Reply To: Climate, the science, politics, economics and anything else

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Climate, the science, politics, economics and anything else Reply To: Climate, the science, politics, economics and anything else

michael norton

“We cannot jump out of nuclear and stop being active in coal, and then wonder why energy prices are going up, Mangold told RT on the sidelines of the 14th Eurasian Economic Forum in Verona, Italy. I believe that nuclear will be important for the future in Europe.”

Perhaps Europe is trying to de-carbonising too fast?

Germans like burning coal and wood. They like Natural Gas but they do not like Nuclear Reactors, they do not trust them.
Part of the not trusting Nuclear Reactors maybe be because of having to be dependent on the French?
The French are threatening England with reducing the flow of electricity from the French Nuclear Reactors or of jacking up the price.
If Germany allowed Germany to be over reliant on French Nuclear Reactors, who is to say the French would not try and leverage?
You can’t run an massive economy with out massive energy.