Reply To: Climate, the science, politics, economics and anything else

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Climate, the science, politics, economics and anything else Reply To: Climate, the science, politics, economics and anything else


Michael – “people in China were burning Coal before anyone in the West were burning Coal.”

That may be true, but the USA and Europe have both burned more carbon than China has. And on average, a resident of the UK still burns more carbon than a resident of China, and a US resident far more than that.

Why, in your opinion, do residents of the USA and Europe have more right to make emissions than a resident of China?

This sort of attitude may be why China is unwilling to reduce emissions faster? What would you do in China’s position? The others had already eaten two thirds of the cake, but they call your group greedy unless you give up half of what’s left. And all the while, their people are eating cake faster then your people. You might not want to go to their party, especially as they all have the lurgy, they imprison your executives and keep wielding knives at you.