Reply To: SARS cov2 and Covid 19

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum SARS cov2 and Covid 19 Reply To: SARS cov2 and Covid 19


Steph, I think the difference between us may be that I have realised how easily we could win, and I have suspicions about how badly we could lose. Bad news first…

What if covid-19 does not impart immunity, but does decrease IQ by 10% each time one gets infected, or decreases sperm count by 50% each time one gets infected, or ages the heart, immune system, or other organ or system 10% each time one gets infected? What would such attrition do to humanity?

Good news – all we need is unity. If everyone in the world took three weeks’ supplies and self-isolated strictly for three weeks, at the end the world would be free of covid-19. Deprive it of hosts and it will die. Impractical, right? But what if we did the same thing zone by zone, district by district, county by county, country by country?

Dare to hope, Steph!