Free Books Competition 219

The media is in a frenzy about Iranian “suspected” nuclear weapon development, with virtually every article and broadcast also referencing Israel’s view.

A free copy of The Catholic Orangemen of Togo for every one who first points out each mainstream media reference to Israel’s own massive illegal arsenal of nuclear weapons.

I don’t anticipate giving away a single book.

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219 thoughts on “Free Books Competition

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  • Anon

    “Boooooring! If anyone disgrees with me they must have been paid for with the Zionist shekels! insert *loopy-swivel-eyes* emoticon here.”

    Its not that angrysoba, its that the threads are more then often no longer worth reading, which I think is the intent of some. Take this one as an example.

    “The usual CanSpeccy schtick. Those lib-lefties are smearing me with ad hominems. Boo hoo hoo! I’m going to cwy!”.

  • passerby

    wheeehhhhheeey, I am a disrupter, and a zionist shill too. That is the biggest insult ever heaped upon me, the zionist hating Muslim/Christian/Jew lover (note not Joo, or Joos, or any other form of allusion to Jew/s a trick of the trade of the zionist wankers) that I am.

    What happened I pissed on your hate Iran parade? Gave you some jip about it? Funny, how some of the so called “enlightened” contributors cannot discern their arse from their elbow? Yet take up positions so nicely thought out for them by the mouth pieces of the Plutarchy.
    I can see why the Uzbek should be ranting about Iran, his distorted world view he carefully tries to disguise of Karimov, and his misdeeds, and the fact that Karimov has good relationships with Iran. Hence a friend of my enemy is my enemy too principle applying, he blindly rips his mouth off, often mixing facts, myths, and foibles together to weave a an absolute bilge as his lines of argument. FFS in some other thread this guy mixed Hamas, and Hizbuallah and came out with a new scenario so far unbeknown to the rest of the humanity.
    After all he is most probably sitting at work if he has any to post on this thread and elsewhere, enlightening us all with the breadth of his knowledge. However, as for the rest of the detractors, which leaves Stephen the GIYUS brigade commander, resident in this board. Then there is Suhayl who apparently hates Muslims, and of course some other incarnations of the same bunch posting and complaining about me, being disruptive. What a crock of shit? disrupting what? the debate; Iran rubbish, Muslims rubbish, would it not be great if we all could sing Ging Gang Goolye and be secular democratic!? (we all can dream)
    Well ladies, carry on complaining, This passerby is in no mood to give a shit about it. Further, as much as you would like to think I am an incarnation of a guy past; I am not, however, I can see why they may have left. The boredom of reading your oh so inane posts, with a few notable exceptions, is enough to drive anyone away from this board.

  • angrysoba

    Hey passerby, I read one of your sentences and then ignored the rest. My guess is that you had that effect on most other people. You are not interesting.
    “Gave you some jip about it?”
    “Jip” is in fact a corruption of the anti-ziganist term “Gyp”.

  • angrysoba

    Thanks for the replies. As you know I appreciate your stances on most things because I know that they are arrived at through correct reasoning.
    However, I will just point you to a possible inaccuracy in your reading of my questions.
    Question One was about who supported Iran getting “the bomb”. You said that you don’t and I would always have said that that is your position. I know that you don’t support Iran having the bomb.
    Please be aware of the wording of my next question, sir. It is, “Out of those people, how many have been sworn opponents in your lifetime of ANYONE having the bomb?”.
    In that sense you need not apply because what I am worried most about is those that say they support Iran having “the bomb” and at the same time trying to pass themselves off as CND members. No one who is against the bomb universally has any right whatsoever to claim that Iran has the right to the bomb!
    Okay, the third might be considered a bit of a vulgar prejudice. I think there is something to it and yet Israel has apparently had the bomb for about forty or fifty years. My thoughts are that because after the Yom Kippur War there has been no full-scale wars between Israel and its neighbours that maybe a Cold War style nuclear deterrent has been a good idea.
    By the way, I know this may ruin your reputation here, but I think that you, technicolour and Uzbek in the UK are the best posters here.
    Of course I also like Clark and Glenn but I know that we are not going to agree on very much.

  • passerby

    Give me a break, these pedantic specimens! I hate the little shits hung up on the spelling of vernacular!
    Not interesting to whom? Boo hoo, ho ho, now I need to go and see some life style guru.
    Your kind knows not who you are dealing with woman.
    Compelled to disturb the peace of millions of electrons to come with that unconscious drivel as you “contribution”.

  • angrysoba

    Give me a break, these pedantic specimens! I hate the little shits hung up on the spelling of vernacular!
    Not interesting to whom? Boo hoo, ho ho, now I need to go and see some life style guru.
    Your kind knows not who you are dealing with woman.
    Compelled to disturb the peace of millions of electrons to come with that unconscious drivel as you “contribution”.

    Even this post, which is small by your standards, is unreadable.
    Try again as you cannot be properly influential if you are this incapable of making a point.

  • Qark

    “By the way, I know this may ruin your reputation here, but I think that you, technicolour and Uzbek in the UK are the best posters here.
    Of course I also like Clark and Glenn but I know that we are not going to agree on very much.”
    So we’re to understand that these Craig Murray stalwarts are all for nuking Iran for wanting nukes to deter Israel from nuking them?

  • David

    Craig, you call Israel’s nuclear arsenal ‘illegal’. Would you care to explain why you think that? After all they haven’t signed up to NPT.

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