Reply To: Russian TV programmes with English subtitles

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Russian TV programmes with English subtitles Reply To: Russian TV programmes with English subtitles


Thanks, Tatyana,

I think, from the message Mailer-Daemon sent me, that my email was not received by Vesti. I will try again.

However, the point I was mainly making was that videos with English subtitles of Russian TV programmes had stopped appearing on YouTube. I wondered whether this was because YouTube had been instructed to ban them. If that were the case, then there are other outlets for videos, as I mentioned.

The larger point is that, without the translations, English-speakers are much less able to follow news of events in Russia or hear the Russian point of view on happenings in the world – particularly where Russia is accused of carrying out poisonings, bringing down airplanes, enabling chemical attacks or, basically, just annoying the West in their imperial ambitions.

Thank you for contacting Vesti.