Reply To: Russia. People from the 90s, tell us what it was like, really?

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the answer post that hit over 8000 approval points

What was it like? Somewhat like that:

I beg your pardon for the chaotic presentation!

– I ask my mother to visit friends, to eat

– stepfather is not paid a salary

– only my grandmother has money, her pension is 274 rubles. Sugar packet costs 130.

– stopped going to school because my shoes were torn

– we get some money by collecting bottles for the recycling

– Mom says in the bus that I am 6, and the cunning conductor asks which grade I am in. I unwittingly reveal our deception. They did not kick out the bus, but they said to beware of the controllers *kids under school age used public transport without payment*

– mom and stepfather do not drink, but look lost

– the “masters of life” appear, they have fighting dogs that drive us children around the yard. The owners only grin

– a crime boss is killed, for a commemoration a treat in the yard. You can devour

– policemen were killed in Chechnya, the whole city is watching the coffins on carriages

– I’m sick of rice, I vomit from it already

– stepfather learned to cut our hair, because there is no money for a hairdresser

– faint at school

– drug addicts in the entrance halls

– I wear my mother’s sneakers, which she bought during the USSR in the Baltics

– brother has abscesses due to avitominosis

– while it’s too early for the harvest at grandma’s, the spring is generally bad

– for the school Health Day, instead of choko-pai and cookies, I bring potatoes and cucumbers. It was a shame, but oddly enough, outdoors children eat potatoes better

– I ate chicken only once in a couple of years …