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Latest News Forums Discussion Forum I’m leaving this site now because of a recent decision by mods (or one mod?) Reply To: I’m leaving this site now because of a recent decision by mods (or one mod?)


Dawg, 14:24 – “These folks hardly represent an accurate cross-section of society” and “it bears the hallmarks of a genuine conspiracy! (Not a very powerful one, mind you.)”

It was powerful enough to get Trump elected; I’m sure that his leveraging of conspiracy theory was far more powerful than any supposed “Russian interference”. It helped gather and motivate the rabble that entered the Capitol building in an attempt to extend his presidency. As I remarked to Ingwe at 01:01, it was used to discredit Corbyn. And it has dominated the discussion of climate change, stalling progress for decades. I think it’s far more powerful than generally given credit for, and always malign.