Reply To: “Leak” to Torygraph: PM has agreed compulsory vaccination for care home staff

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum “Leak” to Torygraph: PM has agreed compulsory vaccination for care home staff Reply To: “Leak” to Torygraph: PM has agreed compulsory vaccination for care home staff


SA, I agree with all of your comment, but would add this:

“Capitalism is a doctrine and subscribers only care for advancing the cause of money as the only route to prosperity and advancement”

Yes, but capitalism is also a system. “Macrocosm dominates microcosm”, ie. species adapt to the environment. In companies whose stocks are traded on the stock exchanges, there aren’t really even any “subscribers” who “care” about anything much. The “investors” just put money into portfolios, and software does the trading, because it has much faster reaction times than humans.

No one’s driving!