Reply To: What’s with the propaganda photos showing people being vaccinated in churches?

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum What’s with the propaganda photos showing people being vaccinated in churches? Reply To: What’s with the propaganda photos showing people being vaccinated in churches?


N_, try noticing that the Arctic icecap is melting away, first time in 130,000 years. Try noticing that climate scientists started predicting that several decades ago, but the capitalist system has done sweet FA about it and has instead prioritised profit and economic growth. Try noticing that capitalism has started a mass extinction, FFS Mr “Marxist”, and get off your keyboard trying to prove how clever you are with, er, numerology, and do something about it for a change. Try noticing that the “expert” you parroted from the corporate media was entirely wrong about a second wave being impossible. Try noticing that he must have been lying, because he’s on the board of a company marketing medical appliances for that very same second wave.

Try learning something from your peers; we’re here to help!