UK grandstanding with cruise missiles for Ukraine. ? ? ☮️

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum UK grandstanding with cruise missiles for Ukraine. ? ? ☮️

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  • #91148 Reply

      I’m posting this from Turbulent Times. Richard North is not a military historian, but he argues and researches well.

      We already know that Depleted Uranium artillery shells have been been supplied to Ukrainian forces by the UK. In case you are unaware, many argue that they should be classed as Chemical Weapons. Both Ukraine and the UK are signatories to international treaties banning the use of chemical weapons…… so much for the “Rules Based World Order”.

      To me, Richard North puts a very plausible argument that this is all Unicorns to Ukraine, aka, Grade A Horse Unicorn Shit.
      But, for what purpose? …_

      #91166 Reply

        Well, the Storm Shadow seems to be in Ukraine, RT carries a story claiming it to be true. The Russians claim they brought it down, the Ukrainians say they didn’t.

        Now the Guardians ‘Hack in Kyiev’ Luke Harding, seems to be there as well.

        Who shot what up and who shot what down is stuck in the fog of war for now…_

        #91372 Reply

          I agree that depleted uranium should be banned as a chemical weapon.

          Craig’s position explains the apparently nonsensical supply of unusable weapons:

          J A Hobson – Imperialism: A Study – link

          There’s Good Money in Death – link

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