Reply To: On/Off-Guardian Balls

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Not give the Groan/OffGroan a deserved showing for a while. This is hot off their coverage today.

“Why do they keep closing comments. It’s weird. There were almost none yesterday. It feels like being gagged or treated like school kids.”

Writes a still tolerated Guradian btl commentator.
As comments were closed on the Daily Politics blog – prior to PMQ’s starting!

Why? Because the fascist state is moving on cancelling free speech.
All Starmers questions were aimed at curtailing freedom of speech and stopping criticism of him. The Starmer brand is poison and if the Labour membership still refuses to see and believe it – with hi at proven collusion in protecting Savill and Janner and the Met Police over its daily systemic failures over many decades whilst pursuing Assange for real journalism.

The Obsessive Groan now like a possessed priest, like Starmer are happily spewing green evil projectile vomit whilst mocking the supposed pious naïveté of the populace – threatening us with judicial edicts made up on the fly as they try on their various uniforms caps and boots of the fascist rump Empire they front.

Here is how they admit to being influenced by external donors.

“The only restriction to the Guardian’s coverage is where grant funds may not be used for participating or intervening in any political campaign, or for carrying on propaganda or attempting to influence legislation within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c) 3.”

The age of extinction

About the age of extinction – a Guardian series
Our reporting draws attention to the catastrophic loss of species across the planet and looks at ways to tackle the crisis

The age of extinction is supported by

About this content
Mon 16 Sep 2019 16.46 BST
Last modified on Fri 15 Oct 2021 06.40 BST

This project focuses on biodiversity: the variety of all life on our planet. It highlights the crisis represented by huge losses of animal, insect, bird and plant life around the world, as well as innovations to tackle these losses.

This series is supported, in part, through grants to by the BAND Foundation, a private family organisation that oversees charitable interests through strategic grant-making, primarily in nature conservation and epilepsy care, and by the Wyss Foundation, which has committed $1.5bn (£1.1m) to the Wyss Campaign for Nature to expand protected areas and help conserve 30% of the planet in a natural state by 2030 and by Oak Foundation, which commits its resources to address issues of global, social and environmental concern, particularly those that have a major impact on the lives of the disadvantaged; and Arcadia – a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin, which supports work to preserve endangered cultural heritage, protect endangered ecosystems, and promote access to knowledge.

All of the reporting is editorially independent and follows Guardian News & Media’s published editorial code. You can read more about content funding on the Guardian here.

The only restriction to the Guardian’s coverage is where grant funds may not be used for participating or intervening in any political campaign, or for carrying on propaganda or attempting to influence legislation within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c) 3.
Unless otherwise stated, all statements and materials, including any statements regarding specific legislation, reflect the views of the individual contributors and not those of the BAND Foundation, the Wyss Foundation, the Oak Foundation, Arcadia,, or the Guardian.

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