Reply To: New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines

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michael norton

P.E. fantastic questions, I am fairly sure, most of us have asked ourselves these exact same questions. Let me have a dab.
Israel, The first Jew to become a prime minister was in England but by then his Dad had converted the family to church of England for their family advancement, Benjamin Disraeli was the most favored prime minister of Queen Victoria.
The U.K. set up Israel. Thus we are friends. Some of the money to set up Israel came from Russia.
It is thought that Israel sits on a massive Methane field.
Israel “controls” the Middle East.
The U.S.A. was an incredibly fascist country, perhaps until the Second World War, they speak the correct language, they came out of The British Isles. The U.K. and America between them drove the enslavement of Africans. Two peas out of the same pod.
The U.K. is the most famous enduring Monarchy, in the whole World, why would they not get on with other monarchies?