Reply To: New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines Reply To: New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines

michael norton

Clark, it is the French Administration, egged on by the French fishermen, who are threatening to close the Channel Tunnel ( something that was constructed by both French peasants and British peasants), they are boasting that they will stop food from Europe into the U.K. They are boating that they will stop French electricity coming from France to the Channel Islands, if they do not get their way. They are threatening the U.K. to stop selling French Electricity to the U.K. Yet it is the French peasants who are building Hinkley Point C for us in Somerset, perhaps they will go on strike?
Boris does not have to win a General Election to remain Prime minister of the United Kingdom but Emmanuel Macron must have a face off for retaining his crown as President of France, next Spring.
This aggression between France and the U.K. only started to reemerge, after our 2016 Referendum. If we had voted to stay in the E.U., this rudeness would not have happened/be happening. This leads me to the conclusion that the leaders of France and some other E.U. countries are very hurt that the U.K. voted to jump ship. What they really do not want is more countries to jump ship.
Democracy cannot exist in the E.U.