Reply To: New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines Reply To: New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines


There have been a number of changes made to Polish law by the current government of Poland that have raised eyebrows not just in the EU but across the world. The stink of the catholic church hierarchy is all over it. I grew up in Ireland in the 70s-80s, the stink is familiar. One of the issues most problematic is the politicisation of the judiciary and legal system, something people reading CM’s blog should be very aware of. They have effectively banned terminations, made IVF impossible for single people and rolled back anti discriminatory legislation amongst other things. Ireland added to its constitution that the state must do its utmost to protect the right to life of the unborn child in 1983. That didn’t go well and has since been removed but it fucked Ireland up for quite a while.

The principle that EU law has primacy over national legislation kinda has to be so and countries that signed up to the treaties signed up to that. If you are going to set up an internal market you can’t have individual countries deciding how to interpret the regulations because you’d soon have all countries interpreting them for their advantage. Also the principle that EU law has primacy over national legislation relates only to those competencies given to the EU in the treaties. Poland is one of the countries that beneftted most from the free movement principle. If you are going to have free movement of workers then you need laws to protect those workers that apply everywhere.

As soon as any country including UK signs a trade agreement you are giving away part of your sovereignty. It can’t be avoided. As soon as you sign a treaty you do the same. The UK fulfilled its EU treaty obligations (better than most countries I should add) until they left, Poland will have to do the same or leave.