The Sheer Front of David Miliband 219

Having been roundly defeated in the Court of Appeal, and with it now established beyond doubt that the UK knew that Binyam Mohammed was being tortured by the USA, Miliband has the massive effrontery to welcome the decision.

The truth about the government’s complicity in torture is becoming established beyond doubt. I am still shocked about the virtual media blackout on my own evidence to the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights.

But am comforted that the forthcoming dramatisation of Murder in Samarkand with David Tennant will do more for popular understanding than dry evidence ever could.

We will never see justice, but I would strongly support the calls for a public inquiry into UK complicity with torture. Preferably of an inquisitorial kind; but even the cosy conversations of the Chilcot committee have thrown up some truth.

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219 thoughts on “The Sheer Front of David Miliband

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  • chimsky

    Labour friend of Israel, Denis McShane, explains his curiously excessive expenses claims on the British taxpayer:

    “I did not come into politics to manage budgets, supplies, staffing etc, and I am the first to acknowledge this has not had the important and detailed attention which with hindsight I now realise I should have provided,’ he said.”–just-years.html

    Is it important that this waste of our time and money is a “Friend of Israel”?

    Yes. Very much so. Being a “Friend of Israel” guarantees an easy life and indeed access to further monies from Zion.

    Does anyone really think this person has the interests of his constituents at heart, or is he looking after his own interests?

    Let’s look at what it’s like if you REALLY have an interest in international affairs.

    Jenny Tonge is a friend of Palestine, not so popular these days. She got no easy money nor easy life.

    She stood up for Palestinians and lost her front bench job in the Lib Dems. Yes. Even the Lib Dems are afraid to tell the truth about the Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestinins from their homeland.

    Did Jenny give up?


    She’s still there fighting away for moral decency. It just isn’t much reported, because our mainstream media have been corrupted by the Zionist threats.

    But the funny thing is, she’s still there working away doing her thing exposing the fascism and racism of the Israeli state.

    How come our major media figures are so timid?

    Is it the money?

    I think so.

  • tony_opmoc

    I have to declare an interest.

    Just so I could record the Radio Broadcast – Craig Murrays Thing On Radio 4 at 2:30 pm on Saturday February 20th, I have not only got My Thomsons Sky+ HD Box Fixed (Needed a New Power Supply – Must Be Costing SKY a Fucking Fortune – Should Have Bought Yorkshire Pace Instead Where The Saltaire is Pure Highly Engineered Quality) – The Guy Also Put An Enormous Fucking 1GB Disk in It as Well

    But He Also Left Some Pre-Recorded Programs On My New Monster Disk

    Who The Fuck – is She – My Wife Asked Before Seeing The First Two Episodes of Lost in Full High Definition Last Night?

    I said You Know Diary of a Schoolgirl…???

    I think She May Have Been Fucking Dr Who

    My Wife Was Impressed

    I of course need to be reminded again – it only does a week in advance


  • alan campbell

    “I am still shocked by the virtual media blackout of my own evidence..”. Christ, what an ego. Perhaps they’re not that interested in the gripes of an embittered ex-HMA with an axe to grind?

  • rory the mi6 bloke

    Another criminal regime complains about being found out in its criminality.

    “The US attacked a British court decision yesterday to publish information about allegations of torture by American officials.”

    The sooner these criminal shitbags remove themselves from public life and let it back to decent people the better.

    Dirty filthy evil filth that they are.

    How did we ever let scum like these subvert our democracy.

  • Alastair Ross

    Democracy – Two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner.

    Especially salient after Labour’s real reason for promoting Third World immigration has been disclosed.

    If, says Labour, we don’t like the UK’s indigenous electorate of ingrates, we will simply import a racially alien one who will show political gratitude.

  • tony_opmoc

    I am just giving all the help and support and encouragement that I can, such that our Children Can Help Fix Some of The Problems Of This World, and Be Self Supporting and Give More Than They Take

    And Be Proud Of Themselves For What They Have Achieved By Their Own Efforts

    I ask No More – I Don’t Want Anything More Than To See Our Children Inherit Our World and Leave It in a Better State Than The One They Have Inherited From Us

    And Love All Life on This Earth and I Guess They Know

    But I Will Still Be There when The Time Comes – Maybe in 10 Years or So

    Perhaps You Have Realised What I Want By Now


  • tony_opmoc

    This is in response to a radio competetion currently going on

    And my response is

    Of Course We Want Tony Blair’s Head on a Plate

    But We want it Completely Shaved Clean and Simmerred in Boiling Water For 24 Hours

    Before We Eat The Eyes

    And Throw Up

    And Eject The Devil Wence He Came

    Back Into The Depths of Hell


  • lwtc247

    Given the illegal and disgusting activity (read: murders, tortures, military and economic war crimes, crimes against humanity etc) of the UK state, isn’t it the case that those wishing to attack it, are morally FULLY JUSTIFIED to do so?

  • lwtc247

    Why are we tolerant of a world in which “(military/covert)intelligence” or its sanctity are actually an issue?

    I’m afraid the human race is wallowing in its own filth. It’s so stupid it never considers that it shouldn’t be wallowing in it in the first place.

    The redaction of the human spirit is to be human is deeply shameful. After 1000’s of years this obnoxious worldly system is the fruits of out activity? How utterly pathetic.

    Vogons… where are you.

  • Vronsky


    “38 degrees”

    Definitely dodgy. See here:

    The link is to a generally useful site (but as usual, believe nobody).

  • Ruth

    “The underlying problem is secret unaccountable government which bypasses Parliament and how the law is administered in the UK, gives aid and succour to such a state of affairs. The most common device is the concealment of evidence and manipulation of cases. There is a tendency when challenged for those in authority to talk of conspiracy theories. My experience is that those who do so are usually part of the conspiracy.”

  • Bert

    Don’t forget about the case of _Salahuddin Amin_, who voluntarily went to the police in Pakistan & who then was tortured with the complicity of the UK spooks. (Info here: )

    The tenet of ‘UK terrorism’ cases rests upon the convictions obtained in this (‘fertiliser bomb plot’) case.

    The case of torture was hushed up by a court order of 13th January 2006 (Case No: 200506175 D5) with the explanation…’the grave risk to national security at the present time from potential acts of terrorism and the likely obstruction both to the identification of perpetrators and to the bringing to justice those who are identified are so real that an exceptional course is justified.’

    Basically: “Torture is acceptable because it allows us to use the evidence obtained in the process to construct a ‘terrorism’ case against those who we have tortured

    How thwarted is that?

    Read the case/background info disseminate widely

  • Jon

    “Me”, as anonymous says earlier, Craig’s books are a great way of understanding the context of his work now.

    Also, subscribe to this blogfeed, and take part in the comments discussions. There are times when it gets heated, we have a few trolls and troublemakers, sometimes it gets a bit silly, but there are amongst the dross some comment gems that make for worthwhile debate.

  • sabretache

    “Espionage involves peeking at the other fellow’s hand, marking the cards, cooking the books, poisoning the well, breaking the rules, hitting below the belt, cheating, lying, deceiving, defaming, snooping, eavesdropping, prying, stealing, bribing, suborning, burglarizing, forging, misleading, conducting dirty tricks, dirty pool, skulduggery, blackmail, seduction, everything not sporting, not kosher, not cricket. In short, espionage stands virtue on its head and elevates vice instead.”

    – all to further our mission to do good in the world naturally – so that’s OK then.

    Some things never change eh? And despite all the pompous, ridiculous – not to say comical if it weren’t so damned depressing – protestations of their apologists (well he would say that wouldn’t he? – aka Mandy Rice Davies) the routine behaviour of our own SIS’s are most certainly no exception.

    Does ANYONE seriously believe that this will have ANY effect other than to make them and their political puppets – to whom offers may be made that simply cannot be refused – that much more careful, deceptive – and all the other attributes mentioned above – when going about their business of protecting us from their manufactured and calibrated milieu of TERROR?

    Robert Cecil is their archetype – and we STILL celebrate his capture and execution of those dastardly gunpowder plotters eh?

    Indeed some thing never NEVER CHANGE.

  • ediot

    Oh look!

    Now Europe is turning its back on American military adventurism:

    A Prof Gwyn Prins was interviewed just now on BBC Radio 5 Live about the above attitude of Europe. He was quite negative and basically argued that we knew better than Europe how to play relations with the US.

    Oh. Do we really?

    Just on the off chance I looked him up, and yes surprise surprise, he’s another advocate of the moral necessity and duty of the war on Iraq.

    At no point did Radio 5 Live point out his views on international affairs. He was just presented as a neutral expert.

    These are very clearly editorial decisions at senior level to deceive the listener. If the interviewee had been an opponent of the war, they’d make such you knew it, and have the odious Justin Webb giving him a hard time.

    It’s absolutely disgraceful that this organisation continues to abuse taxpayers money for propaganda purposes, given all we now know about the total folly of that war.

  • ediot

    More background on the BBCs neutral expert, Prof Glyn Prins, which they don’t want you to know.

    Not a surprise that. He appears to be Defence establishment insider to his core.

    “He was later Founder and Director of the Global Security Programme at the University of Cambridge (1989-97), and Senior Research Fellow at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London (1997-2000). He is now the Professorial Research Fellow at the European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science (London, UK), the first Visiting Senior Fellow at the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency of the Ministry of Defence (Farnborough, UK) and the Senior Fellow in the Office of the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General of NATO (Brussels, Belgium). He is a UK member of the P-5 study group on improving the operations of the UN Security Council.”

    The MoD, NATO and the P-5 group, an avid supporter of the Iraq war and god only knows what else, and the BBC don’t mention any of it!!

  • ingo

    Radio 5 live= fascist FM. Their persistent rousing of racial idioms and tantalising of the BBC news and foreign affairs agenda is legend. Their editorial are partial to anything rightwing, imho. it needs sweeping clean.

  • jives

    Look’s the BBC ffs!

    What do you expect?


    Brigadier Ronnie Stoneham…Room 105 BBC TV centre…check that out…

  • ingo

    Thanks for you first contribution here Antonio. Are you a peacock that needs to create attention for that reason alone?

    you do not need to, just simple posts will do.

  • lwtc247

    “The chutzpah of David Miliband” would have been far more apt.

    Is there a bipolar opposite to the “Green”/Darwin a la eugenics movement? ‘cos as far as I can see, the Black nationalists were far closer to the truth in their denouncement of the white satans.

  • lwtc247

    I agree with ingo. Sweep it clean, but that’s not going to happen.

    Fools get starrey eyed when the Beeb cranks out a 1 in a 100 program of any value. This 1/100 dually undergoes re-evaluation in terms of weightage of content output, inflating it to a something like a controlling share of 51%.

    “The BBC is a worthy institution” they proudly proclaim beguiled by the silky radio aurally pleasing tones of its presenters, pouffing their chests out with images of red busses, beefeaters and Elizabeth Regina and war criminal Winston Churchill going through their weakly imperialist programmed mind, oblivious to any even scant meaning as to the implications of the presence of the ‘C’ in its TLA.

    The Minister of Information continually beats out a moonwalk.

    Which segment of the Hamlin population are you?

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