Reply To: Security warning in bottom right-hand corner of page

Latest News Forums Site technical issues and feedback Security warning in bottom right-hand corner of page Reply To: Security warning in bottom right-hand corner of page


Thanks for the reply. I’m afraid I’m very reluctant to clear my browsing history, because I make continual use of it, several times every day. As the next best thing, I had a look at the site using Opera. I don’t use Opera much – I have little idea how its interface works, and I don’t even know what version I’ve got – so it has very little browsing history, and I’ve certainly never used it to view Craig’s site before. The display is very similar using both browsers. At the bottom of the page, with the window size that I’m using, there are three columns. The first is headed “Books by Craig Murray”. The second is headed “Recent Posts”. I forget what would usually appear in the third column, but now, in both browers, there is an odd-looking, very sparsely-rendered rectangle, with an aspect ratio of about 2:1, and a white background. In Firefox, the foreground is occupied by the text I quoted above. In Opera, the foreground is occupied by the top half of a large red Opera icon, with its bottom half cut off. It’s mostly just a white rectangle.