Reply To: State Funding and Modern Monetary Theory

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum State Funding and Modern Monetary Theory Reply To: State Funding and Modern Monetary Theory

Mark Russell

@Mr Shigemitsu

“What politicians – or voters – do with this MMT knowledge is up to them – they can carry on with business as usual, or fully use the power of the State, like the UK, that creates its own currency, in the interests of the greater good.”

QE should have been a wake-up call for the wider public to demonstrate the ease by which money can be created – but I guess the complexities of the financial system would be beyond the attention span, if not the comprehension, of most people. It will make for an interesting enlightenment and transition, if and when the time comes. Would very much appreciate some more of your thoughts on MMT, but I’m reluctant to distract from Craig’s post. I give consent for admin to pass on my email if you are happy to do so.

Thank you again.