebanon and brings clarity to a few people who read your coverage and changes their perceptions of the way the world works, then that’s something important.

    You can never be sure of the knock on effects off good work like this – it can permeate into places you wouldn’t expect.

  • Harry Law

    The Israeli and western assault on Gaza and part of Lebanon is mass murder of unarmed women and children. Israel uses U.S.-made large 2000lb bombs, attack jets, and naval vessels to bomb densely crowded refugee camps, schools, apartment blocks, mosques, and slums to attack a population of mostly women and children that has no air force, no air defence, no navy, no heavy weapons, no artillery units, no mechanised armour, and no army, and calls it a war. It is not a war. It is a televised genocide supported by no other than the unconscionable U.S.-led Western regimes that have always claimed to be the global “defenders” of “democracy,” “freedom,” and “human rights.” In truth, they are serial killers and mass murderers of hapless people in the middle east. Keir Starmer and David Lammy are willing accomplices and are directly responsible in helping the Genocidal state of Israel murder as many Palestinians as possible by supplying them with the military wherewithal for them to do so. These two disgusting psychopaths need to be gone tout sweet, they will get us all killed.

  • Anthony

    Thank you, Craig. Unfortunately we live in a country where western/zionist crimes are rationalised if they are acknowledged at all.

    This for example was Layla Moran MP yesterday:

    “On Holocaust Memorial Day, we remember the lives of six million Jewish people, and the thousands of Roma and Sinti, black, gay, disabled and others, who were murdered.

    We also remember the genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur and the ongoing genocide in Xinjiang.”

    Xinjiang mentioned and not a word about Gaza.

    This liberal MP Layla Moran is the daughter of a Palestinian. 

    These are the moral depths you must plumb in order to get on in liberal politics in the west.

    • Alyson

      Again, Anthony, our spokespersons are restrained by our government’s complicity. By mentioning other genocides and being there as a Palestinian, this is as close as she dare go.

      • Stevie Boy

        We still jokingly have what we call a free and democratic society, no-one, particularly MPs, are constrained in what they say. To remain silent is complicity, to remain silent to protect your job is moral corruption.
        No excuses for these people.

  • M.J.

    I note that the speech of Irish President Michael Higgins on the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz* was greeted by howls of protest and accusations of anti-semitism because if dared to mention Palestinians and Palestine, and even the need to trace the root of the conflict in the Middle East in the context of human rights.
    All the more reason for it to be widely known!


    • M.J.

      But looking at South Lebanon more specifically, something appears wrong.Hezbollah was effectively resisting Israeli attempts at ground incursion till the ceasefire. Why suddenly appear to let them walk all over the place, killing as they please? Is there something wrong, that we’re not being told?

    • M.J.

      Thanks for this, looks like an excellent article. I’ve made a note of the link to Beinart’s book as well (ISBN 1805464515, hopefully a cheaper paperback edition will become available in a year or so).

  • Jack

    And the scandal at ICJ just keeps on growing:
    “The International Court of Justice president, Julia Sebutinde, is a plagiarist”
    I summarized Sebutinde’s absurd dissent here:

    Speaking on ICJ, it is insane that Lebanon itself do not file a suit against Israel at the ICJ/ICC after their assault on Lebanon.
    How could we stop Israel if the very people, very nations that are attacked by Israel do not care?

    • AG

      I wonder how Israelis pulled that off…(to get her there in the light of the fact that Ugandans must have known before how this would play out, you don´t turn into a Zionist overnight.)

      in other news on ignorance, compliance and complacency of our German friends:

      “Raz Segal: Genocide Denial in Holocaust Studies
      Scholar Raz Segal recounts the strange experience of being attacked as an antisemite, despite being Jewish himself and studying the Holocaust and other genocides, for the high crime of opposing Israel’s slaughter in Gaza.”:


      What lies at the core of the unconditional support Germany extends to Israel
      A close partnership between Israeli and German Holocaust scholars offers some troubling answers to this question. In an online event organized by the Holocaust Studies Program at the Israeli Western Galilee College (WGC) on December 19, 2024, three speakers — Alvin Rosenfeld, a professor of English and Jewish Studies at Indiana University; Verena Buser, a German historian who teaches online at the WGC; and Lars Rensmann, a professor of political science at the University of Passau in Germany — attacked Holocaust and genocide studies scholars who have written and talked about Israel’s genocide in Gaza, including me.

      Though the event was organized in honor of Yehuda Bauer, a founding figure of Holocaust studies who passed away on October 18, 2024, at the age of ninety-eight, the speakers barely mentioned Bauer or his work. Nor did they evaluate the mountain of evidence for the unfolding genocide in Gaza since October 7, 2023. Instead, they opted for outright genocide denial.
      As such, the attacks against Jewish scholars are part of the broader racist worldview of the speakers at the WGC event, aimed primarily at denigrating Palestinians.

      Most outrageously, the respondent Israeli historian Dan Michman, who serves as head of the International Institute for Holocaust Research at Yad Vashem, called in none other than Adolf Hitler to lend weight to the speakers’ attacks:

      Nobody finds a problem with the term Palestinian. . . . But if you go back a century, to Mein Kampf, for instance . . . Hitler says at a certain point that the Zionists want to establish a Palestinian state in order to have a basis for their criminal activities. Now a Palestinian state a century ago was a Jewish state. And the fact is that during the [British] Mandate period in Palestine, the Jewish inhabitants were called Palestinian Jews, the Arabs were Palestinian Arabs. . . . In 1948, Israel was established, and the Palestinian Jews became Israelis, so the term [Palestinian] was left open, and only since the 1950s [do] we start to hear about Palestinians.

      on the smearing:

      Those Jewish scholars are not alone, however. William Schabas, one of the most important international law experts on genocide who comes from a family of Holocaust survivors, explained in an interview at the end of November 2024 that

      in Gaza . . . the infrastructure has been massively destroyed, people have been unable to escape — and then there were the awful statements made by [former Israeli defense minister] Yoav Gallant. . . . Statements came from ministers, government spokespersons, and military leaders, all of whom have influence over the troops. They are more frequent and more serious than in any other case before [the International Court of Justice] that I am aware of. . . . Together with the hunger and the lack of access to water and hygiene, the systematic destruction of homes, schools, and hospitals, an image emerges that could be interpreted as being the result of genocidal intent.

      For Rensmann, however, the “genocide claim [against Israel] is part and parcel of the history of twentieth- and now twenty-first-century antisemitism.”

      Buser built on Rensmann to wave away the Holocaust and genocide studies scholars, mostly Jews, whose work draws on the vast and growing body of sources on Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

    • Stevie Boy

      Don’t confuse the people with their government.
      I’m sure the Lebanese people don’t want this, but the reality is that their government is totally controlled by USA/Israel. Personally, I don’t see the situation in the UK as being much different, were ruled by puppets.

      • Jack

        May be so but I reckon there have been more public protests, unrest in the western world than in 20+ arab nations combined (let alone dozens of muslim nations). Where are the big, subverting protest movement that one saw back in 2011 with the “Arab Spring” that actually made some arab leaders step down? It seems that westerners like us could only do so much because it does not matter if a western leader have to step down or if the opposition is elected because the pro-israel course will be the same but there could be a cataclysmic event if lets say the leader of Egypt, Jordan or Saudi were to be unseated. The arab world solely hold the key for change after the whole of the west abdicated and appease Israel no matter what. If the arab world do not raise their voice I fear one could write off that there will ever be a palestinian statehood, the palestinians people will become another ethnically cleansed group.
        It will be telling to see the reaction of the saudi public when the saudi leaders will sign a normalization deal with israel coming months/year, that will be a critical lackmustest.

  • Brianfujisan

    Whilst True Reporters like Craig are Over in the War Zone..
    Declassified Australia tells us how corrupt the MSM are – Though I’m not sure the Pope deserves a mention here –

    The Australian mainstream media have failed abysmally to heed or answer the call to arms that the persecution of Mary Kostakidis represents, exactly as they did in the case of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

    Indeed, the silence of journalists of the Fourth Estate, combined with its affinity for the narratives of the rich and powerful, contributes to what seems to be a whole of government press-supported campaign to silence any voice critical of the official line.

    And as for Mary Kostakidis? If you assume, contrary to all of the evidence, that the Zionists taint her as anti-Semitic then she is in good company: apparently the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, the U.N. secretary general, multiple U.N. rapporteurs, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Israeli Human Rights organisation B’Tselem, Israeli newspaper Haaretz and even the pope are too.

    By Kellie Tranter
    Declassified Australia

    How the Israel Lobby Tries to Silence Criticism of Israel

  • Republicofscotland

    Israeli Major General Oded Basyuk walked about the streets of London and met with officials in secret – without even the slightest chance of him being arrested – even though he has played a major role in the genocide in Gaza.

    Not one major news outlet doorstepped this war criminal or even approached him or reported on the visit – only Declassified, doorstepped and questioned the war criminal but he fled. Its unlikely that any British PM would arrest any Zionist war criminals for genocide in Gaza.

    “Given that the ICC can issue arrest warrants in secret, and at short notice, how is Basyuk so confident that he can visit the UK without legal repercussions?

    Further, Britain’s universal jurisdiction laws mean serious crimes can be prosecuted in the UK wherever they occurred, and separately from the ICC. A private application for his arrest could have been issued while he was here.

    The only plausible answer is that the government of Keir Starmer gave him a gold-plated assurance that he would not be arrested under any circumstances during his visit.

    As a signatory to the Rome Statute, it should be noted, Britain is legally obliged to enforce an arrest warrant issued by the ICC, though it has equivocated about whether in practice it would carry out an arrest of either Netanyahu or Gallant, if put to the test.”


    No more neutrality for Switzerland – its now a Zio-Nazi supporting nation – which shuts down free speech against the genocide in Gaza.

    The man has since been deported from Switzerland.

    “United Nations experts and social media activists have strongly denounced the arrest of a prominent Palestinian-American journalist in the Swiss city of Zurich, saying it raised concerns about freedom of speech in Western countries.

    Swiss Police arrested Ali Abunimah, who is the co-founder and executive director of pro-Palestine news outlet The Electronic Intifada (EI), on Saturday.

    Abunimah arrived at Zurich airport on Friday and was questioned by the police for an hour before being allowed to enter the Swiss city. He was arrested the following day ahead of a speaking event.

    Pro-Palestinian advocacy group Swiss Action for Human Rights launched a petition to release Abunimah on Sunday.

    Francesca Albanese, UN special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied territories, in a post on the X social media platform voiced concerns over the state of freedom of expression and media freedom in Europe.”

      • Stevie Boy

        Switzerland has only ever been neutral in name only. They had a pretty poor record during WW2 when there was certainly cooperation with the nazis, particularly the German speaking areas. The banking system has also been very useful for depositing stolen loot, and just like Israel every adult in Switzerland is in the military. It’s a beautiful country, but if you live there you’d better conform or your life will be difficult.

        • Brian Red

          Switzerland only became a big international money laundering banking place when NYC-based Jewish mafia boss Meyer Lansky made arrangements for the Sicilian mafia (“Cosa Nostra”) to put their money there. That was after Luciano and Genovese took power from the “Moustache Petes” in 1931.

          The idea that Swiss banking goes back to the Knights Templar is nonsense.

          Got to admit that for a regime run for the benefit of international organised crime they’ve been quite effective at PR. They really sell on the “clean” thing, probably with greater success than their counterparts in the Dutch narco-state who sell on “pragmatic”.

          Didn’t they have slavery in agriculture (using children in “care”) until a few decades ago?

  • Jack

    “Lebanese caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati strongly condemned the two strikes on Nabatieh and described them as a violation of the ceasefire arrangement with Israel.”

    “Strongly condemned” sigh, I do not know whether to laugh or cry about this ineptitude.
    What did the PM expect? Why did he sign a ceasefire-deal that did not deal with ceasefire-violations?

  • ET

    Netanyahu invited by Trump to be the first foreign “leader” to visit the White House in his second term.
    The invitation was made in a letter from the US president, which invited the Israeli prime minister to come to the White House on February 4th to “discuss how we can bring peace to Israel and its neighbours, and efforts to counter our shared adversaries”.

    “It will be my honour to host you as my first foreign leader during my second term,” the letter read.

    Mr Trump has said he is “not confident” that the ceasefire in Gaza will hold. Under the terms of the ceasefire, Israel and Hamas should soon commence negotiating a longer-term peace that many fear will fail and lead to a return to bloodshed following more than 15 months of fighting.

      • Jack

        Symbolic value pushed by the israeli lobby and funders of Trump.
        And yeah Netanyahu will sure bring his laundry alright

        Washington Post: Israel’s Netanyahu brings his dirty laundry to Washington. Literally.
        “Over the years, the Israeli leader has developed a reputation among the staff at the U.S. president’s guesthouse for bringing special cargo on his trips to Washington: bags and suitcases full of dirty laundry, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter”.

  • Townsman

    It’s important to note that the Western media are complicit in these atrocities by suppressing news about them.
    Home page of the BBC: nothing.
    Home page of The Independent: nothing.
    Home page of Sky: nothing.
    Home page of The Guardian: nothing

    To be fair, the Guardian does have a reasonable general article on the middle east:
    But the detail of Craig’s report, the looting, the sickening contempt for Lebanese civilians institutionalised in the Israeli military, is essential to really understand what is going on.

  • nevermind

    Craig’s superb, realistic and fearless reporting from south Lebanon’s hotspot, pointing out the IDF looting and massacring of civilians there, should be read from the pulpits and mosques alike every Friday and Sunday.
    It should be read out at schools and universities.
    Craig should get an honorary doctorate in Palestinian and Lebanese genocide studies from Newcastle university, where the current lumpen media head-nodders were bred.
    Thank you Craig Murray. What a swell job you are doing.
    But foremost, take care of your own hide as well.
    The world’s people need you.

  • Carlyle Moulton

    Humans are members of species homo sapiens so no one should be surprised to see individual homo sapiens or collectives of them engaging in normal homo sapiens behavior such as ethnic hygiene promotion, genocide pack rape slavery or torture. These are all perfectly normal homo sapiens behaviors but very few humans are able to detect them objectively. Members of species homo sapiens when viewing any other member of species homo sapiens first evaluate on what side of the US/THEM divide he or she is with respect to themselves and according to their choice judge that other’s behavior and character. Behavior by one of THEM can be judged criminal evil and immoral while the identical behavior by one of US is judged defensible, morally justified and warranted.

    So killings and kidnappings by Hamas on October 7 2023 were criminal wicked and unjustified while the much greater killings of Palestinians are OK because justified to get at members or alleged members of Hamas in a crowd of others. If noncombatants get killed as collateral damage it is their fault for allowing a member of Hamas or one identified by a drone’s imprecise AI face recognition as a member of Hamas get too near them. If every remaining hostage taken on October 7 dies the total killed as a result will be less than 1500. Compare this to the 15,000 Palestinians killed in 1947-1948 to persuade 750,000 to flee. The killing of 15,000 was in two lots of about 7,500 the first by Zionist death squads led by future Israeli prime ministers to instil terror and the second in the actual Nakba to encourage those not wanting to test whether failing to flee would get him to be the second shot through the head as practical advice. 15,000 that 2% of the 750,000 who fled and is 10 October The sevenths. Compare the two and tell me which is the greater atrocity. in 1947-1948 The Zionists rid themselves of 765,000 Palestinians 15,000 dead and 750,000 expelled. In my opinion the dead were the lucky ones, the 750,000 and their descendants have spent 75 years stateless in squalid concentration camps in Nations which never gave them the rights of citizenship and no other nations have accepted them particularly those of the Euro-North American West who enabled the Zionist cause. Trump wants Egypt and Jordan to take them, surely Australia, Canada, Germany, France, New Zealand, The UK The US …. should accept them not the overcrowded and poor Arab countries who rightly fear being flooded with angrily and justifiably aggrieved refugees angry at these nations for cooperating in their expulsion.

    Since 1948 Zionists and Palestinians have been killing each other but the ratio of Palestinians killed by Zionists and Zionists killed by Palestinians has been 20:1. Lately post October 8 in the west bank the ratio has shifted to 50:1 and in Gaza we do not know because of hidden bodies buried in mass graves, ploughed under by IDF bulldozers or hidden under collapsed buildings. I expect it to be above 100,000 but we won’t find out because Netanyahu will recommence bombing as soon as the last hostage is freed.

    Fact, International Law is null and void, always has been and always will be. Genocide has not been thought bad everywhere and every-when. It wasn’t bad when European colonists did it to the natives of the Western Hemisphere instead it was “Manifest Destiny” . It wasn’t bad when the Germans killed 40% of the inhabitants of South West Africa or when the Turks killed the Armenians. The Holocaust was only thought bad because the victims were white and Germany lost the war against the rest of the world that it had provoked. Had hostilities ended in an armistice rather than surrender or had The Axis won the Holocaust would have been thought nothing of any moment and except for the writings of a few Black Arm Band historians absent from most history books.

    Time has moved on since the second world war, the consensus now is that there are really are some groups of homo sapiens without whom the world would be more convenient for the people who matter. “Insert Latin word for Indigenous” delenda est. Indigenous people are incapable of adapting to modernity and neo-liberal policy. They are too attached to land and thus an obstacle in the way of Billionaires who could use it much more efficiently.

    There are so many of them who need to be Holocausted, in Africa, Asia, Australia, India, Latin America, New Zealand, Oceania, West Papua….. and perhaps Mars.

    • nevermind

      Billionaires don’t use anything efficiently: they got rich on the backs of others, they pollute and squander as they see fit and now they are pissing on the laws created that made them powerful and ignorant.
      modernity leaving delenda est behind isa laughable assumption as modernity will eat itself and subsume those who have not realised that mammon is without nutrients to live on.
      Yoga and mantras might enlighten the mind for a while, but nature is not manageable or there to be customed, it just is.
      There is no higher meaning to life, except to get through it as best and amazing cable as one can.

      • Carlyle Moulton


        Obviously you do not believe in the foundational economic and political philosophy of The Euro North American empire aka Neo-liberalism. Obviously you scorn the wisdom of the West’s political giants such as John Winston Howard, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Regan. Obviously you do not appreciate the benefits off Margaret Thatcher’s privatization of inefficient Government monopolies such as Thames Water and Social Housing leading to magnificent economic and social benefits currently enjoyed by UK citizens!!!!!

    • GratedApe

      It would presumably help if everyone was raised to identify their tribe as the human one, traced back to the first humans to evolve.

      It’s interesting that despite Nazi eugenic ideology being used to discredit evolutionary insights, Israel apparently teaches evolution from at least secondary school i recall. Whereas e.g. Turkey has apparently removed it from even university.

      Last year I briefly spoke to a couple of ‘Jehovas Witnesses’ in London who had a sign about climate change, but didn’t believe in evolution. The young woman looked at me with pity for this belief, so brainwashed was she, while the older guy implied it was too complicated for the masses. Then a muslim guy came up behind me mockingly asking if i believed in evolution (how stupid for an obvious ape to be stood there in denial of being an ape). He aggressively refused to leave me alone so i left.

      Then again the prior year I was in the stupidly small human evolution section of the natural history museum, and there was a young couple who seemed to be at least culturally muslim and seemed at least interested in human evolution.

  • Republicofscotland

    The Zio-Nazi’s will be livid at this – they probably thought their scorched earth policy would do the trick.

    “The Government Media Office of Gaza said on Wednesday that 80% of the displaced Palestinians have returned home in the north over the past few days.

    For the third consecutive day, Palestinians have been traveling via the Rashid Road to reach the region.

    Local media reports said the people carried whatever possible on the 7-kilometer route to Gaza City and the surrounding areas devastated by the barbaric Israeli bombardment.

    The return home began in the wake of the ceasefire deal between Hamas and Israel over the exchange of Israeli captives and Palestinian abductees.

    The office said the available tents do not meet the needs of the returning Palestinians.

    “The number of tents that have entered the Strip is insufficient to meet the needs.”

    The office highlighted a decline in the number of aid trucks entering, which contradicts the terms outlined in the ceasefire agreement.

    “Large quantities of aid are still stuck at the borders of the Gaza Strip.”

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