Reply To: New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines Reply To: New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines

michael norton

    Lots of rather interesting stuff here. Trident silos in blocks of four, this is early lead stuff.

    “The Ohio replacement design effort will borrow from developments in the Virginia- and Seawolf-class attack submarines. Innovations planned for the Ohio replacement include an new electric propulsion system nuclear reactor to reduce maintenance time and costs.

    This is a Joint U.S./United Kingdom contract that combines purchases for the U.S. Navy (34 percent) and the government of the United Kingdom (66 percent) under the Foreign Military Sales program.”

    It would seem that the U.S.A. and the U.K. will be constructing almost identical nuclear submarines.
    That is something they have not made very public before AUKUS.