Max Mosley Joins Those Thwarting My Book 4

In general I do not believe in visiting the sins of the fathers on the children, but I must admit that I would be much more comfortable if Oswald Mosley’s son wasn’t doing quite so well as to be the multi-millionaire head of world motor racing, with his own string of prostitutes. Particularly as he actively supported his father’s fascist campaigns once he was old enough to know better.

I was slightly surprised to find that Oswald Mosley was still campaigning in London in the 1960s. What a tolerant people we are. Certainly if either of my grandfathers had seen him, they would have beaten the hell out of him.

If Max Mosley had finished his days as a retired solicitor in Hendon, I would not have begrudged him mild prosperity just because of his dad. But titular head of Formula 1? What are they thinking of? Couldn’t they track down any Hitler relatives for the post?

Infuriatingly, Max Mosley’s legal win over the News of The World (a case in which life sentences for everybody involved would have been fully justified – including the judge) has added to my difficulties in publishing The Catholic Orangemen of Togo. We already face FCO censorship, separate libel threats from Tim Spicer and Peter Penfold, and a friendly fire attack from Clare Short who doesn’t want me to publish her over-enthusiastic and well-oiled dinner party denunication of the British Empire (she denies it happened).

Now I have received the comments from my publisher’s lawyers, who suggests at several points that changes are needed due to the Max Mosley case.

The BBC just broadcast an interview with a Chinese dissident who said his greatest desire was for freedom of speech. Me too.

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4 thoughts on “Max Mosley Joins Those Thwarting My Book

  • tksu01

    I've read for several months, and I followed the Mosley case, but I just don't understand the "life sentences" comment. It's too cryptic for me. What did you actually mean?

  • Craig

    It's a joke. I mean I have sympathy for neither Mosley, the newspaper or the judge.

  • GeorgeM

    I am in the USA, so I don't understand your libel laws very well. Would you be under legal scrutiny if you published in the USA, like you did with Dirty Diplomacy?

  • Stephen Jones

    So you object to not being free to publish prurient details of people's private lives with no public interest whatsoever?

    Perhaps you'll be kind enough to explain the excruciating mental hardship this puts you under.

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