Reply To: Tone and subtext of SARSCov2 propaganda in Britain

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Tone and subtext of SARSCov2 propaganda in Britain Reply To: Tone and subtext of SARSCov2 propaganda in Britain


N_ seems to have been doing precisely what N_ criticised journalists for doing – ignorantly parroting “experts”, in this case Oxford epidemiologist Sunetra Gupta and pharmaceutical boss Mike Yeadon, both of whom proved themselves utterly wrong by predicting in autumn 2020 that there could be no UK second wave.

N_ unfortunately displayed an even lower degree of critical thinking by parroting these two’s arguments during the UK’s second wave.

I disagree with Professor Danny Altmann from Imperial College that “vaccines remained crucial to tackling the disease” because the duration of effectiveness of vaccines cannot be determined until a long enough time has passed, and new variants may evade any immunity that vaccines impart. Only time will tell. The surer method is to stamp out the virus with brief but stringent social measures; China, Australia, New Zealand, the Isle of Man etc. have already succeeded in this, proving its effectiveness. This works for all variants, and it’s much quicker than mass vaccination; under two months: