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83 thoughts on “Not Wanted

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  • Paul Johnston

    Tenuous I know but also not wanted 🙂

    The iPhone app from the home office


    One mystery remains: the Home Office refused to reveal spending, citing entirely invented security concerns. The revelation that Al-Qaeda may be forcing up the price of government mobile software work will strike real fear into the UK population. Either that or your phone already contains a tracking app (the Blunkett?) which is recording your every move.


    Apologies for off topic!

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Ah, don’t fear the trolls, anonmymous poster at 9:44am! Food or no food, the truth will out in spite of all the trollery in the world. The trolls know who they are, and they know that everyone else knows who they are. But what of ogres?

  • Jon

    I challenged quite a lot of this stuff on the ‘American and Israeli Religious Nutters’ thread, but the perps really did not want to engage in conversation – lots of shouting, lots of abuse. Perhaps rather than talking people down off the ceiling as was my intention, I have been, in fact, feeding the trolls myself?

  • Paul Johnston

    Re Jon

    Engaging people on the internet? Wow there is a thought 😉

    I think the nature of anonymous posting takes people to another level which face to face they would never reach. I was the web admin for a group which wanted to boycott Israeli universities (see Mona Baker). Whenever I got death threats I told people my address and guess what? Never got a visit.


  • Richard Robinson

    “I challenged quite a lot of this stuff on the ‘American and Israeli Religious Nutters’ thread, but the perps really did not want to engage in conversation – lots of shouting, lots of abuse.”

    Yes. Whether they were all the same or not (dreoilin’s comment on their punctuation was well-spotted), they were collaborating to make a set of points, and showing no willingness to engage with anyone saying anything else, just spraying contempt for anyone who failed to adhere to their whatever-it-was. I have no comment on the nature of the agenda because I always found their tone of voice to be so offputting that I never read further. It’s a relief to see the back of them, to be honest.

    Though I’m sure there’ll be more. I notice that the anonymous poster of the long (and ostensibly irrelevant) revisionist cut&paste just above has found a way to dodge the restriction on posting links.

  • MJ

    “Not angry, fascist”.

    Possibly unfair. I suspect the Apostate/Steelback/Freeborn entity is a disillusioned Marxist for whom the discovery that the Russian Revolution was funded by Rothschild/Rockefeller banking interests was a defining and embittering realisation.

  • John E

    Well I don’t have specialist knowledge of chemistry and the colour walls go after exposure to poison gas, so I guess I will have to admit you are right, the holocaust never happened!

    On the other hand, I have read Primo Levi’s accounts of what occurred in Auswitz, I have visited several of the Polish death camps myself and I know what happened.

  • Ishmael

    Underneath the Reichstag, allied intelligence obtained thousands of documents detailing horrific experiments conducted on those in captivity. Those documents will never be released. The Nazi’s were not gentlemen.

  • MJ

    “Those documents will never be released”.

    In which case we’ll never know what’s in them.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    The cyanide poisoning claim has been answered again and again.

    But the conspiracy-tards will keep bringing it up again and again.

    Should be a lesson to those who believe that the Holocaust happened, but believe that 911 was an inside job. The same crap gets recycled, even after being definitively answered.

  • mark golding

    Tomorrow is the anniversary of the London bombings. Lies, confusion, failings and evidence kept secret even within the walls of MI5. WE MUST DEMAND A PUBLIC INQUIRY – to reveal the truth that has been kept from the British public for too long.

    “You need to look into the dark corners of the “war on terror” Robin Cook MP

    Richard Norton-Taylor, Friday 21 May 2010

    “MI5 and police failures under spotlight in London bomb inquestsAllegations of flawed intelligence before 7/7 suicide attacks to be investigated by coroner without jury.

    52 people died when terrorists blew up a bus and three tube trains on 7 July 2005 Photograph: Peter Macdiarmid/PA

    Inquests into the deaths of 52 people in the 7 July London suicide bombings will investigate alleged failings of MI5 and the police before the attacks, a coroner decided today in a ruling that received a mixed response from relatives.

    Lady Justice Hallett said the inquests, due to start in October, would include the “alleged intelligence failings and the immediate aftermath of the bombings” and would be heard without a jury. Survivors would have a limited role but the inquests into the deaths of the four bombers would not be held at the same time.”

  • joe rose


    I support your decision. As an aside, let me add that I suspect that many of the most strident anti-semites and HD are in fact Hasbara boys trying to deligitimize any critizism of Israel.


  • Larry from St. Louis

    Joe, nope, you’re paranoid and they’re Jew haters like most of the people at this blog. They just take it one slightly extra step.

  • paul

    For someone so against evidence obtained by torture its odd that you unquestioningly believe a story based on evidence obtained via torture.

  • Clark

    Larry from St Louis very rarely made any criticism of Apostate under his various names; others did. Larry gives no support to Craig or others for their disapproval of Apostate. I find myself in agreement with many commenters on this blog, but never with Larry. I do not hate Jews, and I wouldn’t visit this site if I found widespread hatred of Jews here.

    Larry is a hypocrite and a liar.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Oh, I think I’ve had some harsh words for Apostate. To be sure – he’s a deranged disgusting asshole. Hope that works.

    But Clark, surely you have some sympathy with the claim that the Jews did 911. And doesn’t that qualify you as a Jew hater?

  • MJ


    But Larry, surely you have some sympathy with the claim that the Muslims did 911. And doesn’t that qualify you as an Islamophobe?

  • Jon

    I am also not of the view that there is widespread anti-semitism here; I think that should be obvious to any reasonably-minded person. But it is probably correct to say that the balance of sympathy is with the Palestinians – which needless to say is not the same thing at all.

  • Jon

    I am also not of the view that there is widespread anti-semitism here; I think that should be obvious to any reasonably-minded person. But it is probably correct to say that the balance of sympathy is with the Palestinians – which needless to say is not the same thing at all.

  • Richard Robinson

    The interesting trick is to find sympathy for both, wherever appropriate.

  • Duncan McFarlane

    You’re absolutely right Craig. Holocaust denial and anti-semitism are not tolerable, any more than any other kind of extreme racism or bigotry.

    Neil – He allows the vast majority of comments he dislikes and disagrees . It’s extremely rare for him to delete comments and they have to be very extreme before he does it.

  • joe rose

    Larry, I do not think so. Moreover, I suspect this ain’t news for you.

  • Roderick Russell

    Craig, you are quite right to shut down holocaust deniers. To my mind holocaust denial is not only wrong and historically inaccurate; it is also cruel to the survivors and the relatives of the dead. Despite this, anti-Semitism and holocaust denial, are still around today. Six million people murdered in cold blood ?” and some idiots would seek to rewrite this recent history.

    To my surprise, even with my own issue, I see some evidence of a latent anti-Semitism still today. As you know my issue (defamation, threats, harassment by MI5/6 on behalf of high establishment interests) has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Jews or Jewish matters, or any religious or ethnic group for that matter; Yet I get emails from people (not Muslims) who seek to blame Jews for the evil that my wife and I have been subjected to and that I write about. Nobody ever blames Muslims, or Protestants, or Catholics, or Hindus ?” just Jews.

    But nowhere on this site are holocaust denial lies and anti-Semitic issues stirred up more than by MI6’s agent provocateur ?” the Larry the liar team ?” presumably in a nasty tactic to divert attention and shut down debate on the real issues. It reminds me a little of the CSIS Agent Provocateur, Grant Bristow, who stirred up neo-Nazism in Canada all these years ago. Be careful that evil Anti-Semites are not used as an excuse to stifle debate.

  • Larry from St. Louis


    You’re really going to anger people here by claiming that I’m MI6. They think I’m IDF or CIA.

    Heh btw, did you figure out the best piece of evidence that you’re being followed by any intelligence service? Again, your crazy letters to the media or the government really don’t constitute evidence for this purpose.

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