Reply To: Climate, the science, politics, economics and anything else

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Climate, the science, politics, economics and anything else Reply To: Climate, the science, politics, economics and anything else

Pigeon English


on so many occasions you pointed out that China is Command Economy and you believe the following.

“Evergrande cannot ever pay off the loans, all they can hope to do is pay off some of the installments but if a bank insists Evergrande pays what it owes, Evergrande, will totally collapse, taking the banks with it.
There is a perfect storm coming for China.”

So you believe that “Regime” will let the whole economy collapse because of 300 Billion liabilities?

IMO Regime tells the Banks what to do and not the other way around like in our democracy. We do what “Masters of the Universe”(Bankers) tell us.

Either is Regime or Free Market Economy. It can not be both!

Evergrande is not the bank.It does have real assets as well. Trouble started in late September and beginning of Oct.

In the meantime EG paid dividends. If anyone get screwed it will be investors! It is up to competent people in CCP to decide what action is the best in the interest of China. Regime can tell the bamks to bail it out or screw investors. Evergrande will be saved!