Reply To: The Sturgess Inquest is back on

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John Pretty

And just to add a few points to the above:

1. Sergei Skripal came to the UK as part of a “spy swap” in 2010. I am quite sure that the Russian Federation would have wanted to ensure that the agreement was honoured and that Skripal and the other people who were exchanged would be left alone.

2. That is to say, I am suggesting that Yulia Skripal – if it was her – was not acting on behalf of the Russian Government who would have tried to prevent her from carrying out the poisoning had they known about it. She was acting alone. (The timing of the poisoning so close to the World Cup being hosted in Russia would also make it extremely unlikely to have anything to do with Russia, given the political ramifications of such an action.)

3. I have mentioned that Yulia’s mother and brother are dead. They are buried in a Salisbury cemetery. If Yulia died with her father in Salisbury then she would be buried with her family.

4. It would have been easier certainly – if it was Yulia – for her to have done this when she was with her father in the house alone. However, it would be an emotional decision and she may have been hesitant. As long as they were alone and she was confident that the poison would act fast enough to ensure they were dead (or terminal) before anyone found them then the poisoning could be carried out anywhere. She had spent the day with her father, perhaps she felt the time was right.

5. The British military may have followed the Skripals as a matter of course anyway.