Horrible Right Wing BBC Agenda 41

I am watching BBC Question Time, for the first time for many months. I am genuinely astonished at the right wing bias of the panel. That the two “non-party” panel members are Digby Jones and Fraser Nelson shows the determination of the BBC to cover the full spectrum of political opinion from very right to very very right.

That they could not find a single panel member who supports the release of al-Megrahi, or who was prepared to mention that he might well not be the Lockerbie bomber, rendered the whole first fifteen minutes of “debate” otiose

As previously mentioned, I was once invited to be a panelist on Question Time but was cancelled by the BBC at short notice. .The BBC more recently caused a storm by inviting the BNP on to Question Time. I have stood against the BNP in two parliamentary elections – one in Norwich, and one in the very heart of the BNP heartland in Blackburn. Combining both parliamentary elections, as a mere individual I gained just two votes less than the BNP.

Yet, according to the BBC, I am officially banned from politics programmes on the BBC because I have no evidence of popular support for my views, while according to the BBC, the BNP have to be invited because of the extent of the popular support for their views.

The truth is that there is no concept of too right wing at the BBC, while there is a concept of too radical. The one no go area is a questioning of the narrative of the War on Terror.

Fascists are within the pale; sceptics are not.

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41 thoughts on “Horrible Right Wing BBC Agenda

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  • Thomas Hemsley

    The BNP have also won two European parliament seats. Don’t get me wrong – they are a fascist organisation and wholly contrary to my views – but to claim inviting a party with national representation on to the programme is somehow evidence of a right-wing conspiracy is way off.

  • Tom

    Not to mention the new policy to hire grannies to read the news.

    [Off topic part, sorry]

    Call me an obsessive stalker if you like but over the past year or 2 I’ve sent dozens of mails to you tiscali address, mainly links to articles I think would have been of interest if not already dej

  • Billy Barnett

    You must inhabit a bizarre world if you can seriously suggest that the BBC – that left wing rabble – has a bias towards the right. I didn’t see the program, if it was biased towards the right about time too. However as we all know one swallow does not a summer make and they’ll likely be back to their hackneyed leftism next week.

    As regards the guilt or innocence of the b\omber, it is utterly irrelevant. On that basis we should be releasing half or all of the prison population. If there were doubts about his guilt then a retrial and subsequent release was the answer, not unilateral release. Scotland jhas suffered much obloquy because of the decision. Sorry, but quite rightly so.

  • Tony

    We do live in bizarre worlds of our own apparently. There may be a few independent thinking reporters on the BBC whose intelligence occasionally bubbles at random through the morass as what might masquerade as left wing. However what I see and hear on the BBC and on much independent radio is endless and co-ordinated right-wing propaganda with the same ring of Radio Moscow when I was a kid – only without Radio Moscow’s sense of humour. Most independent stations get their news from the Murdoch organisation which is no less right-wing than that of the BBC, so we are stuffed as far as mass media are concerned.

    Question Time is a celebration of right-wing ignorance, usually with some “Uncle Tom” liberal (small l) to poke fun at. To see it as anything else is folly.

    The Lockerbie Libyan was released for two good reasons – genuine compassion as much as a sense of guilt on the part of the judiciary, and political self-preservation for a lot of people who could not face the prospect of an appeal reopening some very big questions about Lockerbie. Scotland chose to keep Pandora’s Box closed and Megrahi got home for a short while. Sounds very sensible and rational to me whether you are right-wing or left-wing.

    We are too ready to forget that 3 months before Lockerbie the Americans downed an Iranian airliner gratuitously killing hundreds of innocent pilgrims in a terrorist act. Was anyone charged? Was there even a proper hearing or public investigation – no. George W Bush gave medals to those who downed the plane with a bizarre speech about whether facts mattered or not.

    We live in a world dominated by right-wing media to keep us quiet and you live in a bizarre world if you can’t see it. After twenty years of Thatcherite politics we are bankrupt and hemmed in wars to appease American and Israeli hawks. We cannot afford these wars and weapons, and our military has more important things to do than to be ducks in a shooting range in Afghanistan.

    Definitely time for some non right-wing ideas which might let some light in and give us some fresh air.

  • ingo

    dear Craig, its 8.01 am and I have to go to work today, I will take my mobile, but it is imperative that you contact Paul who visited me in distress last night.

    Here are his contact details again.

    You have his mobile number.

    I shall ring Paul before 12 noon and find out how things are. Thank you.

    Hi Craig,

    I’ve been trying to contact you for sometime Could you please call me asap as I have things I need to talk to you about.

    Regards Paul Foster Barnwell pPrint Ltd

    01263 732 767 work,

  • Ron


    I too have sent info and offered help to Craig, although not dozens of times. I have had no response either. Either Craig is very rude or something prevents him receiving the messages.

  • anticant

    Ditto during the by-election. I sent some money and asked for a copy of Craig’s video, but no response. I’ve just written to him at the address given on this site, and hope to hear from him soon.

  • jlecun

    I’ve studied Question Time for years and I’m not at all surprised by what you say Craig.

    The BBC has become more and more of a propaganda machine and challenges to the official version of truth such as the one you could offer Craig are not welcome. I’ve seen two radical guests on the show since the mid-80s (Michael Moore and Tony Benn) who both managed to electrify the audience with their views and turned an otherwise dull and utterly predictable format into something rather more interesting.

    That the BBC could be more comfortable with the views of a ‘radical’ group such as the BNP than they are with anyone who questions the ‘War on Terror narrative’ is an appalling situation.

  • Craig


    Send me another email and let’s see if I get it. I’ll then be able to see if I got any others from the same address.

  • Rick

    June Sarpong, Will Young and that woman who used to edit Smash Hits must have quite a bit of support for their well-known political views then…

    I think the BBC does a fairly good job of remaining neutral. But it’s only a neutral position around the so-called ‘consensus’ position of globalised corporatism and geopolitics. The far-right tend not to stray too far from it, they operate within that narrative.

    The left reject the starting point completely, which also makes them look a bit bonkers to middle-England. I think their exclusion at the BBC is more to do with them not easily slotting into a simply presented jigsaw than deliberate conspiracy.

    On this, as well as many things, the BBC underestimate their audience.

  • Tom Kennedy

    Craig, you’ve run up against what Noam Chomsky called “the bounds of the expressible”, in a chapter in his book “Necessary Illusions”.

    I found the following summary at http://vi.uh.edu/pages/buzzmat/chomsky.htm :

    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    The central point of this chapter is an explanation of how the media (under the control of the elite) frames the terms of debate so more fundamental questions of policy are never questioned. For example, the media never question whether the crusade for liberal capitalism is right; i.e., does the US have the right to impose its version of democracy on other nations, especially when the result is meant to benefit the US?

    Chomsky points out that this control of debate is identical to Soviet control, which the US constantly deplored. The US version is more effective because it occasionally allows media to dissent regarding the practice of policy rather than the fundamentals issues. This sham give the media a false sense of independence and the public a false feeling that it is hearing different views.

    Another fundamental, unquestioned premise Chomsky considers at length is whether the US truly supports democracy across the globe. He cites US’s policies and press treatment of Israel and Nicaragua in the 1980’s to show that the answer depends on whether the ‘democracy’ in question is a client state or a foe. Chomsky presents detailed press coverage and analysis of border incursions and atrocities to support his point. He closes the chapter by pointing out that Nicaragua was a particularly troublesome case for US foreign policy. The Reagan Administration could not let it succeed because other nations in Latin America would see its radical policies as a viable alternative to US democracy.

    Some things are simply outside the realm of the expressible or tolerable.

    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    That’s where you are Craig: outside the bounds of the expressible. But that’s why so many of us come here – we know the game, and so should you. The BBC is most certainly not your friend, nor are the supposed left/liberal media like the Guardian. They also operate within the delimited boundaries. That’s why the Guardian can run articles about torture without once admitting that you were there first.

  • Ed

    Question Time is ruddy awful. Format is totally unsuited to intelligent debate, every program descends into Populist Idol.

    Only political show worth watching is This Week with Neil, Portillo and Abbott, but there’s really not much competition.

  • Roderick Russell

    Craig, You correctly make the statement “Fascists are within the pale”. But our form of fascism (or rather neo-fascism) does not necessarily have either a left or a right wing bias ?” its bias is whatever the establishment wants at the time. Neo-fascism is not about left or right, it is about what suites the establishment, it is about the deliberate override of Rule of Law or fair play in favour of establishment elites.

    In your case the establishment does not want to hear your views (and the BBC accommodates them) since they relate to human rights considerations that are embarrassing to the foreign affairs establishment.

    My human rights case is somewhat similar in that a whole list of venerable institutions have lined up behind the establishment to try and suppress the truth and override Rule of Law. I recently published an article on the subject “Canada’s Moral Dilemma: Torture by CSIS – Symptomatic of a Crisis in Democracy”. Its URL is:


    Substitute the UK for Canada and MI5, MI6 for CSIS and the article could equally apply to my very similar experiences in the UK. The truth is very simple. The establishment rules the roust in both countries and overrides parliament, rule of law, or fair play whenever it chooses. Our institutions then march to the establishment’s drummer, placing deference to the authorities ahead of truth. Some would call this neo-fascism. But, whatever it is, it is certainly not democracy.

    Roderick Russell

    #207, 1733 ?” 27 Ave. SW

    Calgary AB T2T 1G9



  • writerman


    I share your frustrations and anger; however, we simply have to “accept” that the era of classic bourgeoise “democracy” is entering the twilight years.

    We have now a coporate state in all but name. This form of state is often defind as “facism”, but in one of it’s many forms.

    Facism may even be the “default mode” of Capitalism, when it’s threatened.

    This, is, of course, a rather esoteric discussion, sorry.

    Adam Smith was wrong. There isn’t just one invisble hand. There are two, and they work together. One is the forces of the market, the other is the power of the state. One cannot, and never has, existed without the other, working in tandem.

    Capitlist utopia, like most utopias, of the left and right, is a dangerous illusion, but debating, or even thinking about such questions, is beyond the pale, outside the consensus, and unacceptable.

  • Dennis


    I’m squarely with the Economist on this one (and that is certainly not always the case). The question of whether or not Megrahi was rightfully imprisoned was not settled, or even addressed, by such a release. Perhaps another trial would have done that, but likely not.

    Bottom line: he was convicted of an utterly heinous crime, and he should have stayed in jail until evidence came to light of his innocence.


  • joe90 kane

    The BBC has been practicing a news and current affairs blackout and boycott of British and international left-wing politics for years.

    When was the last BBC documentary on the causes of the current economic-financial recession from a Marxist perspective say?

    The BBC aren’t interested in representing the views of the British peopleIt’s only interested in being a mouthpiece for the increasingly right-wing British establishment.

  • Tartarus

    Horrible RIGHT-WING agenda?

    Craig, you praised British American Tobacco (BAT). That praise wreaked of right-wing bias – of a CEO agenda!

    You implied that BAT, which made £2.47 billion in profit last year, gives good wages to the poor, thus helping Uzbekistan’s children.

    From a document entitled “Proceedings INGCAT International NGO Mobilisation Meeting, Geneva, 15-16 May, 1999”:

    “BAT is the largest agribusiness company in Kenya contracting some 17,000 farmers…BUT WHAT THOSE FARMERS EARN IS NOT ENOUGH TO BUY SUFFICIENT FOOD FOR THE FAMILY.

    “A survey done by UNICEF in one tobacco growing district in Kenya reports that 52% OF THE CHILDREN in that district either suffer from CHRONIC OR ACUTE MALNUTRITION, or are UNDERWEIGHT.

    “…IT IS THESE CHILDREN that companies such as BAT hook into a lifetime of addiction and suffering through LIES AND DECEPTION.

    “In India, 92% of its children are underweight and wasting, yet each day, 55,000 children in India start using tobacco. And about 5 million children under the age of 15 are already addicted to tobacco…the cigarette companies are engaged in an aggressive campaign to capture and convert India’s 250 million tobacco users, particularly the young.

    “As the tobacco industry consolidates, the giants (Philip, Morris, and BAT) grow ever larger…and the companies BECOME MORE FINANCIALLY POWERFUL.

    “…these profits are maintained by the ability of the tobacco companies to PASS ON THEIR COSTS TO OTHERS…If the tobacco industry had to adhere to the principle of ‘polluter pays’ it would be out of business. The industry survives and thrives because it is able to keep its profits and to pass on its costs to others.

    “Governments, families and individuals end up burdened with the costs from smoking while TOBACCO COMPANIES RETAIN THE PROFITS.”

    Google “‘The law was actually drafted by us but the Government is to be congratulated on its wise actions’: British American Tobacco and public policy in Kenya”:

    “BAT enjoys extensive high-level political connections in Kenya, including close relationships with successive Kenyan presidents. Such links seems to have been used to influence public policy. Health legislation has been diluted and delayed, and when a competitor emerged in the market, BAT used its contacts to have the government pass legislation drafted by BAT that compelled farmers to sell tobacco to BAT rather than to its competitor.

    “BAT was already paying farmers less than any other African leaf-growing company, and the legislation entrenched poor pay and quasi-feudal relationship…Tobacco farmers must be protected against BAT’s predatory practices…”

    Finally, from an article in the Telegraph, the chairman of BAT, in 2003, was being paid £1.9 million a year – excluding perks! – and was eligible for a £700,000 a year pension due in four years time.

    The executives of BAT steal from people who are so poor they can’t afford enough food to eat. The executives of BAT make vast profits by encouraging hungry, malnourished children to smoke tobacco.

    When I asked you to condemn corporate control of our economy and society, you responded by claiming that you have nothing against socialism. I did not mention socialism!

    Corporations being treated as individuals in the eye of the law has NOTHING to do with ANY economic system. Corporations acting as powerful vehicles for a few individuals (CEOs) to exert economic and political control over the rest of us is NOT an intrinsic part of capitalism.

    And for those who believe the lie spouted by CEOs that for countries to develop, they have to accept starvation-level wages paid by foreign corporations, this is NOT how our country or ANY developed nation industrialized. Google “multinationalmonitor” and “bad samaritans” for an explanation by a professor of economics at Cambridge University.

  • Craig


    Obviously the tobacco industry does more harm than good. But in the special and highly distorted circumstances of Uzbekistan, BAT were the only people who did anything which in practice raised the living standards of the wretched rural population. They also stood up to the Uzbek goverbnebt, against their own interest, to insist that benefits reached the farmers and weren’t all creamed off by officials.

    I am sorry if that doesn’t fit with your own world vire, but it happens to be true.

  • joe90 kane

    I’m not a big fan of dictatorships,

    but I’d certainly praise the generals in charge of the Polish government who resisted Hitler in 1939 – same goes with Stalin in 1941.

    Craig praised a corporation for treating its workers with due care and attention.

    I’m surprised Tartarus didn’t criticise the Uzbek workforce involved in growing the world’s most lethal drug to date.

  • Tom Welsh

    Craig, I strongly resent your suggestion that any BBC bias against al-Magrahi is “right wing”. Like other commenters here, I feel that the BBC’s overall bias is very definitely to the middle-left – particularly noticeable since they were gelded by the government over the David Kelly affair.

    I am a convinced conservative, and have voted straight Tory for the past 40 years. Yet I completely agree with you about al-Megrahi. It’s not really sensible to argue that political control of the justice system, falsified evidence, and rigged show trials are necessarily “right wing”. (Unless you are also prepared to call Stalin “right wing”).

  • joe90 kane

    Tom Welsh said –

    “I feel that the BBC’s overall bias is very definitely to the middle-left – particularly noticeable since they were gelded by the government over the David Kelly affair.”

    The BBC is left-wing liberal according to Tom Welsh but yet judged by the panellists on the BBC ‘flagship’ programme ‘Question Time’ it is most definitely to the right-far right.

    The David Kelly affair, if it did anything, taught the BBC never to question British Government propopaganda but to repeat it and broadcast it unvarnished.

    BBC journalist David Gilligan was sacked, as was his boss and his boss’s boss, for alleging HMG had ‘sexed up’ its dodgy dossier on Iraqi WMD. Yet Tom Welsh claims Mr Gilligan’s journalism, broadcast at seven in the morning on Radio 4, had the effect of turning the BBC into liberal left-wingers. What was the politics of the BBC before Mr Gilligan’s few minutes of honest journalism at some ungodly hour of the morning one wonders?

    As for Stalin, he wasn’t exactly a champion of human rights, which is all the difference when it comes to left-wing politics. Just because claims to be a ‘communist’ doesn’t mean its true.


    I look forward to the obnoxious Scot-hating David Starkey next week on QT, described by David Dimbleby as a ‘star performer’.

  • neil craig

    I was surprised that both guests were proto-tories. However I suspect it was an attempt to give the appearnace of balance considering all the times they have had Chakrabtie, Singh Kohli & indeed Greens & Respectives whose votes are no noticeably better than the BNP. Having seen how well the BNP did they are covering their asses. I don’t think the BBC are party biased so nuch as big government biased. They are always willing to discuss government funded Fakecharities calling for more regulation & government spending & never to discuss the advantages of free choice or that the globe is actually cooling.

  • anon

    BBC Question Time

    I don’t have a TV, because of tripe like Question Time.

    If it was a blog it would be like blancmange, sweet and flavourless.

    Craig’s blog happily has acid and taste, and I’m not sure I’d want answers to my emails if they had the same level of bite as he applies to the sordid and stupid antics of our power- crazed leaders.

  • joe90 kane

    neil craig says

    “I don’t think the BBC are party biased so nuch as big government biased.”

    I don’t think the BBC are biased towards any of the 3 ‘mainstream’ political parties. After all, the mainstream parties are just as right-wing or far right-wing as the BBC – so why would the BBC want to unneccesarily expose themselves to charges of ‘party’ bias when their politics are basically the same as the vast majority of their QT panellists?

    As for the odd token liberal, green on QT, well that just confirms how bias the BBC is. Statistically, their appearance can be regarded as ‘interference’.

    Putting up the odd real liberal or two makes the BBC-HMG-British Establishment propaganda all the more effective as they can claim to be neutral and representing a broad range of views.

    The BBC and the establishment parties are at the right end of the political spectrum and the British public is liberal or to the left of liberal, if opinion poll results of the views of the British public on a wide range of issues are anything to go by. In Scotland, BBC bias against the public is even more pronounced.

    I’d like to make it plain to anon, I watch TV hardly at all. It’s utter mind-junk rubbish. I accidently came across QT on my telly when I was looking for something else, probably ‘Reno 911’.

    all the best

  • Ruth

    The corruption of the judiciary also makes a ‘democracy’ ineffective by concealing state crime. The corruption seeps into every vestige of the system where matters sensitive to the state are present.

  • Ruth

    The corruption of the judiciary also makes a ‘democracy’ ineffective by concealing state crime. The corruption seeps into every vestige of the system where matters sensitive to the state are present.

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